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Status Updates posted by Hansui

  1. i miss ur randomness

  2. i really missed those days :)

  3. i remember this dude

  4. Hansui

    i think there are some recent developments in gang scene :P

  5. i thought it sounded funny :D

  6. I wish I am good in math :(

  7. i'm always fine, i watched some pr0nz in my mate's cellphone lately

  8. i'm fine but kinda upset for some personal reasons

  9. Hansui

    i'm fine tnx. but kinda inactive

  10. i'm fine, thanks dude :D

  11. i'm fine, thanks for the comment

  12. i'm fine, thanks... i just arrived in my home because i was late for like only two minutes <_<...

  13. i'm fine... want some sprunk?

  14. I'm not really that excited when it comes to exams. College Algebra is just ftl :(

  15. Hansui

    i'm quite fine rightnow. w00t

  16. i'm thinking if i'm gonna rebuild it... but it look very noobish if i did that, honestly

  17. i'm with you and Huck. Although I'll not try to offend any people here

  18. is this Sky's account?

  19. its 4:03 PM rightnow, just came from the distant Manila, well... have a good sleep there. And lol, whoopy? I thought it was some sort of a name, isn't it?

  20. its good if you have four comments

  21. ivan got a new name. ;)... wassup dude

  22. just arrived from fuckin school even if it is saturday.... i'm quite inactive rightnow

  23. lawl thanks :D

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