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Everything posted by JustADummy

  1. Who had a stroke when CJ appeared? Clue: The Meat Business
  2. For people who haven't got to the zone, there are spoilers: I don't like I like because they are very cool cities to hang around ect.
  3. Let's not start a flamefest... *exits*
  4. DH, you better start getting out of this topic, or you will end banned :/
  5. Exactly! Your turn (I was expecting people to get stuck)
  6. What's the difference between GTA III Porter Tunnel and LCS Porter Tunnel? Why LCS Porter Tunnel is still under construction?
  7. It can be just a bug in your game, try to reset the game and try again. GTA IV isn't that stable in bugs.
  8. Is it in Hepburn Heights? (I don't memorize place's names )
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