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Everything posted by JustADummy

  1. Make a new topic for these type of things, don't change the subject of the topic's starter.
  2. Pac (acid) man = Pacidman. Or Placidman? Just wondering...
  4. My virus: Name: Robber Mod XP Mission: He puts a password on your Windows, block your internet and make the Forum mods appear by the telephone.
  5. A n00b: i was her to reprot a ting: the muds suk ass n dis forum too.
  6. The rules are simple. Someone asks a question, and it must begin with the words 'Who or What Am I?' Here is an example. Note: questions must have at minimum two clues in it. EXAMPLE: Who or What am I? I am silver but my name is brown. People have goes at answering the question. People are limited to 3 go's a question, just to free the question up. Here's an example of an answer: EXAMPLE: The Brown Streak Railroad? The next question is answered by the person who got the previous question correct. Unless said by me, a new question can only be asked if the question-answer confirms the choice. If it hasn't been confirmed by me or the question asker, it will be considered illegitimate and the new question asker will have one point deducted from his score, plus a 100 hour ban. I am much stricter than before, and this is your only warning. If the answer has not been confirmed, and the question asker has not replied in 24 hours to the last answer, the question is scrapped and a new one will be asked. Every correct answer gives you one point. Every couple of days, I'll update the scoreboard based on the points given out. But remember, enjoy the game!
  7. That's the same as saying: "You want moderators? DIE!"
  8. Or not. Just type like a mod. Mods doesn't only ban.
  9. Whoops! I just forgot the f*cking storyline.
  10. TFY, I made one Answer to mine.
  11. San Andreas. ylepr Clue: a think that we do on the forums
  12. Lol, it's 1000000 years old because it's Windows 98/ME.
  13. It's my last answer: Salvatore and Maria?
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