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Everything posted by azn

  1. Sorry my nets taking a millennium to load >< IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! on the 18th of course
  2. Banned for making fun out of my language thats racism!!!
  3. azn

    oh dammit! =.= my stupid internet connection takes me 2 hours to load tgtap these days!

  4. Anyone that passes out, including CJ will always fall with their backsides facing up.
  5. awesome, sounds great B)

  6. OR a mission where A.R.S.E was successful reinstating the ban, and that Niko Bellic has to smuggle some bikes into Liberty City from one of the previous Cities by actually revisiting the city and picking up a few dozens then ride them to a container ship to be shipped back to LC and then bikes would be hot around Liberty City afterwards...The point of smuggling bikes back would not only to use them on a day to day basis but for a storyline mission for example someone rides it while you shoot while chasing someone down...Just my ideas
  7. Jessica Alba *drools over the keyboard* But she ain't no bitch or anything that Paris Hilton is, so that's pretty much why I like her...
  8. sorry for the late reply opera is playing shit on me lol i should stick to firefox from now on

  9. Were successful destroying
  10. Banned because I want a cookie.
  11. Brotha can you please give me a copy of the map? I like to keep a collection of fake GTAIV stuff prior to the release dates
  12. The anime one? I like anime
  13. The anime one? I like anime
  14. Amen to that What REALLY got on my nerves was the fact that she EVADED jail because she was sick and was allowed in her stupid home and THEN got let out of jail EARLY! Fucking celebrities...Some of them are okay though but her, she is an exception.
  15. hey dude hows it going?

  16. whats up homeboy :)

  17. azn

    what's up homie?

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