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Vincent Valentino

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Everything posted by Vincent Valentino

  1. i liked the stadium events my fave was the dirt bike arena but it was hard as hell to do some of the stunts .
  2. ^to late im already playin it <gets learners tommarow V gonna get pulled the day he gets his car
  3. If you want a hard core sport play some rugby .
  4. ^is wrong <reading post V is tiger woods
  5. ^never call me koc again <worlkin on comp programs Vhopfully is on my side
  6. ^did but the site got hacked <needs to figure out how to keep subuzi mafia from geting crushed vis gona laugh at me
  7. The man is not a racist hes just having fun .
  8. ^how could you say i am not awsome im quite hurt <pissed because he cant find a girl friend Vis scared of clowns
  9. I am going to remind you on sunday at 2am it will be daylight savings so go and set all your clocks ok . it would be easyer to just set your clocks now.
  10. insted of grove your gang should be a groop of illegal street racers that would be tight! and it should have mixed people like mexican african american all that would be cool
  11. Does anyone here watch the dave chapple show on comedey central i would like to get your opinions on it.
  12. ^is scared of poodles <wants a dodge neon v hates me
  13. ^is right our bathrooms got a hot tub insted <thinking about what to eat Vis hungrey
  14. ^wishes he was <eating a sand which v is a dork
  15. I like the buffolo high speed muscle car baby :!: i like the angel from vice
  16. ill use any blade i can find, because a katana will never run out of ammo when u need it .
  17. ^gets eatin by my dragon <working on sig vthinks i am the king
  18. ^is right <just farted V is gona get hit by a bus
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