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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Well yeah we don't know what specs it will require yet, and if it'll take advantage of DX10 - but one would assume it will do.
  2. Lol, might as well, that's what I did before buying an extra 2x1GB sticks. Then I sold the old RAM
  3. I'd double the amount of RAM there if you can afford it. Just to be sure. 2GB isn't that much these days, it's enough, but you know, this is GTAIV.
  4. Just buy an adapter for your old PS2 controller. PS2 controllers are the best for playing GTA games on the PC. Been using it to play them since GTA3 PC parts manufacturers are gonna love this news though. Think of all the people who must be upgrading their computers now. Everyone wanting Vista and a new graphics card so they can see the benefits of DX10. Everyone getting more RAM. Glad I upgraded last year, will almost certainly pay off. 2.4GHz Core2Duo, 4GB RAM, 8800GTS 320MB, I can't wait for this. Will be pre-ordering as soon as it's available online somewhere
  5. Oh man. Can you imagine the amount of twats we're gonna get on here posting crap like "why duz GTA4 run so slow on my PC plz halp". Fucking kids on their parents computers... Probably gonna need to employ some new moderators here!
  6. Fixed your news rem. Helps if you link to the press release and include the release date, important details you know This is epic news though, what everyone expected and everyone was waiting for.
  7. We wouldn't be allowed to use any R* logo, and also I'm not sure we'd be able to use the Grand Theft Auto logo or any of the games' logos. A staff shirt? As in put all our faces on it or what? Wasn't there a plan to make a wallpaper or some shit like that a few years ago? You could probably do that now since most staff have pics posted somewhere.
  8. Don't you get it? It's GTA IV on a PC. Work on your prepositions dude. Lol I just noticed that Ice didn't actually get it. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry at the mental retardation of some of our users here...
  9. Chris

    Aw that sucks. Hope you get better soon :)

    Probably due to you watching too much crappy NZ soaps... best stick to your neighbour country Australia's stuff, Neighbours and Home & Away... as in... soaps that are actually still broadcast over here :P

  10. How did you manage to do that? Any variation of our domains should immediately redirect you to thegtaplace.com... Ah the downloads htaccess overrides it. I'll fix this later. EDIT: Should be fixed now.
  11. Chris

    Not bad thanks. Yourself?

  12. Chris

    Ah right. Was just reading about it on wikipedia. Looks like they're currently airing series 2 in NZ. Seems they're having almost completely different characters in series 3 though... dunno if I can be bothered to watch it anymore :P

  13. I'm pretty sure everyone did. The idiots are the ones who kept clicking and/or was wondering why it wouldn't load. The complete morons are the ones who went so far as to ask whether or not it was a joke. Either way, this topic contains a lot of lulz. Luckily the first few replies are all playing along, so we can still fool people with this, because who the hell reads replies before reading the first post?
  14. Captain Obvious to the rescue! Jesus Christ people, some of you lot really are fucking retarded sometimes.
  15. This video is I enjoyed literally every second of it
  16. Chris

    In Flames and RJA, nice, the rest are all just.. meh :P

    Oh and they show Skins in NZ? Lol, they shown both series? I thought the first was alright but the second was just weird :/

    Oh and hi btw. :P

  17. Because not many journalists are also videogamers - this guy has probably never played the game, and of course doesn't realise that Niko (originally) pretty much had mainly good intentions of living The American Dream™ (lol, yeah right, oxymoron much?). Anyway, link to article? It's not very well written at all (granted, his first language clearly isn't English) but I'm guessing it's not from a particularly reputable website...
  18. Shit! Hope he recovers well, great actor and it would be a great shame if we lost him too. Dark Knight seriously is one of the best films ever IMO, especially if you view Batman Begins and The Dark Knight as one big film. Simply amazing. Heath Ledger's performance was easily worthy of a post-humous award, and I'd be very surprised if he doesn't get one. Also his makeup was awesome, really did make him look maniacal. I'm guessing Two Face's makeup had a lot of CGI for it, but it was great how it showed his whole eyeball due to the fact his eyelid had completely burnt away. I think someone mentioned it being a bit of a terminator rip off in this topic. I don't see it as a rip off because he's a real human being as opposed to a metal endoskeleton with tissue covering it. He'd be in a great deal of pain if it was real. I thought it looked pretty cool anyway, regardless of any similarities.
  19. ha, you still have that part of a convo kokane and I had on YIM years ago in your sig You haven't actually actively posted on here all this year really, save for a few random days since January, where you been?
  20. You Canadians/Americans living in Canada all live fairly close to each other, considering the size of the country at least. lol @ whoever put themselves in Antarctica as a transvestite... silly
  21. One of the gardens at Hampton Court Palace, my dad took the pic. Was in London last week with him so we did a bunch of touristy type things for photography purposes. But yeah I liked the pic too and hadn't posted anything here for ages so thought it would be a good one to post.
  22. Blame our dumbass moderators who don't know how to merge threads properly. They merge the old one into the new one, instead of the other way round. The topic was one of the very first on the forums but the topic ID makes it look as it's a new one! But yeah I'll change the link in the notification thingy, thanks.
  23. Oh bugger! Thanks for pointing that out, I'll have to fix that later.
  24. Find him? LOL you didn't actually read the article did you. They locked him inside the bus until cops arrived.
  25. Shit I actually read this story last night, but I read the topic title of this as "Awesome Bus Murder" (come on no one uses the word gruesome these days) and was like wat. But yeah it's pretty bad, and in Canada wtf. This is the sort of thing we've come to expect from countries such as the USA or African countries where murder is commonplace every single day.
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