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Everything posted by Dr.Dbl-Gee

  1. I hope you can pick stuff up and throw it around. Like tables, boxes, small objects and stuff like in Half Life 2.
  2. In SA enough buildings were accesible but it does not matter for me as long as they look good. I hate cheap flat textures of a shop on a wall surface which looks cheap. As long as they dont do that im happy.
  3. We will see but we cannot really say without actually playing the game.
  4. Isn't it also suposed to be Industrial Wastelands? Thats strange, a suburb with radioactive trash in peoples gardens, good combination R*!
  5. Thats cool and realistic. But does that mean if i burn something it will stay that way?
  6. I dunno... Eminem........................................ hmmmmm........ uhm.... i dont really want him in IV though..... He's a little bit too wangsta for me
  7. Everyone has to respect everyone, there are exceptions, I guess your parents didn't teach you that, ask them then. Exactly, he has the right to share his opinion and others have to respect that and atleast not flame on him. Well not to get of subject: NWA and Biggy is a must, what i know for sure is there is gonna be the song War Is Neccesary by NAS, This was confirmed by ZIT.
  8. I am a monkey. So what? didnt i mention that earlier in this forum? Big deal man... I a monkey, a MONKEY!!! RESPECT IT and stop with this DISCRIMINATION!!!! Do you respect that i am a monkey? or Do you respect that i am a monkey?
  9. They did do that, They basically converted everything... Look further in the topic not only on the first page!
  10. As you have perhaps already heard Lazlow, the dude on the radio, is back in IV! Remember VROCK, that was great but now he even has his own radio station called Integrity 2.0! I think thats great to have him back. Also as you may have alread heard, There will be Hip-Hop and Old School Hip-Hop divided into two radio stations: The Beat 102.7 (contemporary hip-hop) and The Classics 104.1 (old-skool hip-hop). I would like to hear a preview and hopefully it will be avalible on the IV official page. I think this is great news.
  11. 100% not Ukrainien. Also not russian and im 100% sure. I'd go with Bosnian or Serbian but i doubt that we will actually ever find out and like Swifty said, i think thats meant to be so that we dont.
  12. Does it matter...? I think that would be retarded
  13. It feels wrong for some reason... I dunno... Like a chick with a nice as$ but no t!ts... or the other way round... Well you get me, it feels awkward.
  14. It exists. Here you go: http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=279345 But nobody would bother coding it.
  15. Its kinda awkward... Different... Strange, Im not feelin the Grand Theft Auto................... too small...
  16. Share it with us lol. Funniest......picture...........EVER!!!!!!!!!! I laughed my ass too!!
  17. ye man, if you want to fake something, atleast make it look real lol
  18. True but it would still be a cool feature. Perhaps you could like turn the engine off...
  19. That has never happened to me before... And it was at 4 AM so maybe it was there perpously and then was removed... Never happend to me either... Perhaps they are like experementing... Actually i kinda think this is fakish...
  20. Ye, i know what you mean. Like when during a chase on the highway your SUV just runs out of fuel and you get busted... But theres always Taxis! I don't think that's the best option to do if your car ran out of fuel and the police runs after you with guns. I always use a cab no matter in which situation!
  21. Ye, i know what you mean. Like when during a chase on the highway your SUV just runs out of fuel and you get busted... But theres always Taxis!
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