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Everything posted by azn

  1. Banned for being Filo and Romanian...VERY FAR AWAY!
  2. azn


    hey add me on msn, i need to change it first because i made a new account it'll say it on my profile.

  3. See in Australia the broadband plans always come with a download limit before they cap you and reduce your speed to dial-up speeds then start charging you, I think they used to have unlimited but those days are over. Apart from Dial-up though, my current dial-up connection has unlimited downloads. Thanks anyway.
  4. I fucking hate my dial-up connection... It runs well below 1000 bytes per second... HOTMAIL takes well over half the day to load... TGTAP takes well over a couple of hours to load... So I'm upgrading to broadband soon to relieve my stress... And save me a a keyboard...
  5. Banned for correcting sibraa5's mistakes.
  6. You worked hard so well done, but the ghost cars have the same damage effects as a normal Glendale if you smash it up, but birds is crazy, but then again, Rockstar are capable of anything that we see in their games...
  7. Banned because I disabled pictures for faster browsing and now cannot see your sig!
  8. That explains with Niko's clothes in all the 3 trailers...
  9. I have a question; Can I start a new game, completely fresh, activate cheats but never finish the missions and it won't alter my other saves? You see, my brother and I both have beaten San Andreas' main storyline at least 3 times before and since we got bored of doing anything else we started creating new profiles and using cheats on them, but we never save or do missions with them and when we quit we discard the game. I do it very often when I get bored and it never alters any of my other saves' progress, missions, or anything like playing basketball in Mad Dogg's gym.
  10. Hello everyone, I'm looking to upgrade to broadband by the time of the release of GTAIV and I need some advice/help on which ISP to choose. I'm looking for an ADSL connection of any speeds around 512KBPS and a download allowance of 5-10GB...I'm on a tight budget and can only spend up to $40AU monthly for my new connection and I need a new modem, so can you please help me with modems and what connection to get? Much appreciated.
  11. haha and thanks for the song too!

  12. azn

    thanks biatch xD jks but thanks Gycu

  13. azn

    not a problem my friend (H) i should call you that from now on :D, nate dogg

  14. I understand what you say. Our lives get busier and busier as we get older and what you did was very brave of you because I wouldn't even ask in the first place to turn off that racket if I were you, but keep in mind you have a great group of loyal friends here on TGTAP if you ever need a good conversation or just have some company around!
  15. To actually purchase crack off the dealers... To ride in the passenger seats and do drive by's... More of that 90's rap... To talk to people rather then responding... I got more...
  16. Avatar: 6/10 Sig: 8/10 I like the blue one with thumbnails of all the games you play Person: Seen your posts around but I don't really know you but I guess your cool.
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