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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Because it's just a development build. No point putting all the skin functions on every skin until it's final. Otherwise every time I made a change I'd have to do it for every single skin.
  2. WTF @ the pic of Lola? Are you trying to compare her with Notorious? They look nothing alike :/
  3. You know most people round here anticipate the girls posting new pictures... but whatever floats your boat mate
  4. Oh... awesome. Also I somehow missed actually posting a pic of myself in my previous post, well here it is anyway. Lol.
  5. Time for a post with lots of quotes. Here I go. *joins in as well* Your hair is awesome actually. Probably because I am. OMG BRITISH ADMIN we must join his site lololol etc. etc. Well that probably isn't the reason but yeah I'm not complaining anyway, the more Brits/Aussies/NZ'ers (and any other countries with the Union Jack inside their flag) the better! LOL WUT I thought you said you already got it cut and had a pic you couldn't be bothered to upload? Oh well, I can't wait to see how much more emo you've become. Are you gonna get like a shitload of lip and eyebrow piercings and shit too?
  6. They've got the hots for me that's why. Also, imagine if I commented one of the commenters back. You'd feel so special if it was you wouldn't you?

    I do check my profile every few days just to see what people are saying.

  7. Ha, yeah they had one up the right way too for people to sit in and stuff. I just captured that one because it was pretty weird. Only Honda would do such a thing. Very unique marketing and advertising of their products.
  8. So yesterday I went to the British Motor Show at the ExCeL in London. It was pretty cool save for a few manufacturers missing that I was hoping to see (BMW, Ferrari, Audi etc.). Also, lack of hot models. Sure there were some models. But they weren't modelling as much as they do on the press days, I guess letting people like me actually take pics of the cars themselves... but you know it would have been nice to have some skin in too! Anyway, I uploaded 70 photos I thought looked alright, see them on flickr - http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisphillips...57606459974075/ One of my favourite photos has to be the the front of the Alfa 159 - dunno why but I think it just looks sexy as fuck (and btw Alfa always has the hottest girls, they're probably actual Italians). Similarly, the front of the new Camaro I also quite liked, here and here. Comments on the cars and/or my photos? We can discuss them here.
  9. Heh, French makes are probably some of the most popular cars in Britain. And yeah I hate almost all American cars. in fact I can list American cars I like right now as there's so few. Chevrolet - Corvettes and Camaros (new ones) Ford - Mustangs and the Focus RS and yeah I think that's it, just those four
  10. The logo's been on there since the site launched. I think these websites reporting this are all just having a slow news day.
  11. Closed by OP's request.
  12. Rockstar Games have today unveiled The Millionaires Club, a new addition to the Social Club. The club recognises all players who have earned over 1 million dollars in the game - not based on your current bank balance though, but by the total amount of money you have made since you first started playing, i.e. every mission you passed, all money you picked up off the ground, every race you won etc. Once you've amassed a seven figure wealth, you'll be able to compare youself to all the other Millionaires out there. A total of three leaderboards show you who were the first to become millionaires, who did it the quickest, and who is the richest. Let us know how you've found the Social Club to be and if you're in the club already. I for one have had not such a good experience. Despite 100%'ing the game weeks before the competition deadline (sometime back in early-mid May), my status still to this day has not updated itself, and claims I've only completed the game 90 percent. Hopefully you've all had better experiences than myself! Link: Social Club
  13. Shitting hell. Keep us updated so we know you and your family are still ok. That must suck ass being so close to bombs going off.
  14. Fucking MOD GET. B&B&B&
  15. WTF. Seriously why the fuck would anyone re-install an entire OS just because a fucking game doesn't launch. Don't you even bother trying to figure out what's causing the problem and just rectify that. Surely a whole lot easier, no? If not you're even lazier than me. Installing an OS sucks. Weird. Seriously though just invest in an external hard drive. You can get a 500GB one for under £70 and I'm pretty sure you don't have that much stuff that you'd fill it up. Really only people in the film/photographic/3d modelling etc. industries should need shitloads of space like that, that or you're weird like me and have a ton of 'content' you need to keep safe...
  16. Or use the money which you're earning from all the ads on your extremely popular website the gta sector dot com which gets over 1 users everyday, to buy an external hard drive and just copy all your shit to that. Fail.
  17. You reckon? It's just one of the things I thought about was how no one bought anything from your store :/ Hmm... guess there's no harm in making stuff available. Not like I would lose anything if no one bought anything. Oh lord. Can you imagine how big my ego would be if I saw people walking around wearing stuff like that! And OMG girls too. Misho you bloody tease you! Roarsome.
  18. It would be quite cool actually, I say that as I sit here in London at the moment. But I personally don't think R* would do it. The Getaway (what's happening with their series?) already has London done pretty well. No idea if there's a new one coming out, but assuming it's also in London, it would be pointless having GTA there as well.
  19. Yeah. Our cafepress store is still empty as it has been for over 4 years now! I toyed with the idea of putting our banner on t-shirts but it looks stupid when it's just images blended together. Since we currently don't have an actual logo so to speak, there's not much else to put except text on it's own. Having said that, staff/elites may remember last year sometime when we were designing logos, we came up with this, which was never used: Someone with decent photoshop skills might be able to come up with something new/better. BTW, the other reason we didn't do anything with a shop was because we didn't think anyone would actually buy anything. Would any of you guys/girls actually buy TGTAP-branded apparel/accessories? Buy your girlfriend a TGTAP thong... lol.
  20. As he said, they use a mixture of both which IMO is actually stupider. Should just stick to either American, like America, or British like every other country in the entire world TGTAP is a British owned and run site, so in our footer you see 'recognised'. We also use British English in all news/content except where written by one of our American staff.
  21. You're so un-Portuguese Vasco, you completely fit in with the indie scene in the UK
  22. I already have a huge mass of stats and so I know countries in which TGTAP is popular, however, the forum is very different because not everyone from the countries we're popular in sign up. e.g. it may surprise you that Brazil is the 3rd most popular country to visit TGTAP from... yet how many Brazilians are on the forums... practically none whatsoever... interesting huh? So yes, let's see how it differs.
  23. Yes it was removed for precisely that reason. That and the fact it's still currently useless.
  24. I registered on Frappr a couple of years ago with the intention of posting this on TGTAP, but forgot about it. Basically, Frappr is a Google Maps mashup which allows you to place yourself on a map and view where other users are too, just a little fun thing so we can see where everyone's from and see where we're popular etc. A couple of months ago I remembered about it but every time I added myself it moved my location up into Scotland for no apparent reason. Not wanting to appear in the wrong country I just ignored it. Remembered it again today and it all seems to be working fine. So, here's the map, go ahead and add yourself. I may put a link up in the header if it's popular. But if no one really cares we'll just have this topic for it.
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