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Vincent Valentino

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Everything posted by Vincent Valentino

  1. Well I consider the war we are having right now as wwIII ,but thats just my opinion. Dont ask me why I think that.
  2. WILLL a mod ,or admin please move this to the vice city topic.
  3. I think its street for gun,I could be wrong.
  4. Dude dont qiut tgp i dont hate you im just dissapointed.
  5. Milky you should try that but have 5 pickles in it (pickle is his pet)that would be sweet.
  6. roflmfao what a dumbass .how can you be that stupid.
  7. It is a nice place ive made many friends here.
  8. ^ well hello (this is crimsons sis shannon) < thinks geno is cute Vis gona make my bro hate life
  9. ^and spaz thats the story of how you were born < will eat your childerens childeren V wants my sister.
  10. Bryzed I know you had to laugh at that.
  11. Hey everyone do you like my new sig,mvi made it for me.
  12. your gona do fine barfy just go to games sites like mini clips.
  13. Well i guess im the neutral party , i like luda,lil jon ,the game,50 cent, nas ,Jayz (Rap) and i like ,guns n roses ,metalica ,linkin park,nirvana ,iron maiden and korn, (rock )
  14. Well i dont care as long as tupac did not die.
  15. Does any one even care about skline..it seems as if you guys dont. welcome back pal.
  16. ill tell you what this site needs a shoutbox. O if you sites invison free then its not as good.
  17. well i dont hate you ..at one time you were my don lol.
  18. Hey dude dont sound so nervous ,but welcome to the fourms.
  19. I do wnat the drugs and the bombs to have effects ,but after that we should not ask chris for anything else Hes only one man he cant do every thing,and you have to remember he has the pressure from runing the site on him so I think we should leave the guy alone for a while,ok
  20. o really um well chris will get some effects,and i just found the code for the spank just pm me with your questions ok.
  21. You know your chances of becoming a mod increase if you dont ask they will choose a new mod when they are ready .
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