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Everything posted by Chris

  1. LOLPOLL. I will not be voting in this because American politics is shit (though the UK isn't much better either). From what I've heard, Obama is a pretty cool guy. And McCain is a bit of cunt. Don't know anything about the other candidates though and I don't care either. But I hope your country gets a decent president this time, because you sure as hell need one. I like how I'm winning though
  2. Yeah. Main problem in Aus is their videogame rating system I think. Only goes up to MA15+ IIRC, while film goes up to R18. It would be fine if they brought R18 into the videogame system and just gave all the GTA's that. No need to censor then. There's no word on any censorship taking place for the Japanese version though, so unless we hear otherwise we can just assume it's the full uncut version.
  3. Chris

    Heh thanks. Hey you might think it inappropriate to say that but I wouldn't haha :P

    lol, how are you anyway?

  4. Chris

    lol yeah it's like I've suddenly become hot by putting up a anime/manga style pic of myself - not that I like that sort of stuff, I just thought it was cool how I could get to look like myself :P

    Yes the sex requests are getting a bit much and they're all guys :(

  5. Chris

    I don't. But it looks alright :P

  6. Sure. Get in line behind Evo and rem ;)

  7. Good news for readers in Japan still waiting to get their hands on Grand Theft Auto IV. A press release from Take2 today announced that the localized Japanese version of the game would be released on 30th October, 2008 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles.
  8. Hey! Don't you dare change Algonquin! I'll have you know the Algonquin were (and I think maybe still are, if any more exist) one of the most honored tribes of Native Indians, and Algonquin Park is my favourite Provincial Park (my Grandma lives just outside Algonquin Provincial Park). Also, Odie passed away? What happened? I never heard this at all. WTF? Did you quote the wrong post or something? I never mentioned "Algonquin" in my entire post. As for Odie it was 2 or 3 years ago now. Details of his death were kept private.
  9. LOL no. There are only 3 types of ears to choose and the other 2 would make me look like some anime fag. But yeah I just thought it was cool how recognisable it could go. So I'm using it as my pic.

  10. you're shit at jokes. Obviously I was too.

  11. iTunes says I have exactly 1700 albums. Vast majority are full albums too I'm seriously not listing ALL of them here
  12. Yes that's true. But I have 4x 1GB sticks anyway. Maximum memory of a 32bit OS is 3.12GB... so you know I may as well keep the 4th stick in there for an extra hundred or so megs of RAM. Doesn't do any harm. I should have installed 64bit in the first place but that was the version people always seemed to complain about so I got put off.

  13. 6.8GB at least for hard drive space, maybe 7. Assuming we have the option to not install the radio stations that may be cut down by a gig or so. We'll say 8GB to be on the safe side.
  14. Why did you wanna know about my Vista?

  15. Oh yeah sorry I meant 'state' when I typed that... woops But yeah, America is very unoriginal with names. But yeah I don't believe this shit. Until there's hard evidence I never will, I simply don't care for bigfoot's existence or lack of.
  16. Yes, we were just talking about how we couldn't use the official GTA logo. That TGTAP logo there was just a prototype. It's likely to be scrapped as a new logo is in the works by staff members at the moment.
  17. Lol good pic. Looks like they got a gorilla suit and put some okay-looking innards on it etc. Also WTF at American towns using European country names, fuck is up with that? I read this and assumed it was in the country Georgia (i.e. the one at war with Russia right now). Weird. But yeah. Not sure why this is making news. Looks like a typical fake to me. Saw a similar article regarding the same pic on a reputable news site earlier.
  18. For the last time! No, we're not posting GTA4.tv's specs on the front page. They aren't official. They are taken from CoD4. Besides, ours seem more realistic.
  19. Enjoy your imminent fail then. Oh and guy with crappy laptop, BULL, or someone, didn't notice you had a Intel GMA gfx card - yeah you're gonna be lucky as hell to get it to run on that mate. You not got a PC you can play it on? Upgrading laptops is ftl.
  20. Are you some sort of GTA4.tv promoter or something? You do realise they just posted Call of Duty 4 specs, verbatim, don't you. Their guess is as good as ours. I think ours is more realistic though. Also I don't believe you have a cousin. Why would anyone at nVidia know what the requirements are?
  21. Lol yeah that was a stupid question. He must've signed multiple contracts as anyone would doing his sort of job. Including the infamous NDA's. I think when we do our interviews we'll probably stick to prolific modders and other members of the GTA community, as opposed to voice actors and such. We'll also select only relevant and interesting questions which the interviewee will actually be able to answer. It makes for a better interview and provides a much more fulfilling and interesting read for the readers, in my experience.
  22. Through his official website most likely. Interview was done by email. I was talking to their webmasters about it because it just looks so unprofessional for him to do that. He allegedly answered the questions in the middle of the night which is why he says "lol" a lot and has spelled a hell of a lot of words wrong, grammar is poor and as Connor pointed out, used wrong words such as "feet" instead of "feat" (which I lol'd at) and "seen" instead of "scene" which for an actor is a pretty basic word to know. Perhaps he was under the influence of drugs whilst answering? I agree they selected a lot of poor questions, asking him stuff he obviously wouldn't know. PC version differences? WTF, why would he know that. There's some good ones though. Also unlike some other fansites we do like to support the community. And to give GTA4Mods some credit, unlike other new fansites they are actually trying to be a little different, e.g. getting interviews and such.
  23. Maybe but it will be very slow. You'd have to play at pretty low settings, BULL.
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