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Everything posted by Deji

  1. how could i put a picture or something in place of the relay text? or at least make it a different colour and font... I could just use Flash but thats more hard work...
  2. Plus they'd double their money as PC version is usually more expensive and more people want the PC version and most people havn't bought Xbox or PS3 GTA IV's as they want the PC version...
  3. Read the pinned tutorials at the top of the page. There are loads but I cant find a working one... I can now also do custom Licence Plates and make more types of pickups. I'm learning mission script now...
  4. well i meant Save Game help and you didn't ask for help... you posted a link to your topic. so if you have a topic already you don't really need to be posting here. if i knew the answer i would have posted there ades ago...
  5. Lol... yay! All I can say (Hey! That rhymes!) I learnt more violence at school than playing a game...
  6. Deji

    SA Speedometer

    IDK where to get THAT speedometer. but there are plenty of others...
  7. Yea Just figured that... Like a second before you posted! xD I went all out and set mine to 60000 but I might have to lower it!! Thanks anyway!
  8. I've been asking alot lately but im no good at modding!!! Anyway I compiled my newest mod and it showed up with no problems... BUT after it compiled it said something about there not being enough memory... --- Then after it says success...I believe this would mean that the thing wouldn't of compiled properly and missed out some things? It came up with the message during the 'Jumps' or something process... So how do I allocate enough memory? Do I have to edit a file? And If so, which one and where in the file do I put this 'DEFINE MEMORY 47259' (Or higher)? Big thanks to anyone who helps... Im creating something good... UPDATE: Never mind I've fixed it!!!! It was right at the top! How could I miss it!?
  9. Deji


    lol... I still want to know what his problem is though... maybe he just likes this or something???
  10. i dont really get this 'Ring Of Death' thing... WTF is it??!?!?!? And yeah PS3's are cool. They take generations of games... PS1 games!!! YAHOOO!!!
  11. IDK... don't even know what your talking about...
  12. Deji


    Why should I have to make that clear? I didn't know some dummy was going to come and try to turn anything I said against me... And you call me stupid... You can't spell 'too' God this is going to end up locked...
  13. I like PS as it has FREE internet. and other things... plus the xbox's have weird controls...
  14. Was this a joke, because if it was thats sad! nope... I dont have a 360 so i just rushed it. needed the info for my website..
  15. I dont care about graphics. its gameplay that counts. and i hated the graphics mod for SA... it looked really weird.
  16. IF R* dont make a PC version... Some geek will! It will be made and not only will it be made but it will have more features if the all the other GTA's are anything to go by. R* woul massively increase their sales and it would stay in the top 10 for a year!!! lol... Especially with the new multiplayer feature in the game. Coz you have to have PS3 to get multiplayer. Or waste your money with Xbox 360... :s
  17. Really? My friend has the best Xbox money can buy and his crashed ALOT. then he changed settings and crashing reduced... but it still crashed alot...
  18. Xbox keeps breaking too... this seems to be a problem for all systems.
  19. Lol... that low... San Andreas scored higher! The only thing besides chrashes i hate is the handling and movement physics that feel like The Getaway!! and yes it happens on both.. my friend had to change sum xbox settings to get it to work but it still crashed a few times...
  20. 100% by the release date. Beat it in 27 hrs!
  21. Deji


    Yes... Perfect STUNTS which takes me an hour to end up doing... So 1: You prooved yourself wrong... 2: I never said I was perfect!!!
  22. ARGHH! Look at the pinned topics... lol
  23. i dont give a f*ck about graphics. san andreas in my eyes was great (But that is coming from a guy who got his PS2 only 2 years ago) Maybe this is R*'s idea of a prank LOL! But I completed the game perfectly so idk whats wrong (There were a few crashes)... this is a bit dissapointing but what can you expect?
  24. Deji


    1: Thanks 2: F*ck Off... I never said a was perfect dumbass.
  25. using them for missions aint gay. i like playing certain missions so i speed through the rest to get to it. they can also make playing missions funny!
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