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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Haha, it would be awesome if he played like shit and got owned by everybody
  2. Ivan

    E3 2009

    I watched the whole thing and I have to say it was awesome and quite funny too.
  3. Ivan

    E3 2009

    It looked pretty good but imo thefirst Assassin's Creed was awfull but let's see what happens in this one
  4. Yeah, saw that demo and it really rocked, btw is it the same engine or am I mistakened? Playing MGS4.....
  5. Ivan

    E3 2009

    Shit, this was an epic E3 apart from Nintendo, congrats to MS and Sony even though I liked Sony's Conference more, announcing a REAL MGS, a RE for the PSP and all that footage was really awesome. Btw I recommend getting a 360 but with all this exclusive stealing and titles going multi-platform I dunno.
  6. Ivan

    E3 2009

    Shit, for real? A new MGS for the PSP and a new MGS for the 360 that's nothing like what MGS usually is? Fuck, why has Kojima been disappointing me? Grrr, here I was thinking it would be a new game featuring Suda51.... Anyway, I don't have high hopes for MGS: Rising, Kojima isn't thrilled at all at he new game, just check out this link Of coure it could be some translation mistakes but who knows...
  7. Ivan

    E3 2009

    Just so you know, MGS never was a Sony exclusive. Remember MGS2? Also apparently Sony is going to get their own MGS exclusive aswell, something to do with Big Boss because 360 is getting Raiden. Read that from comments on a PS3 forum. Yes, I remember Substance. What I meant was that MGS was primarily a Playstation franchise. Why must I constantly explain myself? I'm just saying that Sony didn't lose an exclusive as it never was one from the beginning. Oh and Ivan while Microsoft's E3 was very powerful, I believe that Sony's will still beat it. Feel free to prove me wrong though if it doesn't Edit: This just in from a Sony representative after yesterday's showcase of events by Microsoft, Sony is rumored to be prepping up quite a line up for their presentation. The rep claims that at least three new Ip's shall be present for the PlayStation platform and these would include an exclusive game from R* studios, Kojima's Project S and something big from Square centering around the Kingdom Hearts Universe. Fuck, that sounds great, and Project S? That's Kojima's and Suda51's game, my favourite game makers on the same game? Fuck yeah
  8. Ivan

    E3 2009

    Well, I thought Micorsoft's Conference would be shit but now I don't even believe Sony or Nintendo will beat it.
  9. Ivan

    E3 2009

    Thanks for the summary Mpilk Anyway, I just thought I'd give the link to MGS: Rising's trailer It's pretty awesome. Trailer Also in the trailer you can see it's exclusive, in the end, it shows the icons, like Konami,etc... and there's only Xbox, no PS3.
  10. Ivan

    E3 2009

    It's likely that it will be an exclusive but it still isn't confirmed, well at least according to IGN.
  11. Yeah, I would love to have mods like cars and shit in the next gta since I don't use my crappy pc for gaming so I can't get mods. I don't think this is very likely to happen though.
  12. Would be interesting to play that mission on a different perspective, there wouldn't be much to do but still.
  13. Yeah, he's feminine but the eyes don't match, I mean it kinda makes sense that it is Sunny because of the silver hair and brown eyes. People said the countdown ends at the Microsoft Conference but apparently it ends at Sony's. Which to be honest makes more sense.
  14. I saw the Raiden picture and actually it isn't raiden, it appears too be Sunny Just look at the eyes, they're brown, not blue.
  15. Graphics aren't everything in a game, if you find something fun in the game and try to look at bad things in a positive way then you could enjoy it a bit, don't break the disc, that's just dumb.
  16. Man United were awfull, glad Barça won.
  17. Ivan

    E3 2009

    No one said that, Mpilk only said that Sony thought this show would be their best in 11 years and then showed us some facts, it's a bit different.
  18. Messi fails this season? You sir, know nothing about football and should probably never post here again. He played brilliantly.
  19. To be honest, I'm really disappointed with the new character, it's not the type I like but eh, I guess the dlc could still be good.
  20. So the second pack of dlc has been announced, it's called "The Ballad of gay Tony. It'll cost 1600 ms points and it's going to be released this fall. The character is going to be Luis Lopez like many people already thought and Gay Tony will play a major part in the game, probably. It's also been announced a 2 disc pack with both dlcs avaible and you don't even need GTA IV to play them! All this exclusive to the XBOX 360. More info on ign
  21. It really annoys me, all this C.Ronaldo thing, Messi is so much better and more talented, hell Kaka is also better than Ronaldo.
  22. Ivan

    E3 2009

    I do have some "proof". The Wii is really starting to go downhill, the PS3 have outsold them in japan for loads of weeks straight, not sure if it's the same now but it probably is. The online service of the PS3 is getting better and it has various exclusives due this year that seem to be quite good, example of Infamous; Heavy Rain; Gran Turismo 5; Uncharted 2; New Ratchet and Clank; God Of War 3, these are just the ones I think will be great and I can remember. The PS3 has also some exclusives,pretty good, that were already released like Yakuza 3 and Killzone 2. The Xbox just doesn't have this much stuff for this year. Fuck, Mpilk already said some of the stuff I said, oh well, I did take a long time to make this post.
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