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Everything posted by Chris

  1. No not really. Not until programs are written to take advantage of it. Such as Photoshop CS4.

    Oh and you should definitely do all those things.

  2. true dat. Oh, completely unrelated note, I'm on 64 bit vista now. So my 4gb ram is useful :)

    Can't wait to come back and see what fun you've been having on the forums :P

  3. Yeah, you're just a pimp ;] But apparently a moral one. Which, is kinda fail, tbh.
  4. LOL. And I wouldn't need to anyway because wimminz would be throwing themselves at me for being the hottest president in history etc. and the fact I'm actually cool and not a complete dickhead like most US presidents
  5. Yes, delicious treats. Now get back to the kitchen and make me some. j/k 300 US or 300 NZ? US Dollars suck these days, I think you'd rather have 300 kiwi's or 300 kiwifruit's to be honest ha. Anyways I am off to Reading tomorrow morning. Throughout the weekend I'll probably have a shit ton of pics to post here. So check back here Monday evening for those, should be quite lulzy.
  6. I leave tomorrow morning for the festival. It's going to pwn. I won't be back til Monday... so tell all your forum friends I'm away and organise some parties on the forums while I'm gone
  7. Widescreen fucking owns. I absolutely cannot stand 4:3 anymore. Every TV show movie you watch is widescreen, so it looks fucking ugly with HUGE black bars, if you see it on a 4:3 screen. Human eyes naturally see more lengthways than they do height, so it's much more natural to look at things on a widescreen monitor. Oh and I have Creative SoundBlaster X-Fi XtremeMusic and can also vouch for it's awesomeness. I also have Logitech 5.1 speakers. They are also awesome.
  8. Yeah they are a fairly decent band. And yeah self-portraits etc. That also reminds me I need to get myself a tripod, damn.
  9. LOL dude you thumb is fucked. You should have shooped it to look normal Hawt pics though, I would hit it without hesitation. Also, awesome shirt, like, literally, it's almost the smiley which is awesome! Why you be mirroring pics for?
  10. Fuck yeah Sherbert is back! Glad to hear you had an awesome time. Remember to post everyone's nudes you got in the staff room etc. This is how awesome this occasion is.
  11. Ha yeah well I was writing my own code. It's different. You're an idiot because you can't even copy and paste correctly.
  12. I know! I've got it! The perfect way to get them back.... Let's LINK AN IMAGE FROM GTAF OMFG!!! Here look at this: http://media.gtanet.com/gtaforums/images/layout/lhs_top.gif That is the GTAF logo. DO U THINK ITS SHOPPED GUYS? I don't think it's in the game it must be photoshopped there's nothing like a circular icon with a cutout of Claude against a city backdrop!! You know we were gonna close this topic as soon as we saw it, but we thought it could become a pretty hilarious topic. Now would be a good time to close but I want Ice to read all these replies and comment on it Ice if you're reading right now, go and stand in the corner and think about what you've posted. Once you're done, return to your computer and only make sensible posts.
  13. Another quick notice just so certain members of the forums don't start asking silly questions about it. As you may or may not know we hold a fun little awards session at the end of each calendar year here on the forums. We did have an old and relatively unused page up which was basically displaying a boring list of members and the number of awards they have. You could then click a member's name and see what they'd won etc. No one ever used it though. I've got rid of this and have replaced it with a simple awards tab in your user profiles. It seems logical to do this with more emphasis being put on user profiles these days. And we started with download database integration a couple of weeks ago. At the same time I made a slight change to the way they're shown in topics. The old way was we showed a medal for each award you had, this was fine the first year, but from the second year it became clear some popular members won many and this of course cluttered up their profile box. Now, just one medal will be shown regardless of how many the user actually has. Hovering over the medal with your mouse will show the number of awards they have, and clicking it will take you directly to the awards tab in their profile. Sorry if you saw random php/mysql/ips driver errors in the last 10 minutes or so. But that's because of what I was doing above and getting things wrong
  14. Well no I doubt anyone would join TGTAP based on an image they see here, that's silly. It's not like we are in desperate need of members anyway. Ice, you make some stupid topics, but this has got to be one of the most pointless ones you've ever made. Who cares about this? Seriously.
  15. Chris

    Yeah it probably is. I also think it would be a great place for some photography, from what I've heard anyway. So that's another reason why I should go.

  16. Chris

    Sorry I couldn't resist my last comment :P

    I actually like your country, I'd like to visit one day. :)

  17. Chris

    must be because New Zealanders are too 'busy' with their sheep :P

  18. Yes that's the point of what I was saying. They ARE getting it wrong because the Olympics does NOT work like that. There's absolutely no point to display the table that way other than to show yourself as being first when you're not.
  19. Yes, what an awesome athlete. I'm glad he's done it now though, American media might actually cover some of the other stars of the games Not saying he doesn't deserve it I just think they're going on and on about him way too much.
  20. We'll restore the last backup...
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