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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Lmao, probably when I was fooling around and a plane hitted me.
  2. lol thanks, but sure how many more I wanna release, takes wayyyy to long lol!! Get used to it, good work takes time.
  3. Vance crime family and the cholos car.
  4. Lmao, amazing? Anyway I'm playing DMC 3.
  5. hey, you are back

  6. Hey, it looks very very nice, try remembering what was the site.
  7. Hey, it looks very good. But could you add a border, please? Cheers.
  8. I can't say wich is my best game but I can name my favourites. MGS MGS 2 MGS 3 GTA VC GTA 3 GTA SA Fahrenheit COD 4 Resident Evil 4 Kingdom Hearts Freedom Fighters The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Ratchet and Clank Ratchet and Clank: Future Tools of destruction Canis Canen Edit( Bully ) Second Sight Can't remember more games.
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