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Everything posted by DemonDelight

  1. Would have to say Eagle Eye ATM, just saw it last night
  2. really though, i hate the ds games, because when a good game comes out for console, im like HELL YEAH ill get it for ds, and theen it sucks, like all the need for speeds. hope gta isnt like that...
  3. have you checked My Computer to see if it reconizes it at all? i have the 2GB zen, and i dont use media player for it at all, i just drag and drop the songs into the folder.
  4. it scomes with just the 2, one to plug into your modem/ router, the other to plug into your console. i think if you want extra, you would have to buy another kit though. as for online gameplay, its great. ive been playing halo 3 with my friend online and it works perfect. it is pricey right now, but its a good alternative to wireless. as for it burning out your system, use a surge protector if your worried, but i personally think its safe. WRX: Love the rofl copter
  5. found this sweet thing called the dlink powerline hd network starter kit, lets you have a network conection anywhere in your house through the houses electrical wiring. all you do is plug the first one into the wall, plug an ethernet cable into it and the router, and then plug the second one into another outlet in your house, and plug that into your 360 (or whatever). cost $ 150 from my local staples (CAD), but its a good investment. site>> dlink site
  6. i havent played gta 4 in a while, it got boring a couple of days after i beat it, about the second week it was out. online play was kind of cool, but as far as im concerned, R* really screwed up on it this time around. maybe if they make a new one, ill rent it first, and depending on how good it is then, i might buy it. 4 wasnt worth the price. san andreas was and still is the best of the series. i played that for about 3 years straight withought getting bored of it. fucking yay, ima buy that game next week wivout guitar cuz i got 1 screw singing and drums, im good wiv guitar and pad, im getting 1979 by smashing pumpkins as DLC too yea world tour is definitly better than gh3, i kind of like it better than rockband too. i only have a ps2, and all of the features (with the exception of dlc and online play ) are there. i like how all the rockband instruments are compatible, saved me from buying the whole set with gh's shitty drums.
  7. Finaly. This will definatly give me another reason to go through the game again. I noticed it says there will be 51 trophies opposed to the 50 acheivements the 360 has, i wonder what theyre adding?
  8. i completed gta iv real fast, (first of the series i have actually even bothered to complete), and afterwards i found myself bored of the game. i hate how you do all those cool missions, like hanging off the roof of a truck, and sending pics to people to figure out who to kill, or sniping people in their homes, and after you complete the game, you cant do anything, its like the whole game is just a big tutorial for nothing. Its bull. If you're still into it though after you complete the game, go for some acheivements, do the stunts, kill the birds. Thats pretty much only what they leave you with anyway.
  9. Ive been searching for it a bit, i thought it would be pretty straight forward. So far though, all ive found were media center updates, media center add-ons, and media center Development Kit. Is there anywhere i can just download Media Center 2005? or is it just a version of xp? EDIT:Never mind ill just use mp11
  10. Alright, gotta think on it. Thanks for the help.
  11. We could, the thing is though, the pc sucks bad, its only used for going on the internet every once in a while. If we get the wireles thing for the 360 though, it will let us bring it elsewhere.
  12. I guess so then, ill have to look for a wireless router though, and get the usb wireless thing for the 360. Thanks for the help.
  13. Yes it does work on ps3, ive done it a few times. Try spawning a turismo, (should work with any car though), and park it diagonal within the first part of the north swingset, so that the front right side of the car touches the back-middle pole, and the left side of the car touches the left-front pole. Wait 30secs and watch. If you do it right, niko should fly though the windsheild south, over the highway into the ocean. Try out some new ways as well. i once got the car to launch backwards, hitting the overpass to the west, while leaving nikko on the ground at the swingset.
  14. Sorry for the double post, the ps3 doesn't let me use the post editor. @WRX: The pc doesn't have a wireless card in it, so it has to be plugged in. and we're trying to set it up without having to buy anything extra, just using things we already have.
  15. yea we've been thinking about getting a wireless router, thing is, theres a cable connection already downstairs, so it would be alot cheaper to just set up an extra modem rather than buying a wireless router. Also, we don't even use a router, we just run the ethernet cord strait from the modem to the pc/360. So if we want to set up one of the old modems, would we have to go to the the isp? And if so, will it cost anything?
  16. Ok, im a big N00B with this one, so help me out. Im at my freinds house, trying to help him out with this. We can use Xbox Live perfectly with his old modem, but it gets tiring taking the modem up and down the stairs all the time to swap it between the pc and the 360. Im thinking, why not just use one of the other two of the same Motorola cable modems that are kicking around? it turns out, they wont work on the 360 because the MTU test failed. So im wondering if theres some way to change the settings of the other two modems to make them work on the pc/360. Using winxp. Oh and by the way, if it sounds like i have no clue what the hell im talking about, its because i dont.
  17. Sounds good to me, i just hope that they will release something for ps3 dlc, and not leave them hanging while 360 users have their mission packs.
  18. Thanks for the help. appreciate it alot.
  19. lol. me and my freind were looking forever for that swingset. no luck in finding it yet if someone finds an open swingset to drive a car through could you please post?
  20. No, i wouldnt think so. They updated Liberty for gta IV, i cant see them changing it back to the original just for the ds. There is no confirmation on whether the game is 2D or 3D, so thats still a factor that we must consider. It could be 2D to be able to cram everything in that they need, or it could be 3D and reduce the amount of things in the game (ie map size, weapons).
  21. Throughout the gta franchise, they have done Liberty City, London, Vice City, and San Andreas, multiple times each (except for london), so my guess is that the next city Rockstar will recreate is Vice City or San Andreas. My hope is the next gta is San andreas, based on only one city (hopefully los santos/LA) like it was in the past.
  22. Since i tend to jump around on computers (dont have my own), i dont really bother with photoshop. I just use good old paint. It doesnt do the job nearly as good as photoshop, but i feel like i accomplish more with it. I recently found an online program called spashup, i like it for converting my pics to png.
  23. You know what? this actually makes me want to make a new sig. God knows i need one, ive had this 1 since i registered on this site last august Edit: yup there it is... my new sig. amazing what you can do with paint :)
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