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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Yes! Yo, Chris instead of me adding you as a friend on XBL. Can I add you on Playstation Network? I just want to kick your admin ass at your game. Sure, add me on both, whatever. Not really playing much online on PS3, 360 or PC right now though, busy with a big website project, gotta get that done first, amongst other things. Oh and also if you meant playing Resistance 2, I fucking suck at it online for some reason I'm fairly decent in Killzone 2 though. ORLY?? KillZone? Oh your on! Kris Fillips!
  2. Husky

    My New PC

    Aww fuck you Raybob! Why didn't ya make me one! XD Anyway thats a nice Rig your ordering though for a real nice price. Oh and those two products in the links are sold out for good. I'd just buy them from BestBuy or Target or maybe Walmart for a cheaper price. And btw to even make your PC look cooler I've seen some of those little glow up keyboards and mouses. Man f u. I am so jelouse. Fawk
  3. Victor, there are clues. Like in the mission Back Alley Brawl. Lance says " What is it yo green? Or my dead brother's white lady." Which he is referring to Louse who has been killed by that preacher in Vice City Stories.
  4. Husky

    The Sims 3

    X2 Any cheats for Bustn' Out? Thats the one I currently have.
  5. Husky

    The Sims 3

    I mean't concels Bear. Do they have any for concels?
  6. Avatar: 10.10 I love that movie! U gawt pwnz da fuck owt. Signature: 5/10 Person:
  7. Yo, I was watching this movie called: The Happening. Did you know Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories made a cameo appearance in there?

  8. Just change the computer you are playing GTA IV period. Laptop's aren't recomended for gaming. Most people on here who ask the same question get this: Go get a desktop that runs the requirements.
  9. Husky

    The Sims 3

    Ergh, I thought the Sims was terrible on the consoles. To be honest sometimes I cheated with money sometimes I didn't. I did get one sim to make £100,000 in a week (lots of bonuses) and her daily wage was £4000. That was journalism career. Also I am not fussed if the graphics aren't amazing. I thought the Sims 2 graphics were good. I never knew the Sims had a money cheat. What game has that cheat?
  10. Errm can your elaborate more please?
  11. Husky

    The Sims 3

    About time they done something with that furniture placement. The most thing that I HATE about the Sims series is that it takes a shit load of time to make enough money to make a normal house. But I have to say the sims 2 sucked. Becuase the house creation was confusing. And it took me almost 4 months just to get $400,000. They should really start making the sims for the consel now, again.
  12. Yo, Chris instead of me adding you as a friend on XBL. Can I add you on Playstation Network? I just want to kick your admin ass at your game.
  13. Dude its simple, just buy a TV tuner card. Its much better than recording your Television with a low res. camera.
  14. Husky


    I fucking lol'd so hard.
  15. If you still have your recipt you can return it to the store for a refund. Or just trade it in for another game.
  16. Your PC case is awesome. Where and how do you get it?

  17. A agree that game was a piece of fucking shit. I've payed a rental for that game at Blockbuster, for my sisters Xbox. At first when I first heard about it I thought that it was going to be a kick ass Grand Theft Auto IV feel like game. But for a long ass delay, we get left off with this Simpson's Hit and Run lookin' like game. When I first played this it reminded me of first playing Saints Row 2. The graphics suck ass , the combat sucks ass , the gameplay sucks ass. The game does have alot of bugs in it. I have to admit it but the first Godfather game was way better than this. And $60 for this piece of cow jizz? What a big rip off. EA rushed the game, it doesn't look finished at all. Its just a low budget game. I am never buying any video game from EA again. Scarface: The world is yours is 10x more fun than this game. 1/10
  18. Lol, you said " Its a mod garage. " Thats the first thing I said when I found out what it really is. Well Noru and Urbanoutlaw are right. Once you complete all of Brucie's missions he will give you Stevie's number for and X amout of money. Edit: Oops that video was taken last year. That wasn't you.
  19. Oh my Fluffing god! You sound like a Twelve year old!
  20. Doesn't Bisexual mean your gay because your interested in men? Doesnt mean lesbian for women to?
  21. The Simpsons is shit. Almost every joke they attempt fails. But Beavis and Butthead are the best of MTV IMO. Family Guy is the best of Animation Domination.
  22. Husky

    E3 2009

    Metal Gear Solid 5? I've played the latest one for 3 hours. I gotta tell you its awesome.
  23. Husky

    Worst PC

    ? I think you've writtien that because there's another topic Exactly like this. If you took my last post out of context it was actually going to Raybob. Not steveplayer.
  24. Fanboy's will probably think its Toni Cimpriani. Wow but I'm suprised with the CD part. Its better than waiting for HOURS to download. BTW the name reminds me of the retarded movie: Talladega Nights The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
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