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Everything posted by Hansui

  1. submarine? i don't know what is the name of The Truth's camper?
  2. ey, happy birthday homie, sorry for being late :D

  3. Hansui

    hey. congrats to your 7000th reply XD... lets party!!!

  4. yeah, i am also thinking about it sometime ago, it think its a great idea
  5. 100 tags how many turfs/gang territories are there in Los Santos?
  6. well today was quite annoying, i went to school to have that shitty exam and our leader forced all boys to have a haircut and we will go back to school after an hour, instead of going to barbershop me and two of my buddies just bought a scissor and started cutting each others' hair and the result is quite disturbing one especially to one of my buddy who got a longer hair... and the leader then declared he won't give exams to those who didn't went to barbershop and even told me that i have a long hair and me and my friend were forced to have a better haircut and he was disappointed but we managed to have a discount and then we came back and waited for an hour to have the exam and when i sit in my chair our leader announced that those who have mustaches must shave their mustaches within five minutes and i was forced to do it for the silly exam
  7. lol, is it some kind of a song because it is quite familiar to me
  8. hmm... that would cost you much more money than watching the movie in cinema
  9. yeah Scary Movie series are good to watch but sometimes, i just felt that all parody movies aren't really funny and all are the same, they all just make fun on something that it is made of real effort
  10. i say its not really that good but all of my mates here kept insisting that it is very funny and felt quite disappointed every time i insult the movie
  11. cool, but i don't think our decent mates here would like it though
  12. bank robbery is a good idea, but it would be nice if you will also transport some kind of smuggled goods without being noticed or chased by the police
  13. could we vote for banned members? just wondering after i saw azn's post
  14. ^ dude, the nominations don't start now Chris is just asking some new ideas/categories that are going to be added on the upcoming Forum Awards EDIT : sorry, someone already posted before me
  15. What I mean is, I've seen people singing at the karaoke stall off-key, yet get a high score... just shout while singing and you'll get a high score, i saw it some weeks ago when i'm at my classmate's birthday party, when one of my classmates sang Happy Birthday song, he turned it into a screamo and then he got a high score...
  16. yeah, cool sig, i really love simple sigs
  17. how about Best "About me" page? i think its a quite good idea
  18. just want to have a serious chat with my crush though and a psp... which unfortunately, seems impossible for me right now, i have to give my savings to my parents in order to help them, life is hard. and i want to enjoy my vacation
  19. i'm excited on the upcoming awards, i just love the previous awards even though i didn't won any award but i'm just curious, the gang scene is pretty dead, is there any changes going to happen on the gang system of the forums?
  20. good to see the site reached six years... and i'm here for like 3 years. sorry for a bit late greetings though
  21. nice sig, but the girl kinda look creepy, the girl in your avatar is pretty much better though
  22. pero di pa rin malamig dito :(

    ang init nga kanina dun sa skul... halos lagnatin na ako

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