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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Sounds good. At the moment I'm not the one scripting anything it looks like just rockstarrem right now, I can ok your ideas, and rem seems to think virtually anything is possible so yes we probably can do that. And yes to what Jace said about names showing up in color, I think you can use color codes in your username but we'll have a function in the scripting which will automatically color your name depending on what gang you're in, right rem?
  2. Woah woah woah woah slow down... we haven't even a server yet and you're talking about what your gang wants. Firstly we need to figure out the limitations and how far we can go with the scripting language, and what we can do with the game. Then once we lay down what's possible we can decide on how we want to do things, and then things like which gangs have which turf etc. Now I can see that things are becoming much more serious now so I think my suggestion of having a forum for multiplayer related topics is going to be needed. However I don't want to have people trying to recruit for multiplayer gangs when we still have the old gangs too. With both things will get very complicated and messy. What we'll probably do is archive existing gang forums, and move gang topics which are still active, i.e. the big gangs and those that wish to play in multiplayer battles etc. into the new multiplayer forum.
  3. Excellent idea Acid. Perhaps add into your rules that you can't take official screenshots from out site and post them here as your own I'm sure there's some idiots who might try that. Also can we post screenshots taken whilst playing multiplayer mods such as MTA or SAMP?
  4. Quick related note: MTASA DM DP2 has just been released, check the main site for our news story, download links and link to the scripting wiki - especially for those of you learning to script for MTA. Get the update. I'll see about installing it on the server tomorrow to test it out
  5. Just one week after releasing the first developer preview of MTA San Andreas Deathmatch, the MTA team have already pushed out their second release of the mod! So how's that for quick fixes and updates? I have updated our download page with this latest update, so you can get developer preview 2 of download MTASA Deathmatch here. Visit MultiTheftAuto.com for more information on the mod, and for developers - the scripting wiki, where you'll find a wealth of information on developing gamemodes and maps for Multi Theft Auto with extensive documentation on over 800 scripting functions.
  6. The very definition of Grand Theft Auto is stealing an automobile, so forcing people to buy cars is silly
  7. Nice ideas but I honestly think that's going way too far. Doing everything in game is so much more logical. I can see the point of keeping points on the forums (as the more you post the better off you'd be in game) but as for buying weapons/vehicles I don't see the point. Just do that in game, then it actually gives you something to do rather than just sit here clicking on things in the store - I thought that was what was so boring about it. It would surely be more interesting to do all that in game, no?
  8. LOL. They talk about exactly what I posted in the comments of that very news.
  9. Or you know, just add us to your bookmark toolbar and you don't have to type a thing. Just one click and you're here.
  10. Chris


    OMG I cannot believe how I haven't seen this topic until now. Laughing at everyone's fart stories. This is some of the randomest shit I've ever seen at TGTAP (and I've been here a long time... ) This should probably get Random Topic of the Year award lol.
  11. That's just something that never got completed (and never will). Thanks anyway, I should probably look at removing all the old stuff and fixing a few things.
  12. First make sure you get the 1.1 patch as it fixes a few graphical issues. And we need to know what graphics card you have for what driver you should download.
  13. Good. Then yes at first we'll have both mods running, but possibly testing them out individually first.
  14. That's what I was planning at first and then seeing how things go from there, like which gives us the best possibilities of integration, which is more favourable with fans, etc. there's a lot of things to consider. Now I've never tried running a SAMP and MTA server from the same box, but someone said earlier in this topic you can't do that. I haven't heard that before but don't see why it wouldn't be possible. I mean you'd obviously run them off different ports and from different directories... I'll look into it. People have also mentioned VCMP or MTAVC/3 or whatever, but I think it's much better if we stick to SA as it gives us the greatest freedom and is arguably more popular now.
  15. Well yes you could aznn but we don't condone that sort of thing. Connor, yeah we don't allow it but we draw the line at people asking where to get cracks or telling people where to get cracks. If people say that they are going to crack the game there's no way we can prove they have or will...
  16. Phew good, I'm not the only one who noticed... I didn't plan on copying anyone, it's just turned out that this was the way things were going, we need to make changes that just so happen to be what other forums have also realised. Our problem was that I/we didn't realise this soon enough and are now falling behind. Things are picking up again now and we quickly need to get on the right track and make changes that will appeal to the majority of fans. Gerard pretty much summed it up for those of you who don't have SA on PC, AND who can't afford a console for GTA IV. You're just going to miss out aren't you. It's your problem really and you're the only one who can fix the situation unfortunately. Also we don't get rid of the gang system and hopefully we're able to integrate it with either/both of the mods so we can do gang wars and stuff. Dazza, you're one of the few in a shitty situation. I presume you're waiting for GTA IV to be announced, then developed, then released for the PC? If so then you would have been waiting anyway. What would you have done in the meantime? For your third point: You are a GTA fan, do whatever you can to play GTA, beg for money, steal money from relatives (not actually a good idea), plead with parents, or if you're old enough, get a crappy job and save all the money you make from it. the fourth point I answered above.
  17. I just thought I'd post this video here for the MTA haters. Jordan made it for PlanetGTA. Things we can notice: Beautiful menu interface which looks very simple to use Easy to connect to server in the server browser (same as SAMP here tbh) Syncing issues? There are very few imo, when Jordan shot people they lost health more or less straight away. And this isn't to say we won't use SAMP, it's just for the people who were complaining about MTA for no apparent reason. Now back on topic, can I get a quick vote on who here would play multiplayer San Andreas (either mod).. i.e. those of you with SA for the PC and would actively game online. Just post so I can get an idea of how many people we'd have.
  18. I dunno yet Connor, we'll see what happens. Probably not anything major. See if we have guys like you (rem and connor) learning the scripting languages then we could probably whip something up for ourselves. I guess I can use my knowledge of programming languages and learn it almost immediately depending on how it works.
  19. That`s true.I clicked on the transalated link and it transalated it fine but it said .Maybe it was fake... If an article turns out to be false it's usually updated and the author apologises for the misinformation. If an article is true it gets deleted and everyone pretends it was never there, I'm guessing Rockstar may have asked them to take it down. We [fansite webmasters] haven't heard anything though so I'm not sure. Last time this happened we were emailed and asked to remove the article with 'leaked' stuff'.
  20. So your problems are sorted now except the trainer issue? That actually makes sense because LithJoe's was only fully functional with 1.0 (I think, or 1.1) and most of the other trainers were version specific too. Some would work on other versions but certain cheats in the trainer wouldn't work properly. Good luck with your modding. Do you have your old mods available for download here or on any other sites? Because you're new here - I've no idea who you are
  21. So what's your point? Things change, get over it. If you don't like the changes then put up a good argument or leave.
  22. It most likely isn't, I also don't know if the downgrader will work, perhaps you could ask in the pinned downgrade topic and see if anyone else has tried it.
  23. That's another good point actually which I thought of but didn't post about. Removing the arcade. I mean, does anyone really make any use of that except for when they're bored? There hasn't been a tournament since we had it installed years ago, because hardly anyone is actually interested. All it served for was to pass time away, but why do that when we have better things to do like play multiplayer GTA. If you wanna play games there's plenty of sites out there for you. Any thoughts on that?
  24. Yeah. Don't think they're related to Rockstar Games in anyway, although with the similar logo and sexual innuendo one might think they are...
  25. Why do you say that? A trailer is usually released with just a few days/weeks to go before release date.
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