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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Take Two Interactive released its financial results for the final quarter of fiscal year 2007 today, which ended on 31st October. Take-Two often reveal various articles of interest about its currently unreleased games during the conference call or in the press release itself, but sadly there was no set release date revealed for GTA IV, only confirmation that it would be in stores some time during the second fiscal quarter of 2008 - that's between February 1st and April 30th - for both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Also concerning GTA IV was the confirmation that the first package of episodic content will be available on the Xbox Live marketplace by 31st October 2008. The second of the packages will come some time after that, but before 31st October 2009. Additionally, during the conference call it was asked if Grand Theft Auto IV will be coming to Nintendo Wii. CEO Ben Feder replied with "there are other titles better suited for the Wii than Grand Theft Auto IV". This statement essentially confirms a Wii version will never see the light of day, but doesn't rule out Rockstar creating an alternative game for the console.
  2. Good point ^ Yeah I think we have a bit too many awards right now so that would bring us back down to 36. I'll edit the list again... GTA Most Knowledgeable (GTA3): Most Knowledgeable (GTAVC): Most Knowledgeable (GTASA): Most Knowledgeable (GTALCS): Most Knowledgeable (GTAVCS): Best Stunter (San Andreas): Best Stunter (Vice City): Best GTA News Reporter (non-staff) Personal: Sexiest Member: Most Respected Member: Most Helpful Member: Most Improved Member: Best New Member: - a flaw with the 'last 6 months' rule was that members who join during Jan-June would never be able to win this. Therefore the time limit is now the whole current year (2007) Most Intelligent Member: Funniest Member: Most Original Username: Biggest geek Most technical Most controversial topic Most Random Member Most unique member Talent (sort of): Best Avatar: Best Signature: Best Graphics: Best Writing: Best Machinima Best Topic Starter Best Signature Shop Best mod submitted Medal of Honor Slightly Negative: Biggest Userbar Whore: Weirdest Looks: Most Annoying Member: Most Likely To Be Lying About Their Age: Funniest Ban Currently thinking about removing the news reported award... one or two people have posted a bit before our staff on occasions, but I don't think it happens often enough to warrant an award.
  3. Well once we've finalised the above list. We start nominations. Those last for about a week, then we commence voting. A week today is Christmas Day so uhh, yeah let's get this finalised by tomorrow. Then I can get the nominations topic done, run that for a week, then on Boxing day or perhaps a couple days after depending on if we need to wait for more nom's we'll start voting.
  4. Double post but here's the updated list. Awards not in bold are currently 'maybes'. Including those though, the total is brought up to 37 awards which is actually a few more than I envisioned having (I thought maybe 30 max). GTA Most Knowledgeable (GTA3): Most Knowledgeable (GTAVC): Most Knowledgeable (GTASA): Most Knowledgeable (GTALCS): Most Knowledgeable (GTAVCS): Best Stunter (San Andreas): Best Stunter (Vice City): Best GTA News Reporter (non-staff) Personal: Sexiest Member: Most Respected Member: Most Helpful Member: Most Improved Member: Best New Member: - a flaw with the 'last 6 months' rule was that members who join during Jan-June would never be able to win this. Therefore the time limit is now the whole current year (2007) Most Intelligent Member: Funniest Member: Most Original Username: Biggest geek Most technical Most controversial topic Most Random Member Most unique member Talent (sort of): Best Avatar: Best Signature: Best Graphics: Best Writing: Best Machinima Best Topic Starter Best Signature Shop Best mod submitted Medal of Honor Slightly Negative: Biggest Userbar Whore: Weirdest Looks: Most Annoying Member: Most Likely To Be Lying About Their Age: Worst Thread Shitter Award Funniest Ban To remove (maybe): Most Active Member:
  5. Yes to all of those 1. good 2. maybe 3. maybe, although is that not a little ambiguous? What defines how good a topic is? 4. good, but are there enough here for us to have a vote on who's best? 1. yes although most topics there are shit, so not 100% on that at the moment 2. I guess we could have that. No idea who would even get nominated though... Most active. Yeah not sure if we actually need this. It's kinda disputed too much and loads of people come here everyday, some lurk, some actually post. We will have too many people running for it. I believe we had the same discussion on it last year but decided to go with it anyway. This is a possibility for removal. Best Writing was originally for RP's and fanfics, however last year there weren't enough nominees so we expanded it to news writing and also general posts (i.e. people who would consistently post witty stuff for example, or really insightful/useful things) If it's the same again this year then we'll probably do the same extension. Good ideas but we probably won't use any of those. I know it's a bit of fun but giving awards for negative things (dumbest member) isn't really something we should celebrate. We have most annoying, and weirdest looks already yeah but no one likes a noob, we aren't gonna give one of their sort an award. Lol. Nah, as discussed above. Those are good actually. Not sure about funniest ban though, good award but the member is banned so they're not here anymore... If they are then clearly they've improved. Heh, another negative award, but it sounds funnier. Worst Thread Shitter Award. For the member who consistently trolls and goes off topic and generally fucks up good topics. No. That could come under most annoying member I think. No we don't give awards for arcade stuff. If you're good enough (top 3) you get a trophy shown next to your name in the high scores. That's basically the same thing here. Sounds alright actually, not sure how we'd decide it though. Possibly, you're probably in the forum more than me. Would we have enough nominees for both games? I will give you or Sky 1.5k if any of you win (Seriously, I would). Sky usually does good in the Hottest Member award, so I'd not bet against him if I were you. Yeah but for the first one there wasn't much competition was there ? I mean what was it me, you, Sky (if he entered that year, can't remember), possibly ToM, and Gerard (dunno if he was here then)? IIRC it was pretty much between me and you though. No. Good idea just not really necessary I don't think. There could be, but I don't really see the point. Seems like then we're just adding on awards for the sake of not seeming to favour members with high post counts. You guys make all the nominations. And this year we're changing the rules a little. Last year I believe we had it so you'd nominate one member for each award. I think this year I'm gonna do it so you can nominate several members for each. Also, you'll be able to nominate yourself if you think you genuinely deserve it and no one else has nominated you yet (but you'll have to justify that). Wow. Think that was everyone. Too many quotes... if I missed your suggestion then just post it again so I'll see it. I shall get to work on updating the award list and reposting so we can reach a final decision on it.
  6. Starts maybe the end of this week.. I'm not sure.
  7. Oh yeah I missed that one off, we do that separately because we have to wait for everyone to submit their pics.
  8. Yeah I got this guys album because I liked the trailer song. Haven't really listened to it much as I don't really listen to much rap or hip-hop at all, I'll get round to it eventually.
  9. I swear I've read this somewhere before, it's pretty good though. Dunno about #15 though, couldn't care less if anyone said it when I sneezed and I seldom say it myself. But yeah the rest are quite sound.
  10. Heh yeah ok, but voted for by non-staff, and no staff are allowed to vote either. O RLY? No seriously I mean, we probably have at least 100 members who could get that
  11. You asked for them, so they're back. A dedicated forum is now set up right below this one.
  12. Last year we ended up with the following awards: GTA Awards Most Knowledgeable: Most Helpful Member: Best Stunter: General Awards: Most Respected Member: Most Improved Member: Best New Member: Funniest Member: Most Intelligent Member: Best Signature: Weirdest Looks: Most Annoying Member: Best Graphics: Best Writing: Most Original Username: Most Active Member: Biggest Userbar Whore: Most Likely To Be Lying About Their Age: Most likely that will change a little this year. If there's any there you think are, well, shit, then let us know and we'll think about removing them. If you think there's a really cool award missing then also let us know. We should probably have more GTA related awards. Perhaps breakdown most knowledgable into one award for each game, perhaps remove most helpful as it's quite similar...
  13. If you were desperate for me to sign you could have just PM'ed It's a cool idea, I'll sign it some other time though. BTW a quick suggestion, someone shop out the "The GTA Place Community Poster" and the slogan and put it at the top of the image. And make it look sexier if you want but not over the top like a PS n00b. I might do it myself when I sign actually...
  14. Ok fair enough I'll sort them out some time this week. And oh lawd I forgot about about hottest member, how the shitting hell am I gonna win this one...
  15. Lol, remember first we have to gather all the nominations which takes some time depending on activity. Luckily due to recent GTA IV news things have picked up around here, so one would think there'd be more people around. I'll keep waiting for more comments and then decide where to place it on my priorities.
  16. Widescreen is amazing if you watch a lot of TV/video/film whatever, or play a lot of games. I prefer web browsing on 4:3 because of greater height but you can get used to 16:9 pretty quickly.
  17. It's a possibility, yes. But not certain. To be honest, with it being a bit of a novelty, I'm not sure how much members here actually care about it. If everybody really wants it then sure I'll find time to sort it out. I just had a quick peek over at 5 or 6 GTA forums which I know also carry out this 'tradition' and only found 1 doing it. So is it something that people are losing interest in? What do you guys think? And just to say, there are other website improvements which are higher priority than this right now, and should be coming soon. EDIT: lol, Dave... yeah maybe he'd win the "Best n00b-improvement,-then-to-n00b-again-who-plays-WoW-24/7" award
  18. IGN have posted a new article titled "The Characters of Grand Theft Auto IV". It includes 5 character profiles, for Roman Bellic, Vlad, Elizabeta, Manny, and Brucie, who were all seen in the latest trailer for the game. There's also 5 new screenshots included in the article, which will be added to our database as soon as we receive them from Rockstar. We'll also shortly be updating a number of our GTAIV pages based on the new information from recent previews and the third trailer.
  19. Does it at least go up to 1080i? How much did it cost? RRP was £550 but I got it in a sale for £398 (double the figures for US dollars). Yeah it does go up to 1080i and that's what I've got my 360 set as at the moment, but it has to scale it down because the resolution isn't that big. Apparently it runs smoother on 720p... I dunno so I'll test it out later and see if I can notice any difference.
  20. I just hope everyone with an SD TV isn't going to complain about shitty graphics. I think we'll ban anyone who we find does that My Samsung 26" is great, I would recommend it to anyone looking to buy one that size. Pic for anyone who cares: http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisphillips/1544997503/
  21. Grand Theft Auto IV has now received it's first rating, the OFLC in Australia gave it an MA 15+, similar to the majority of GTA games. This because it contains "Strong violence, Strong coarse language, Drug and sexual references" which is fairly obvious. Past GTA games have received their ratings roughly a couple of months before they're actually released, and so we could assume that the game is finished, at least to some degree. Take Two will be reporting their fourth quarter and fiscal 2007 results on Tuesday, so we may hear a final release date from the company then. We'll also be expecting ratings to be coming in from the UK, US and Germany very soon. Link: OFLC classification of GTAIV Thanks to Matriculated for finding this.
  22. Lol they used your pic, that's almost ironic. Now that I've read why we were in there (for fan made stuff) I'm surprised we weren't mentioned for our large downloads database as well. Although all of us have them I believe ours is the most popular.
  23. Yeah they often read the most popular GTA sites and forums. BTW we're not #1, we're just in the top group of GTA websites.
  24. Yeah this has nothing to do with our site. The problem is probably that they've stopped @hotmail.com email addresses from registering due to spam. Try another free email provider such as yahoo or gmail, or if your ISP gives you a free account use that.
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