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Everything posted by Chris

  1. No problem. Moved for you. Only reason we don't let user's do this themselves is that it physically moves the location of the file/screens as well. Basically stops malicious users purposely moving all their stuff to the wrong categories and such. Nice mods btw.
  2. This is in the GTAIV forum. And anyway, we've now made a pinned topic: http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15527 Please cast your votes there as this one's locked now.
  3. Everyone. I added a much needed poll to this topic with 15 of the most popular choices. Please make your vote so it's easier for people to see the most popular opinions. Thanks
  4. FUCK YES! I am going to see it at a fucking IMAX theatre too! I am very excite, as Borat might say.
  5. The first update for Firefox 3 has just been released to the public, so Help -> Check for Updates if it hasn't done it automatically for you. Some shit is fixed.
  6. How is that a fake screen? It's someone's photo they took at the E3 announcement... WTF? And you know, it's on the front page yet you hotlink from PCWorld. *is amazingly confused*
  7. Heh, for once I cracked a smile looking at that pic you posted and actually made relevant. You're still weird though
  8. In case anybody wants this for whatever reason it may be, graphics, sigs, etc., we've added it to our downloads database. It's called "Bruce Mitika" and you can download it here.
  9. No it doesn't fit into this category. Go to our forum for whatever game it is you downloaded the 'stuff' for and into the modding forum, look for related help topics and see if you can find help there. If not, make a new topic there with details of exactly what you're trying to do.
  10. Eventually. Not much need for it yet because nothing is known except this press release. Also if it's going to be released this winter it means it's pretty much done, no time for wishes. Plus we have no idea of the scale of the game and what sort of things to expect. We'll make a forum when there's a little more demand for it. EDIT: never mind, I'll make one now.
  11. Very nice vid. Great idea too, nice to see that you land exactly where you plan to, unlike other videos where people just go off any ramps and hope it looks cool. Great job!
  12. I just lol'd at this vid and would like to share the lulz with you. It's some fat shit in Iraq, ruling the streets. Funny as hell. On a sidenote, I found a couple of 'post youtube vids' topics around. I merged and pinned the topic which is now in this forum, so from now on we'll use that to post vids. link to topic Probably shouldn't laugh because they're in a warzone, but it's just weird to see them fighting amongst themselves. The little dance thing he does IS definitely very funny though
  13. It's because they make a big deal out of everything they do. And before any announcement, build up a shitload of hype regardless of how big or small the announcement is. Because of the success of the iPod (back when it was first released), people (in the tech world) always pay attention now. Then there's their adverts after a product is released, they're generally catchy songs (if for iPods), but when it's other stuff they consistently bash other similar products to make themselves look better. A good example is the PC vs Mac guy adverts. In which they just abuse stereotypes if you actually watch them. I admit some of the points I made were for some fairly minor features. But it's the fact they're a standard on any random mobile phone that annoys me. Unless your phones in USA all lack these features, but I doubt it because I'm pretty sure the models you get are based off EU/JP ones.
  14. Yes, you happy or disappointed or surprised... or what? :/
  15. I wasn't complaining at you for asking I was just genuinely wondering if anyone actually cared it was gone. I was actually surprised anyone noticed. Not many forums use it now.
  16. Why do you suddenly notice every little change I make. Does this really matter, I mean seriously. It just gets the latest topic title from the Announcements forum. It's not used that much and you'd notice anyway since it's the first forum after the news ones. You'd notice that the last post date was actually recent.
  17. So Apple released the iPhone 3G last week. Anybody outside of America actually care? Nope, not really, only die-hard Apple fans, oh and the media. Why's this? Well, in our (Europe/Asia) phone markets, it fucking sucks. That's why. Don't get me wrong, it's got some pretty awesome plus points too, it's just got nowhere near enough for it to become popular outside countries like the USA, whose mobile telecommunications aren't particularly advanced, nor is there much of a mobile phone culture going on. Basically, in the USA, it's actually a pretty decent phone. And IMO it's only thanks to Apple's great marketing that it's actually selling relatively well in other parts of the world, because when you're faced with such a huge choice of great phones, the iPhone probably won't come out on top unless you actually require something of it. Now, in Europe, things are very different to the USA. Mobile phones are ingrained in our cultures now. Pretty much everyone has one, and not just for talking/texting, most people make use of camera functions, recording funny videos with their friends, listening to music etc. Phones here have massive feature sets, are fairly cheap (there are a multitude of ways you can pay, monthly, or pay as you go, etc.) And Japan. They are years ahead of us in terms of mobile technology, and their phones completely own everyone elses in the world. It used to be a whole subculture, but now it's so popular, everyone owns one, it IS part of the normal everyday culture there. I don't know enough about their phones though, so I'll stop there and move on to my actual rant. I'll start off by saying what I like about the iPhone... 3G. This is the norm in the UK now, 3G access is everywhere already, so that's great they've finally put this in. Fast, wireless web browsing on a proper browser is a great feature, as is being able to do tasks like checking your emails remotely etc. The design and UI: Yes, the iPhone does looks amazing IMO. Apple do have some great designers. "Maps now has GPS support, backed up with online data and geotagging for pictures you take" - well this is just a fantastic feature anyway, incredibly useful "Apps Store, a centralised repository of iPhone applications" - custom apps on any phone is great for adding new stuff. Cover flow, music playing, iTunes etc.: Well Apple do know wtf they're doing when it comes to music, so it's good they've taken iPod features and put them in. Multitouch, and gestures: making things much easier to navigate And finally, built-in storage: 8 or 16GB, that's a lot for a phone. So that's it really. Every single other feature the iPhone has is either not there, or it's inferior to the majority of phones in the market already. Let's get down to the failures made by Apple with it's iPhone: #1. No video recording. Despite the iPhone's 2mp camera, which btw, is very lame compared to most phones these days, my 3 year old Sony Ericsson has a 3.2mp camera, what's holding Apple back here? How many people here browse YouTube when they're bored? Quite a few of you I imagine. Those of you who watch funny amateur video clips, out of those you watch how many were filmed on a mobile phone? Gotta be at least 75% surely? What else would you use if you don't own an actual video camera? Realistic scenario: Everyone records funny videos on their phones when they're out with their mates, even if just for the lulz. At least in the UK they do, but other countries too for sure. But no, not if you've got an iPhone... you can't. How stupid, phones have been getting video recording abilities for many many years now. How could Apple miss something this big. The camera is already there. I don't understand why it can't record video. iPhones have a huge storage capacity yet you can't use it up with your own homemade video. The rest of these I admit are small things, but the fact is they shouldn't be left out when they're so simple. These are the things that are frustrating. #2. You can't forward SMS messages. Another weird thing to leave out. Realistic scenario: The sending of jokes via text is very popular now, the ease of simplicity of receiving a funny, then forwarding it to all your mates means they spread like wildfire. But not if you've got an iPhone. No, if you want to pass the funny joke on, you'll have to manually type it all out again in a new message, and send that. Bit of a hassle if it's a long one... #3. No voice dialling. Now I personally wouldn't use this and don't know anyone who would - then again, I don't know many people. But I can still talk about this a little but. For example, a typical person who might use this would be someone who for some reason or another doesn't have full use of their hands, but of course needs a mobile phone for emergencies and what not. Well, if they've got an iPhone they're gonna have to try their best to go through their contacts and do it the 'normal' way. I know this is not really a biggy for the majority of people, but it's still a very simple feature that I don't see why has been left out. #4. No copy and pasting. That's right, yet another very simple, small feature left out. So, you're browsing a website and find a cool link you wanna share with your friends, but it's pretty long. No worries, just use the copy and paste feature which the bast majority of phones have. Oh no. You have an iPhone, that's too bad, looks like you'll manually have to type out the URL #5. No built in Flash plugin support. Thousands of websites use this, YouTube is a big one. I won't bash it too much though because it's rumoured to be arriving on the iPhone fairly soon. Also I've seen shots of the iPhone with a YouTube app. which confuses me. But disregarding that, the point is, Apple could have easily bundled this with it, especially seeing as how they have a fully functional browser on the phone. #6. "The inbuilt accelerometer can flip the screen horizontally, but this doesn't work for all applications" - Silly oversight here. "the three most writing-intensive applications (notes, e-mail, and maps) won't let you type in landscape, meaning you still have to use frustrating single-finger prodding rather than thumb-typing." #7. You can't disable predictive text properly. I actually use this, but I know loads of people who hate it and find it frustrating, so they simply turn it off. Not with an iPhone though, things are made incredibly difficult. "It has only an "opt-out" feature, which requires hitting a very small "x" to deselect the word it suggests. This is where that feature fails. The time it saves in correcting miscues sometimes pales in comparison to the frustration it causes in forcing you to repeatedly deselect words. And there's no way to turn it off or create a keyboard-based shortcut to deselect the predicted word." #8. No MMS support. Yeah, you can't actually text any pictures you take (not videos though, can't do that) to someone because iPhone lacks support for it too. granted, you're more likely to just use Bluetooth anyway, assuming you're with your friends at the time. But still, it'd be nice if the feature existed. It's been standard for at nearly a decade. Still, at least you can email them to people. So this is not such a biggie. There's a few more things but I won't bother mentioning because they're mostly irrelevant to users like us. E.g. Microsoft Exchange not working properly on the phone. So can anything improve the crappy situation the iPhone is in? Luckily for them, 3rd party apps. But they aren't gonna fix everything though. They might be able to fix #3 - #7. But they certainly won't be able to fix camera/sms related problems. I don't have any EU/JP sales data to reference, so I'm not sure exactly how well it's doing here. I would assume fairly well though given Apple's hype and deceiving adverts and the like, which make it out to be the only device you'll ever need for anything, making people easily overlook these flaws. Point of my rant? I don't like how people obsess over the iPhone when it's clearly not superior for everything. Sure it's much better for things like web browsing, music... but not everything, that's why I hate all the hype. If you don't need ANY of the above feature then fine, the iPhone is probably a great choice for you. But people like me who make use of video recording, copy and pasting, typing a lot... then the phone is crap. Get anything made in the last 3 years and it'll be fairly competitive, or if you can afford it, just get any modern phone. Unless you actually need a smart phone such as the iPhone then you have endless choice. I will certainly not even consider buying an iPhone until the majority of the features I want are added, and bugs are fixed. Another big reason not to is the price. It's really fucking expensive compared to any other phones out there. So I'd like them to make it more competitive, at least for us in the UK. Another thing. Stop tying it to a single damn network. In the UK this stopped happening with most phones years ago. Not everyone wants to be on O2 (UK's current iPhone carrier) or AT&T (USA's current carrier). How about letting all network have it. Consumer choice is must. Not to mention competitive deals. If they're not going to improve the iPhone then they need to stop and concentrate on thing they're good at. Music players and software. They can stop overpricing their shoddy hardware too. Thanks to Gerard's article on the iPhone at Shock Gadgets, which is where the stuff in quotes comes from. I don't care who agrees and doesn't agree with me, for most of you my post is too long anyway so I'd be surprised if anyone cares to reply.
  18. Well we have one for GTA Advance so I guess we should, I'll make it later.
  19. For a game map this small I don't really think they needed to design something new though.
  20. Yeah just updated the post for about the 6th time already. It's Liberty City again.
  21. This news coming somewhat as a surprise to me, and I'm sure many others. But no this isn't April Fool's, Nintendo have indeed just announced GTA: Chinatown Wars for the DS at this years E3 event. It's expected to be released this winter. Once again we'll see a GTA game taking place in Liberty City, though this one of course (presumably) focusing just on the Chinatown district. From the press release: Let's hope it improves upon GTA Advance! This news post is being updated with more info as it becomes known. Links: press release [via kotaku] Official website
  22. Chris

    f u microsoft

    Yeah at least 2 weeks usually. Sucks. Well, with Elite you have a bigger hard drive so you can fit all your Arctic Monkeys albums and anime/hentai porn on. Also, HDMI > component cables. And I heard it fails less, not sure if that's true though. I have no articles to back it up right now and can't be bothered to search.
  23. Chris

    f u microsoft

    Someone insults a company every second on the Internet, why would it be illegal. Free speech exists, and besides, how would it be policed? Misho, send it in for 'repair' and buy a 360 Elite. When your refurb 360 comes back, sell it on ebay to help pay off the elite. Win.
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