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Everything posted by WRX22B1998

  1. lol that looks pretty fun. we would always be playing marble blast. i think thats it. you are this marble, and u have to go through all these maps.. or chess with voices
  2. ok umm... why is ricardo diaz shooting at pigeons in the intro movie before the mission 'the fastest boat' ?
  3. yeh i know its good software...macs just piss me off sometimes ohh another thing me and other ppl in class would do since our school has a proxy server, and we're all given username and password to log on. so when we open internet, a password thing comes up. so u know dashboard right? with all the widgets or whatevr. well what we do, is open heaps that need the net. eg weather.like 100 or so. then click the middle button. so all these weather things come up. THEN 100 password boxes come up, u close it, but it re-appears a few seconds later. lol. click here <-- page dedicated to the rainbow thing
  4. mitch baker + biker gang...after you do the mission "alloy wheels of steel" and u race them.
  5. ya correct lol quick response ur turn for question
  6. hmmmmmmmm okkkkkkkkkkk. what is the name of the mission where you have to collect a piece of military hardware for cortez?
  7. OK... so its downtown + washington beach that dont have assets?
  8. man some of the people there yesterday were like...freaks. to say the least. yeh i agree with all of that...ive been on a mac doing something with final cut pro. i go to play the video. then says "dropped frames" which means the computer isnt fast enough to play the video back at its full frame rate (25fps) ... WTF. it wasnt HD or anything, and even then, it couldnt even PLAY the video back. yeh its so overpriced, yet so many people still buy there stuff. yeh everyone is slack to vista, on my friends comp was goin alright, except now there was some windows update, but it crashed in the middle of updating (dont ask how idn) and now he cant boot to vista or safemode. he just gets a bsod on startup. do u mean windows emulation ie boot camp or a emulation software like VMware parallels or something?
  9. i know the ctrl command 8 yeh to invert colours...someone did that to all the macs in our computer lab and the teacher was stumped. "what happened" lol. how do you zoom ohh i got one i do alot apple + shift + a (opens applications), then apple + a (select all) then apple + o (open) ahahha its the funniest watching someone go to it, then the dock has like 40 icons, all jumping up and down. then the deadly spinning rainbow thing comes lol only mac would have such convenient shortcuts...why the hell would you want to invert colours with a keyboard shortcut..WTF
  10. well opened yesterday at 5pm. it was pretty cool. umm yeah. they used so much glass, all the outside, the stairs were glass. im sure i was in the first 75 to walk in. it was cool, heaps of stuff. abit crowded though but of course apple with their pricing issues "In the US, a set of these white headphones sells for $US29. That translates to $31, based on an exchange rate of 94 cents to $US1. But in Australia, Apple sells the same headphones for $48 - a price difference of more than one-third, or 35 per cent to be exact." from smh not that i'd buy iPod headphones even if i was given the money
  11. oooh tough one..umm im thinking downtown, yep.. and um..ok. not haiti cos the taxi thing is there. little havana has the printworks, viceport has the boatyard, and i think viceport is the territory where sunshine autos is, washington beach / ocean beach...i think washington has the strip club (pole position) soooooo the two that dont have a asset property: ocean beach, downtown
  12. lol sorry u guys, i posted that question then went offline. Grave Horror: correct Leo Teal
  13. yeh i agree with what the others said.. u shud get at least a geforce FX...which i got one a few years ago for like $100. to get one now...well here on ebay, that is only $40 or something for a fx5500 which shud be a MAJOR improvement. also u can upgrade ur ram (add another 512 stick maybe) which on ebay here is $19 including shipping. that would give u celeron 2.6ghz geforce fx 5500 768mb ram u will have a lot better chance with that
  14. do u mean the game freezes?? there isnt really a lot you can do i think..apart from get rid of the mod. what are your pc specs (cpu, ram, graphics) ? if you turned down some settings (graphic detail, antialiasing) this might fix it.
  15. orrite umm..i looked on gtainside.com, grandtheftauto.fr , gta-worldmods.de, gtagarage.com, grandtheftauto.filefront.com didnt find any dodge intrepid.
  16. lol click for link man..some of these are funny as.
  17. ahh ok, i thought so. so the next beta will have prawn island interiors n stuff?
  18. lol yeah they are making a pacman movie... thats abit strange i think...wtf is it going to be about
  19. i dont think there was a main.scm mod for this? but yeah its simple enough to install mods. as long as you can read and follow instructions. so it edited prawn island as well? i just went to the new island. is there supposed to be a texture or like something on the buildings, they r all plain white.
  20. lol so you live in antarctica? cold there? how r the penguins

  21. lol wtf i saw that women drivers thing before, pretty funny aswell
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