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Everything posted by Cross

  1. although i dont really know you- happy birthday but dont get yourself to high or drunk lol
  2. ^i wil NEVER worship ANYONE <wants to have some hot sex with some even hotter girl Vmasturbades to Cartman fron southpark
  3. Weeeeeeeeeeeeell Kyle's Mom's a bitch, she's a big fat bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide bitch, she's a stupid bitch, if there ever was a bitch, she's a bitch to all the boys and girls. on Monday she's a bitch, on Tuesday she's a bitch, on Wednesday through Saturday, she's a bitch, then on Sunday, just to be different, she's a super kingkong kameha-meha biatch! Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide bitch, she's a mean old bitch, and she has stupid hair, she's a bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, she's a stupid bitch, Kyle's mom's a bitch and shes such a dirty bitch. Talk to kids around the world it might go a little bit somethin like this. (translations in japanese, french, deutsch and african) Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide bitch, she's a mean old bitch, and she has stupid hair, she's a bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, she's a stupid bitch, Kyle's mom's a bitch and shes such a dirty bitch. I Really mean it, Kyles mom Shes a big fat fucking bitch a big fat fucking bitch, kyles mom yeaaaaaaaahhhh!
  4. anyone here like southpark?
  5. Can't seem to get into that, yeah, it looks gorgeous, yeah, it's good... but.... eh..... i struggle to like it, have to force myself to play it.... why do you have to FORCE yourself to play a game? games arent meant to be played unless you like them... but if you still want to play it download some mods like "Oblivion Lost" off filefront or something.... P.S. got NFS Most Wanted and its AWSOME!!!!! and its graphics are like GTA IV's
  6. Avatar: 1/5 its kind of plain but it is GTA IV Sig: 3/5 not bad Person: dont know you that much well but you seem OK from what ive seen
  7. im pretty sure this has been posted before but i havent seen one so which one is yours? i personaly like GTA San Andreas's theme song beacuse...i just like it
  8. you a professional moron or just a gifted amatur?
  9. who here like Jackie Chan? (as an actor of course)
  10. hes right, if there was a chopper instead of the "welcome to LV" and a car or something insead of the "Vinewood" that itll look more realistic
  11. this happened to me once... i dont remember why but i think its cause i did Alt+Tab after pressing Esc or beacuse i was using some trainer after pressing Alt+Tab and it screwed up
  12. come to think of it i remember some rapper that looks and sounds EXACTLY like ryder exept that on his hat is written "Campton" instead of "San Andreas" mabye he did the voice acting of Ryder? P.S i think you should change the Niko Bellic quote in the poll to "Big Mouthed Prick" instead of "Erm..."
  13. Yo momas so fat that the Hiroshima explosion was ectually her jumping of a plane
  14. i have long hair now but im going to get a haircut the day i get some free time
  15. im playing -GTA:SA -Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare -Battlefield 2142 -World In Conflict -S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow Of Chernobyl and i think thats it for now
  16. nice, i really liked this one and your last sig (with the girl in it) was also sweet
  17. i think its "The Da Nang Thang" or "Fender Ketchup"
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