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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Halo 3, now I understand why there are so many Halo fans.
  2. Some new details, some old. As the blockbuster that is Grand Theft Auto IV edges closer to its release date, more details continue to surface about it. The latest issue of EGM provided the GTA faithful with the latest details on the highly anticipated game to be released next month. This multitude of news comes at the right time as we have only been exposed to bits and pieces of information till this point. Some of these new details include: * The Sixaxis will be used in GTA4 but in a way thats done Right. * A possible MMPOG GTA in the future. May be subscription based. * Beat up cars will eventually stall, leaving you to flee on foot. * Tires will shred apart when they are shot. * Ps3 Version will have warmer colors while the 360 version will have more vibrant colors. * Tap Up on the D-pad brings up the Cell phone. Up a second time brings up the key pad. * There are several different cell phones you gain through out the game. the basic has contacts, organizer, camera, and multiplayer mode. The MP3 version is obtained later in the game. * You can kill anyone and everyone, even your contacts. * Theres a conservative talk station called WKTT (We Know the Truth). This is making fun of Rush limbaugh and will have those red stater rants that was recorded from real fans that called in doing that time period R* was taking calls from fans. * DJ Lazlow Returns * Bloggers play some form in the game. * The old GTA cheat codes we come to love seem to have returned. * You can drop grenades out of the vehicle while driving. you can also "cook" the grenades. * R* is really getting into episodic downloads. may see some for the PS3 version. Source
  3. What's that Gycu Brun? Is it a cake?
  4. I want to thank everyone, especially DH for making the topic.
  5. I'll skip school, hopefully my mother will understand that I have to.
  6. I'm too lazy to download the it, just upload it to your post.
  7. Ivan

    A virus...

    I downloaded a new anti-virus and it's working, the strange thing is that I scanned the PC and eliminated the threats but there is still a icon that tells me to buy some stupid anti-virus.
  8. do you have good computer knowlege?

  9. I think my PC has a virus, then I deleted it but now it seems like it's back, my PC says I don't have a anti-virus but I do have and there's this stupid thing telling me to buy an anti-virus. What can I do? EDIT: Now I can't update my anti-virus...shit
  10. I advise everyone to save some money and get that amazing as fuck package, if I didnt't have a PS3 already I would buy that package.
  11. how's the stunting goin'?

  12. I'm the king of the jungle

  13. It's the "making of" of the game.
  14. Do you play MGS?

  15. It looks as though finally the Metal Gear Solid 4 box-art has been revealed within a Japanese magazine. After all of the custom mock-ups that have been floating around the internet for awhile now, we finally have a solid grasp on what to expect. The game looks like it will have a collector’s edition as well, as you can see the extra content box-art also. The second disc that will more than likely be available in a Collector's Edition bundle is said to be a "Making Of" feature. The article within the magazine also states that prices for each option will be announced March 21. Metal Gear Solid 4 is set to release on June 12(just spectulation). The box-art is featured below. OMG, this is one of the best box-arts I've ever seen. Now some more detailed pics:
  16. Do you have MSN?

  17. Dude...awesome video, it's really great, 10/10
  18. FallenClyro, that release date you said is not comfirmed, at least that's what that site says. But the site looks good
  19. Read more here: http://www.psxextreme.com/ps3-news/2636.html Edit: Metal Gear Solid now has a confirmed release date, it will be hitting retail stores on the 12th of June. Where did you get the information related to MGS 4's release date?
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