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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. All of the updates they give us are ridiculous, most of the stuff should have already been there when we bought the console.
  2. Yeah and she's especially hot in your avatar

  3. Ivan


    The game looks really bad and it got an hilarious 4.8/ 10 from IGN.
  4. Ivan


    I envy you, been looking for this game for ages, never found it.
  5. Haha, awesome avatar man :P

  6. Lol, I really need a new HDD, mine's almost full.
  7. Sam Houser is the producer still if that's what you're saying, the developer is different. Also, did anyone notice it says XBOX LIVE at the bottom? Holy shit... My bad, that's what I meant, the developer. I wouldn't really like a fictional city but if it still has that same dark feel then I wouldn't be too disappointed, but still a bit.
  8. Even though the producer is not the same I trust Rockstar won't disapoint us.
  9. I probably won't buy the Godfather II, I'll buy Mafia 2 instead, I think.
  10. FUCK YEAH "Rockstar Games announced today that Max Payne 3 is currently in development for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC platforms, with a release date scheduled for Winter 2009. "We're starting a new chapter of Max's life with this game," said Sam Houser, Founder of Rockstar Games. "This is Max as we've never seen him before, a few years older, more world-weary and cynical than ever. We experience the downward spiral of his life after the events of Max Payne 2 and witness his last chance for salvation." Since leaving the NYPD and New York itself behind, Max Payne has drifted from bad to worse. Double-crossed and a long way from home, Payne finds himself trapped in a city full of violence and bloodshed in a desperate search for the truth. I still don't know if it'll be good without Remedy Games working on it but It's definitely the game I looks forward to the most atm, that and Alan Wake which is being produced by Remedy games. Source: www.psu.com The article also included this image
  11. Yeah, even though missing out on MGS3 is a crime, one of the best ps2 games ever, maybe the best.
  12. If that was the case then most people woudn't have a religion, of course there's stuff you gotta believe to be apart of a religion but there are others that you may disagree.
  13. Why did he get banned?

  14. Don't people ever get tired of making/ posting in these type of topics?
  15. One of the reasons I hate Halo 3 online, that and the fact it sucks.
  16. I've been interested in this game ever since I saw some info of it.
  17. Meh, Uncharted isn't that good. Good points: Great graphics Pretty nice Gameplay Bad points: Shitty voice acting Shitty platforming sections Puzzles are way too easy The Story isn't bad but it's not like it's good. If you haven't played the other MGSs I wouldn't really advise you to buy MGS4, it's really story driven and there are shitloads of nostalgic moments which you won't understand. It's a game that is truly epic for big fans of the series but not so good if you're a newcomer.
  18. The handbeating was pretty cool.
  19. All of the food was horrible, especially the Waffle Couch.
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