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Everything posted by azn

  1. Banned for improving your attitude on TGTAP
  2. You buy it from the Converse shop, at around $60US. They normally sell them in those sporting shops... Jace... Avatar: N/A Sig: The same as my last vote Person: Still cool, treats everyone respectively and equally.
  3. O________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________O
  4. =.=" -.-" ><" T_T =P =D =S =( =) xD xP
  5. Avatar: N/A Signature: 10/10 That's some skills you got! Person: Joined not long ago but I'm pretty sure he'll be an awesome and cool guy
  6. Raymond... Avatar: 7/10 The guy has a tough look on his face, would be perfect for an Asian character for the next GTA... Sig: 6/10 No comment... Person: You're getting better since the suspension taught you a lesson, keep it up
  7. Extremely violent arthritis.
  8. It's 133AM from where I come from
  9. Banned because you are now online
  10. Yuck...I woke up at 4 once and the TV was playing an emo music clip...shivers
  12. Mentally insane Monkeys @ Ar-v, Nice new sig it looks great! And thanks I'll use it
  13. Not sure, probably because he's not on today
  14. aye fought u were been serious theyre bee cause you onleey have to posts!!!!!!!!!!!!! how rong wus aye!!!
  15. Peanut for a Ar-v can I put that SFM sig into my sig too?
  16. wtf is a tshirt? i demand to fucking know
  17. Thank you Acid :) I see it was your birthday a couple of weeks ago so a late happy birthday from me too!

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