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Everything posted by azn

  1. COMPLETELY agree with you. It happens on any MMO that you play though. I play Sa-mp next thing you see my own team are killing me? o.O"
  2. UMG can take a stick and shove it up their corporal asses..I got just #86 - Most Viewed (Today) - Australia! I agree there's a LOT of hate on Youtube pretty much everywhere you look.
  3. I've experimented. I uploaded a duplicate of my video, except in WMA format and put in the video description: The video and audio in this video belongs to UMG (Universal Music Group). So I got about 15 views..Then 4 hours later they muted it. Stupid straight noodles at Youtube.
  4. I too increased your rating :D

  5. I will try that on my video, as it also belongs to UMG.. EDIT! A Few Guiding Principles It doesn't matter how long or short the clip is, or exactly how it got to YouTube. If you taped it off cable, videotaped your TV screen, or downloaded it from some other website, it is still copyrighted, and requires the copyright owner's permission to distribute. It doesn't matter whether or not you give credit to the owner/author/songwriter—it is still copyrighted. It doesn't matter that you are not selling the video for money—it is still copyrighted. It doesn't matter whether or not the video contains a copyright notice—it is still copyrighted. It doesn't matter whether other similar videos appear on our site—it is still copyrighted. It doesn't matter if you created a video made of short clips of copyrighted content—even though you edited it together, the content is still copyrighted. Yes Indeed
  6. Nate deserves an award for making the admin giggle
  7. I haven't seen ad free internet in such a long time Thanks Evo
  8. I've been seeing this ad just below the TGTAP banner for a while and it's really starting to disturb me. It's fucking disgusting and graphic to see a woman PULLING her lower chin skin off almost every time I visit this forum. It's not even funny to me, every time I see it it makes me sick, literally. I'm wondering though, have any of you guys seen it too?
  9. ...Then face reality with the fucking copyright issues *sigh*
  10. Copyright dictatorship... Which explains why I'm a bit of a copyfighter... There was a time when one of my videos were flagged by the admin as copyvio because of the audio being Soulja Boy's "Yahh!". I only used that for parody purposes, and now they're muting it? Crap, serious crap. Any more and I'll host at Chris's own ImageLodge for videos instead... I'm pissed off too. GO CHRIS!! ImageLodge ftw
  11. Look what they did to my video: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=fVD_4sSEZtE I had it upload about 4 hours ago and they just muted it. It was getting good views!
  12. Earth you enjoy hot weather, I don't I really need to change my sleeping pattern..I go to sleep at almost 4am and wake up at 3pm
  13. I've noticed it. I uploaded a video a year ago and it used Ludacris - Act a Fool, and instead of muting it, they blocked it across Europe I believe. Now, if I upload ANYTHING with music, they block it!
  14. Your Facebook? Link me I'll add you I've been on the net since 03. After I got my first email account. Which surprisingly, still hasn't been spammed yet! I used it mainly for Xbox cheats (Project Gotham Racing) which by the time I was playing Halo 2 and signed up to my first forum! (halo3boards) Then got into San Andreas, then came to TGTAP TM, are you seriously Asian?! These replies really shine some light on your age and intelligence.
  15. azn

    Lol, yes indeed

  16. It was fucking funny as hell though The funny thing is he uploaded it to his Photobucket without renaming the name of the image!
  17. I get so much of it on the Ja Rule and 50 Cent fight *sigh*
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