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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Ivan

    I'm kinda upset, it's supposed to be summer here and it's raining a lot and stuff, lol

  2. Ivan

    Hey, how's it going?

  3. I wish I was someone better- Blood Red Shoes
  4. It's against the forum rules to help you download an illegal copy of the game. But if you are talking about a legal version then you can download it from direct2drive.
  5. what so you think the game will be purely multiplayer and have no storyline conetent at all? No, he's talking about what the logo means, just that, I think.
  6. CJ cause he learns how to fight Niko fought in the war and shit, I think he'd win.
  7. hey I'm fine dude

  8. "If you mosey on down to the GTA: Chinatown Wars official site you’ll notice that a Nintendo Wi-Fi connection logo is proudly displayed at the bottom of the page. Exciting no? No, it isn’t, but let’s have a closer look anyway. Wi-fi? WTF? We already know that GTA: Chinatown Wars features touch screen controls, a new graphics engine and a winter release date, but online play has never been mentioned. When I first saw the Wi-Fi Connection logo, I didn’t think that was hard enough evidence, but after checking out a single player DS game, in this case Sonic Chronicles - The Dark Brotherhood, I noticed that there was no Nintendo WFC logo displayed on the site, which, for me, is solid enough evidence. So if Chinatown Wars does have online, will it be any good? Since we don’t even know whether the game is 2D or 3D, it’s pretty hard to tell, but judging from GTA IV’s online which, other than Free mode is frankly terrible, past online DS games and Nintendo’s Friend Code system, I’m gonna go with a resounding ‘no’." Source and Kim Andre too Anyway, so do you think it will have an online feature? If so what would you like to see in it? Discuss
  9. Why so serious?

  10. Would you really want to meet a zombie?
  11. The soundtrack from SA is pretty good but I also love the VC one.
  12. Pedro is such a KEWLL GUY

  13. GOod to know dude

  14. Do that and then tell us if it worked, BTW welcome to the forums.
  15. Being dead doesn't mean people don't play it, it just means that games won't be developed anymore for that console.
  16. happy b-day

  17. U sux u callz me fagz, u die :P

  18. Man, I hate the vcs soundtrack but I gotta say that Esperanto/ V Rock is my favourite, it has some nice tracks.
  19. I never trashed your city, I just said you are a fanboy, which in my opinion, is true.
  20. But he's a west coast fanboy so no point saying that.
  21. Ivan

    fine and you?

  22. Any company not run by braindead morons is out to make money. It's more a matter of that than pleasing the fans. Also, if they want to justify / sustain development of a next (possible) GTA, then they'll need the extra revenue. BOLD: I think that's the best argument for a PC release.
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