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Vincent Valentino

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Everything posted by Vincent Valentino

  1. i dont like it much any more i found out im allergic to something in it.
  2. my dads going to get a supercharger on the gto next month
  3. damn shagzz you just got zapped, but i kinda like it.
  4. lil jon and luda and usher they go good together in songs.
  5. i always wanted to know which is better the 1970's dodge charger or the pontiac gto?I think the chargers bad ass AND HERE IS THE GTO! AND YES THESE ARE MY DADS CARS :!:
  6. it just started ok we are working on geting its affects .
  7. ^why i already have foo <wants to but a name change Vdosent give a damn for what i want
  8. ^has a quad and a drit bike , < wants the 2005 mustang V wants a chriysler 300
  9. ^hermit crabs are weird <i like to bang my head Vprobibly be spazz
  10. i would do this wwydi-my head exploded?
  11. ^is right <building model V was raised by wolve's
  12. i like lil jon,50 cent,luda,jay z .and usher.
  13. its kinda good but i know you can do better
  14. (its not supposed to) threw a match
  15. go to rockstar and make em put stuff in the next gta wwyd if i became a mod?
  16. ^is right <wnats to know the meaning of cake Vhates n00bs
  17. i just hit my 200 post alright
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