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Everything posted by Alkali64

  1. You can start the engine and leave it running... But there wont be fuel. It would just be pointless imo.
  2. ^ lmfao. Please stop talking know... Nobody cares about your opinion.
  3. I don't really care tbh... No one can know for sure, so why not just live life instead of trying to know how it came to be? Reliegon is just a big waste of time.
  4. Exactly!....You guys need to snap out of always saying the graphics do not mean everything, when it clearly does. Does to me! and probably everyone else who spent good money for a system dedicated to graphics. Yeah i understand Grand Theft Auto has always been number one for great gameplay, i ain't doubting that but you guys need to get your heads out of the sand and stop talking crap!......They are bad graphics and they need fixing FAST! .... You guys just do not want it delayed again!....I am not bothered, if it was. Then fine because i do not want it being rushed. Actually, i think the graphics look fantastic. Maybe not the best, but certainly good enough for anyone who isn't completley obsessed with the look. Maybe you should just shut up now... or at least wait until the game is actually released before you start bitching about it...
  5. Looks fake if you ask me... I'm not too sure though.
  6. So far, i've only seen Roman wearing two sets of clothes, and that ain't one of them...
  7. Singleplayer. I've always loved GTA for your own private experiences... Yes, i know multiplayer is going to be great but it's not the reason i'm buying it. We'll see though...
  8. No... It's obviously Packie. See any resemblance?
  9. That's right, you heard correct... Mind you, the juicy new screens only roll in at about 41 seconds... There new all the same (At least to me they are...).
  10. Nah, i recommend GIMP. It's a lot simpler, and easier to use.
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