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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. How has it gone back to 2D, exactly? Like Sean said, there's nothing we know about Chinatown Wars, it was just announced a few days ago! Oh yeah as well as that, if you have read the news on the front page, it's back in Liberty City, meaning we can roam around Liberty City, it's just that the centre attention will be placed in Chinatown. Yeah, we'll probably have all the contacts there. Also going to the DS doesn't mean that it will be 2D, at least not necesarilly. Anyway, the first GTAs were never trully 2D, some parts of it were 3D from what I heard.
  2. I would like a remake of SA, although I'm not sure how it could get better....
  3. You should consider a career in shuting up I see that you have to pay women to get attention but Flesh-n-Bone just doesn't like that type of person, it's his opinion, have respect. Besides from this comment, there's nothing really left to say so someone should lock this probably.
  4. I've been going to Gamestop but sometimes it just really depends, if I want old games I don't usually go there.
  5. Ivan

    Your Race

    Okay, your post has been reported, I guess this should stop now, at least for me, I don't want to get another warning On topic now: Good to know we already found out lots of people that are black and play GTA
  6. I prefer the 2nd one although the first looks pretty nice.
  7. Ivan

    Your Race

    Some 14-15 members here are way more mature than you so who cares? Ad long as someone is mature, there's no prob.
  8. Are you kidding me? Vic is my second favorite after CJ. Meh, it's just my opinion, BTW CJ could leave the sig too. Anyway Avi- 7/10 I don't like Ryder but it ain't a bad pic. Sig- 8/10 Would be better without Vic and CJ in it. Person- You're an alright dude.
  9. Avi- 7/10 I don't like Ryder but it ain't a bad pic. Sig- 8/10 Would be better without Vic in it. Person- You're an alright dude.
  10. Yeah and some people make like 100 posts each day Anyway, already reached the 1800 posts, now going for the 1900.
  11. Jesus was a terrorist- Dead Kennedys
  12. You said a 9mm . 45 which isn't possible so I'm here guessing who's the dick.
  13. MGS4, trying to beat it in The boss extreme difficulty.
  14. I still think the game should run nicely but I could be wrong.
  15. The lost art of keeping a secret- Queens of the Stone Age
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