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Everything posted by Chris

  1. My bad. I did not know that. Tanks for informing me. Think they Might do some gameplay. Also they'll have to do TV spot trailers, commersials. This is true but technically the first one was just a teaser - so there could well be another trailer released. Also they could just change their minds and release as many as they want. The TV ads are generally just the last trailer remixed ever so slightly, perhaps one or two extra scenes, maybe a little more dialogue etc.
  2. Staff promotions are something I've been thinking about, just not sure which ones to promote... General GTA forum could be a good idea but not sure how popular it would be. Generally there's only a few topics which span several of the games and they're stuff like "which is your favourite character" or something. It's something I'll think about anyway and almost certainly one of the changes most likely to be made. GTA Classics forum will always be kept no matter how infrequently used it is. We need separate forums for all the GTA games. We're a GTA forum. I've just removed the Warzone forum. I moved a few of the topics which were popular into the renamed Fun and Off-topic forum as requested in here. Again, let me know if you would like a dedicated RP forum. At the moment the consensus seems that not many are bothered. I only noticed a few topics while looking through the warzone, one of course the big one with nearly 500 replies, the rest died quickly it seems.
  3. Then if after it is removed, RP is a popular request, we'll make an RP forum. For RP only of course.
  4. Then move the members you hate topic to fun and games, that way their post count doesn't increase as well.
  5. Edited my post to justify after you just posted Jared. Yeah it wasn't unique though, it was when we were friends with GTABoards and members from there suggested we have one too, so we did. This is one of those decisions where I think despite what members say it is actually best if we remove the whole place for arguments altogether. I'll see what they say anyway.
  6. Might want too double check that fact. I just went to check actually, seems the forum is gone (I guess with all the gang forums they took offline). So yeah, they don't have one anymore so I can't prove what I said. Is this what we should do with ours then? Take it offline? Would that work as a way of ridding all the crap? Or try to make it RP only? In all honesty do many people enjoy RP'ing ouside of actual RPG's? I remember Gerard you called it childish and silly. Admittedly our push for it wasn't great, but I didn't expect for it to become uninteresting for members so quickly. Actually you know what, I just answered my own question here. After thinking about it for a few minutes. I think removing the warzone forum altogether is the best idea. Does anybody disagree? We don't need members arguing anywhere on the forums, not even a topic for it. They can PM each other to sort it out. If one of them doesn't want to be PM'ed then BLOCK the member, that feature is there for that very reason!
  7. Might want too double check that fact. I just went to check actually, seems the forum is gone (I guess with all the gang forums they took offline). So yeah, they don't have one anymore so I can't prove what I said. Is this what we should do with ours then? Take it offline? Would that work as a way of ridding all the crap? Or try to make it RP only? In all honesty do many people enjoy RP'ing ouside of actual RPG's? I remember Gerard you called it childish and silly. Admittedly our push for it wasn't great, but I didn't expect for it to become uninteresting for members so quickly.
  8. Yes but the suggestion was kind of silly anyway. Back on topic now.
  9. Already said I even RP'ed despite the fact I hate it to help it along, which I did for like 2 weeks before it became apparent not many other people were interested.
  10. Yeah but just because a majority of members all say something doesn't mean it's a good idea, was my point I was leading up to. And as for the wiki comparison... well that's what they do, their survival depends on the community that post.
  11. If I was the CEO you'd see my name on the company website... Also I probably wouldn't be allowed to run a fansite as I'd have too much insider information. And why did you mention Bush? Don't turn this into a political discussion please.
  12. because no forum is a democracy. not all members are smart and would suggest ridiculous ideas. most people here have actually made decent discussion thankfully. obviously it takes staff to implement changes but often the opinion of members doesn't matter as it's something we need to do, but sometimes, like this time, it does. damn my shift key is broken i cant type capital letters btw. ;9 or even smilies
  13. So do you fall underneath the game map and spawn where you said? The funny thing is that it happens on a pipe, like Mario. Pics or video anyone?
  14. Well as soon as IV is out there's no point in a wishlist for it, except perhaps possible upgrades or episodic content for IV (which is 360 only) or modifications (which is PC-only). When TGTAP was listed in that magazine, they specifically cited the imagination of our members - why not tap onto that and allow a small subforum for wishes and things (would probably be bigger than the classics) - you could even stop people creating topics in there and force replies only. I'd bet hundreds of members would be willing to post in there - it's always massively fun thinking up what you want. Well that's good but not allowing people to create their own topics doesn't allow very much freedom at all. And a post-all topic would become bloated and too big to look through at everything. Since there's just a few months until release I don't see why it can't go in the current forum. Otherwise it's just going to stay as it is now with apparently crappy topics. If decent ones were made with good content they'll naturally bump down the crappy topics. win-win.
  15. Yeah it is supposed to be for RP'ing as well. We've tried to encourage it several times, I even took part myself for a while (I hate RP'ing) and it was good for 1 maybe 2 weeks then it died down a lot. The gangs need a desperate revamp but I need to figure out the best way to go about it first. I'm also not sure that RP is such a big deal to gangs anymore. I'm not aware if it's popular on other forums or not but it's clearly not the main focus on any GTA site. We're not copying GTAF, I'm not implying that. it;s just that every damn forum has one. It's good for the forum trust me, show me a forum you've successfully managed. People need a place to be stupid, away from all the GTA stuff. That's why it's near the bottom of the forum after all the GTA forums, it's not an important forum but a necessary one. obviously we don't need GTA IV subforums yet, the game isn't out. There's no point. At least another 3 months before they even need to be made. This is absolutely obvious that this will happen and not something I need to be reminded about. I've been doing it like this for the last 3 GTA games. The week of release is when this will happen so everything is in place for the big day. I already said I'm not making a gtanext forum 3 years early. It's pointless when GTA IV isn't out. If people really honestly do get tired of GTA IV so quickly that they feel the need to talk about the next game they can use the general gaming forum. Rewarding people. Yeah that was what my whole rant was on... respect, why didn't you just say that? Save me having to type all that out.
  16. We get 15-40 new members every single day of the week. It's keeping them active on the forums that's the hard part.
  17. So we should reward people for helping others with GTA? That should be why people are here in the first place, GTA. I mean, which other forums do you know reward people for doing such a thing? Points are the most ridiculous things ever to be invented for a forum. Back in the day it was unique and we gained loads of members through it. We're getting rid of them though as it's both a waste of time and resources. Since there's basically no use to points there's no incentive to post for points and thus no extra incentive to post. We won't need them for gangs anymore. Look at any other GTA forum with gangs, how many have points systems? Not many. And btw, you don't get post count or even points for posting in fun and games. As Jace said above everyone would post thousands of times if we gave members that privilege. Post count is serious business to some, seems weird to some of us but others think it's great. If one positive thing comes of it it shows you're dedicated to the forum The point of the forum fun and games and general discussion, and all the other forums which branched of this were made because people complained there was nothing to do but talk about GTA. Again, look at other GTA forums, the biggest ones in particular (GTAForums.com, GTA4.tv, GTAGaming.com). This is something we all have in common. Random post topic is nothing serious at all, if someone's changed the description to offer a prize it's obviously a joke. All it's there for is to relieve boredom yet sustain the attention of members so they stay longer. And look how popular it is. It's worked. The point of the warzone was to eliminate arguments from every other forum. So if two or members began to get aggressive we could take action and direct them to the warzone, warn/suspend/ban if they didn't comply. The warzone is where they'd ultimately flame each other, realise what they were doing was pointless and didn't solve anything, and settled their differences. Nowadays everyone else joins in and higher up people like me stay out of that forum because it's inane. Kinda like GTAF really, you don't see adamcs and illspirit participating in flamewars and the like, it's where the "forum retards hang out". And good, hopefully it keeps them away from the other forums where we actually like to be helpful and friendly, and respect one another. The warzone has very few discussions which are actually useful and productive, but granted, there are some. The GTA Next forum is a good idea when there are strong rumours or we're at least close to an announcement. The fact of the matter is with episodic content extending GTA IV to at least 2009, it will be at least 2010 before any GTA game MIGHT be release, more likely 2011. That's like 3 years away, it's just too early right now. I think to focus more on GTA we need to encourage more creativity. I mean have you seen some of the members posting their artwork and other stuff they made? Some of it is awful, but then, some of it is fantastic. The people posting the awful stuff need to be given inspiration and constructive criticism. The few of you that are adept at Photoshop should help by posting tutorials and such in the graphics section. The people posting the decent stuff should gain respect from other members, which to be fair they do. Creating nice wallpapers that people will actually use is a great way to earn respect. Something I think is lacking in the current community. Another way is to have some sort of intelligent discussion on the elements of GTAIV we still don't know much about. Do we have a topic discussing how seasons will play a role in the game?
  18. We've been using this feature for over three years. We do know how to run forums you know, contrary to what you seem to think.
  19. I did think about that, but the majority of people here either own a PS or Xbox, if not then a PC, for their GTA purposes. I don't think many people would have anything to put there.
  20. Yeah I've got one of their albums and only came across some of the songs today. They're alright actually, some songs are pretty good. I like "Breathe Today". That video you posted is "I'm so sick" isn't it? That's also quite a good song. It's on Resident Evil: Extinction which is where my friend heard it (who I got the album from). We were both getting albums from female fronted heavy metal bands at the time.
  21. Just a quick announcement to inform you all that I've added 3 profile fields for various gaming identities that you may have. These would be good to display in your profile so you can play friends you make here on the forums and such. The fields are for your Xbox Live Gamertag, PSN ID, and Xfire ID as you may well have guessed from the topic title. You can fill in this information by going to My Controls -> Edit Profile Information
  22. In Las Venturas, It's outside one of the casino's but I've forgotten its name. Think it's under the sphinx though, which would be the Camel's Toe... I think. EDIT: Shit, K9 got there before me, answer to his is Melvin. Question: During/After which mission does rioting begin in Los Santos? P.S. One of these sort of topics needs to be made for each GTA game. They're good knowledge builders and useful for awards and such and keeping activity nice in the forum.
  23. I know, like the rest of you bloody idiots who refuse to read the first post in full!!!
  24. Oh yeah. Heh, never realised it was so unpopular in the states. You can ALWAYS find a copy in the UK. In fact assuming you'll pay by PayPal, just buy one off ebay.co.uk and it'll just cost a little bit more for shipping. http://video-games.search.ebay.co.uk/gta-l...QsaobfmtsZinsif Oh and btw your sig is absolutely massive, please resize it or remove it. Rules states signatures be no bigger than 500x200
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