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Everything posted by Chris

  1. http://www.thegtaplace.com/downloads/file.php?id=2948 Here The guy's site is down so I added it to our database. Anyone know if that GSXR is actually his? Because I think the reason this isn't up on many sites is because he's stolen it. I'm not going to keep it up if that's the case because we need to rid the community of these thieving cunts.
  2. Yeah the men's final Nadal vs. Federer has to go down as one of the greatest tennis matches in history, the fact is was the wimbledon final just makes it even more awesome. Also, awesome for the British this year with Laura Robson winning the Junior Girls singles title at just 14 years old. What an awesome achievement so early on in her career. Hope she carries on playing so well, would be great to see her win a women's title eventually. And yes, I am a huge tennis fan The only reason I didn't post this here was because I don't really know anyone else who is, in real life or online. And GTA fans aren't really the sort I'd associate with being tennis fans BTW the link on Laura, yes it's my site, and no I don't plan on running it forever, celebrity/sportspeople fansites are for girls to run. It's just another side project for me to earn a little extra cash. I'll end up selling it eventually, unless it turns out to be profitable
  3. Cartoon porn? You're almost as bad as furries. Jesus Christ. Yiff in hell.
  4. No. But it's made of win so you can have a rep point or some shit like that.
  6. Chris


    Holy shit that's awesome. If I saw Spiderman on a wall I'd whip out my camera and start taking pictures, no one would ever believe it!
  7. Yeah it's dead. Call MS and they'll ask you to do a bunch of shitty things to confirm it's fucked and then you'll have to send it to them so they can fix.
  8. I love it when cops steal civilian cars to chase after you/other criminals in GTAIV - such an cool little detail.
  9. Someone like to make one of these for Firefox 3? A version 2 of this topic or something because it's a pretty useful one and would be cool if we could keep it updated like this once was.
  10. Oh wait there UO, I know you're lying, it's all just a clever ruse. Behold, I found this GTAV Screenshot which you've clearly just removed the watermark from! But look at those awesome graphics!
  11. Yeah not sure what's going on with all this clan stuff now. Looks like a ton of people just kinda lost interest, including me actually. Really don't think anything official (fansite matches) are going on now. So I'll think we'll just let everyone do their own clans and stuff again.
  12. In case? Why? Are there dead bodies in the back of your car? Nice car btw, that's saying something because I generally hate American cars, but stangs are nice. Nice gun as well. OH SHI- UO is the protagonist of GTA5 and that pic is an ACTUAL SCREENSHOT of the game. My God, just look at those sweet ass graphics. You can even see actual reflections in his shades. And check out the manly beard. GTA5 protagonist is hardcore. This is awesome.
  13. Oh. Hmm... surely would be more apt if the bus was for dwarves but whatever I don't understand Americanisms anyway so there we go. And in that case the guy we're talking about does live up to his name.
  14. I see, why the hell is it called a "short bus" though? And is that an offensive term or an official term for it? LOL anyway.
  15. It was the start of the first weekend after GTA IV's release, obviously that's why so many people were on
  16. Well yeah you can carry on here I was just saying it's probably not a place you'd fine a buyer, but you never know. You have 450+ posts and not a single warning so the fact you've got this far without one means you must have done everything right so far. I'll let this topic stay.
  17. We don't actually allow selling of goods via the forum. We've only ever made one exception to this and that was because it was GTA merchandise and stuff. I don't see why you don't just put it up on ebay. 1. Literally hundreds of millions more users than there are here 2. It'll sell, guaranteed But if someone here does want to buy it then you (buyer) must realise that TGTAP cannot be held responsible for anything that goes wrong with the sale, e.g. you don't receive the item, so we cannot be held liable for any losses or damages.
  18. So this is open again because we closed the retarded "I like to be a little preteen boy" topic, a.k.a the noob topic. This topic is basically for people who are crap. Or people who for some demented reason like to spam a lot. So keep your shitty spams in here away from the rest of the forum, thanks.
  19. Streetview is only that accurate for US streets. Also WTF but is your house made out of wood or something? LOL what if there's a fire, your entire home will burn down. I swear I see this style on loads of American houses and I do wonder why it's so popular, it looks silly (if it's just an effect they put over the brickwork) - if it's actually built out of wood then just lol. Not as bad as council estates in the UK though (no offense to anyone in the unfortunate situation of having to live on one but you have to admit they are the scum of the country, streets ridden with chavs and other loser types).
  20. Apple's SOFTWARE is fairly priced, in MOST cases. But yeah as chris82 just proved, their HARDWARE really isn't. RAM is the biggest culprit, you can actually buy the same amount of RAM from Corsair (leading make) at roughly half the price... in some cases. Dreamweaver CS3 Yes but this is still quite bloated. I don't really like using it and couldn't get used to it, so I don't.
  21. http://www.thegtaplace.com/downloads/search.php
  22. They deserved that. Spain had an awesome championship. Now, 2 years until the World Cup and we can start again Well, I'm hoping England actually qualify this time...
  23. Well the harder one is winning 20 multiplayer races, not only do you have to beat everyone else, you also have to content with laggy players and cunts who drive the wrong way (why don't they just play GTA race if they want to fuck people up, god damn), AND, you have to win on 20 different tracks, so you can't just get good at one and keep doing it... took me ages to get the achievement because people tend to choose their fave track all the time so you end up doing the same track a lot of times :/
  24. Yeah there's only 9 but you have to do each of them at least once, then just keep doing any of them until you get 20 done in total for the achievement. And yes basically go to the top, middle and bottom of each island and call Brucie at each, at some points he'll have a race for you. There are no boat races to be done.
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