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Everything posted by Cross

  1. what kind of animation do you want? if you want the pictures to moving then youll need to give the pics separately
  2. ok so i guess im buying the PS3 when i get the money but ive got a couple of questions first 1. wheres it cheaper in america or Europe? 2. if i put the X360 if a cold place will it elimanat/reduce the chance of getting th RROD? 3.are the 60GB PS3's still in roduction? cause ive heard they warent... 4.what other versions besides the 60 and 80 GB of PS3 are avalibe (besides the 20GB) that can play PS2 games?
  3. it was probobaly an accident (i also have that somethimes) that doesnt refresh the page after you post so you think you didnt post even if you did and heres a site i found with saves after each mission from the first to the last http://vladimir.skach.cz/sanandreas/
  4. i just like to talk here with others without seddenly saying something thats reminds me my problems
  5. what the hell??! why on the kitchen table of all places?
  6. id rather do the picnic table would you rather eath your own shit for evey time you have sex, play games or eat something other than crap or be big somkes sex slave for the next 47 years
  7. does anybody have a samp 0.1b or knows where i can download one beacuse i wanna make some game mods and the 2'nd debug is hard to use
  8. when ill get the game (i dont even have a console yet ) anyway ill probobaly do missions or a bit of multiplayer using the AK-47 and then ill just do more mission and multiplayer and then go exploring a little bit with the first car i see while listening to The Beat 102.7
  9. what the fuck?? thats just fucked up!!!
  10. granted but the cake is made out of his giant shit i wish i had superpowerzzz!!!
  11. ive seen some other people make topics like this so ive decided ill make some of my own just put a request here with what picture you want and ill make a sig/banner/avatar/logo/userbar or anything else just tell me what you want in the folowing way: type- (logo/sig/avatar/etc...) (optional)- picture (if you dont put anything ill make one just with your name and some background unless you want me otherwise) (optional)- size (if you dont tell ill chose one for you or yuo can tell me sizes ranging from ***X*** to ***X***) other- ill put some of my work here later but you can look at my sig to see an example heres some examples of what ive done till now- ill add more soon
  12. yeah the color is alot better but i like the model of the other one better
  13. just use a lpayer and turn the music in the game off and if you want it to feel like its truely from the game you can glue the player to the screen
  14. im straight but i have nothing aginst gay people
  15. red (cause he is red colored)
  16. ^ It's actually common practice for drugs to be transported in this way. Condoms are designed not to split (obviously) so, it provides an undetectable, 'safe' way to move drugs. People do the same with dogs aswell. @Ghost.... He didn't know he was going to die, just, direct weed to the gut isn't very healthy, I'm sure he didn't mean for it to happen. now that you mention it i remember when i saw a movie where people put alot of drugs into condoms and then put them in cows asses (closing it with duckt tape) and transported them this way... pretty stupid
  17. looks nice... even better then the nissan 350Z damn i wish i had money for all thos egood cars
  18. thats pretty good! looks professional
  19. here changed it the 3rd time made the text white and made a black stroke
  20. i swear the world is getting more retarded each year
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