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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris

    Tekken Series

    Tekken 3 from the original trilogy. Fucking loved it. For the PS2 versions though, I actually quite liked Tekken Tag, but 4 and 5 were also pretty good. BTW you missed out that Tekken 5 version that's for PSP, or is that collectors edition what it's actually called?
  2. Does no one realise I'm not actually a member, you can't vote for me for the most respected award... I'm an admin, you cretins!
  3. Perhaps a quiz on each game administered by the admins? A quick look through each respective forum and see who helps the most out. I know the older ones are kind of inactive but there's still recent topics around. Your idea is good too but it's a bit of a long way round doing it. And the best stunter ones, there's loads of releases in the stunting forums. And Gerard, please, read my damn notes in the first post. You always complain at me for not reading your bitchy essays and yet you clearly have not read all the first post. Several of your comments are already answered. People please let's keep discussion to a minimum here. Remember I have to trawl through this topic next week and get everyone's names down for the final polls. If you have a legit question then fair enough. But no more flames for the rest of the topic, a number of people are getting themselves into a lot of shit lately. Don't join them.
  4. Nominations have started for the 2007 awards. You will find the relevant topic in the dedicated forum beneath this one. For the lazy: award nominations and hottest member picture submissions. We'll update you when the nomination period ends. After that a poll will be made for each individual award which you'll then vote on. Until then, think about the nominations and try and get someone down for each one. We don't wanna see people only nominate others for a few awards, we want all the awards have a good selection of members Have fun!
  5. If you want to get yourself in the voting for the forums hottest member, you first need to post some pictures for us. Now, last year, we didn't have enough active women here to have 2 awards, so it was just for male members only. Hopefully this year it will be different If you are female though, we're adding a new rule so others aren't put off. Please only submit pictures of yourself clothed. Just nothing too revealing really, bikinis, hotpants, miniskirts or your underwear for example is most likely to gain you an unfair amount of votes from all the pre-pubescent boys here at the forums, so don't post those sort of pics. If you want to submit those sort of pics, or even nudes, then PM them separately to Chris who will be happy to accept them I don't think many of the guys here will be submitting topless pics, but since we don't have a large proportion of ladies/gay men I don't think this would be a problem anyway. Now if you don't have any new pics to post and need some already here, then feel free to grab them from post your pics topic or indeed from last year's submission thread. You MUST post the pics here to be entered for voting. You may post a maximum of 3 pictures of yourself No nudity Other stuff I mentioned above Please keep discussion to a minimum, this is just for submitting your piccies. And yes ladies I will indeed be entering my sexy self, I just don't have a pic to hand right now
  6. Welcome to the official nominations topic for the 2007 The GTA Place Forum Awards. Nominations will work exactly as they did last year, with members posting the names of members next to the official award list below. In a slight change from last year, I've decided to make the following changes to the rules: You can nominate up to 2 people for each award You CAN nominate yourself, however if you do so, you must justify it. (There's no need to nominate yourself if you've already been nominated by another member) Like last year Hottest Member will run separately to allow for picture submissions - that topic is here Here is the list you should copy and paste into your own post. Please put the display names of the members you'd like to nominate for each award. And please do so for as many of the awards as possible. If you're not sure of who to nominate for e.g. best writing, go and have look through that forum and read a few member's works. This isn't a strict rule but we'd like a decent amount of nominations for every award. So please make an effort. [b]Most Knowledgeable (GTA3):[/b] [b]Most Knowledgeable (GTAVC):[/b] [b]Most Knowledgeable (GTASA):[/b] [b]Most Knowledgeable (GTALCS):[/b] [b]Most Knowledgeable (GTAVCS):[/b] [b]Best Stunter (San Andreas):[/b] [b]Best Stunter (Vice City):[/b] [b]Most Respected Member:[/b] [b]Most Respected Mod/Super Mod:[/b] [b]Most Helpful Member:[/b] [b]Most Improved Member:[/b] [b]Best New Member:[/b] [b]Most Intelligent Member:[/b] [b]Funniest Member:[/b] [b]Most Original Username:[/b] [b]Biggest geek:[/b] [b]Most Random Member:[/b] [b]Most unique member:[/b] [b]Best Avatar:[/b] [b]Best Signature:[/b] [b]Best Graphics maker:[/b] [b]Best Writing (creativity forum):[/b] [b]Best Topic Starter:[/b] [b]Medal of Honor:[/b] [b]Userbar Whore:[/b] [b]Weirdest Looks:[/b] And that's it. Some notes about some of the awards: Best New member - a "new member" is someone who registered here during 2007. Most respected member - anyone who isn't a mod/super mod/ or admin Most respected mod - moderators and super mods, this is NOT for admins Most improved - members who started out as n00bs but are now actually pretty decent Medal of Honor - person who has RP'ed the best, or fought the best in battles etc. Best Topic Starter - This for someone who starts topics that get excellent discussion (i.e. don't award it to people who create silly topics in fun and games) I think everything else is fairly obvious, any questions just ask BEFORE you post nominations Ok, nominate away! Please only post once. You have at least an entire week to edit your post, as many times as you want. Please try to get at least one person down for each award.
  7. Did someone miss Andrew91's image because somehow the title has moved back to the middle of the image...
  8. I'm sure I read somewhere they've made improvements to the weather system, but they didn't specify what exactly.
  9. I believe it's supposed to be stars. If you look at this screenshot obviously taken at dawn/dusk where stars are still visible (the weather look fine so it's not snow): http://www.thegtaplace.com/image.php?img=g...hots/gta004.jpg The left, top, and right areas of the image you can see them.
  10. Shit. I almost had a heart attack. I saw the title and expected this to be about the entire Internet going down, like someone had broken it. Imagine that, no Internet!! Well that's gonna suck if you miss all the voting for the awards...
  11. Ok I'll make a topic where people can post their stuff and if there's enough we'll have an award for it.
  12. Shame it's only for Americans. Sucks when there's country specific offers, except when it's exclusive to the UK
  13. Ok updated list. Chris82 and OGTAM, wondering about a couple you two suggested. I put a comment next to the ones I'm on about. Most Knowledgeable (GTA3): Most Knowledgeable (GTAVC): Most Knowledgeable (GTASA): Most Knowledgeable (GTALCS): Most Knowledgeable (GTAVCS): Best Stunter (San Andreas): Best Stunter (Vice City): Sexiest Member: Most Respected Member: Most Helpful Member: Most Improved Member: Best New Member: Most Intelligent Member: Funniest Member: Most Original Username: Biggest geek ]]]]]] - uhh, chris, fuck's the difference between these two? Most technical ]]]]] Most Random Member Most unique member Best Avatar: Best Signature: Best Graphics maker: Best Writing: Best Machinima ]]]]]]] - so do we have enough? Best Topic Starter Medal of Honor Biggest Userbar Whore: Weirdest Looks: I removed ones I felt we don't really need to be awarding for, and ones which had similarities with others. It's under 30 I now, soon as OGTAM and chris82 clarify aforementioned notes I'll start a noms topic.
  14. Ha we did this a few years ago but it was the penis game, and the mods kept deleting the topic Terminator 3: Rise of the tampons
  15. That's always been the case. Back in June this was announced by Take-Two. Soon thereafter, in fact in the conference call, we found out there would be 2. And that MS paid $50m for them - http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11604
  16. ? I mean you quoted me right there. I say first and second, just like it's been since it was first announced, the only difference is the change in dates, which is obviously due to the delay.
  17. No offence rem but why is this news. nobody said anything about more than two packs of content. We never said that in our news either. The second got moved back to 2009 obviously due to the delay since they wouldn't release two packs at once... People may have done on other sites but the ones I checked all reported it fairly accurately. I think it was just those shit gaming networks that once again got all the facts wrong.
  18. OK I can't be arsed to argue with you any further than this post. But no, there aren't. Prove it if there are more.
  19. Yeah that's what I had to do and realised it was a massive waste of time. So I began teaching myself PHP, that was about 4 years ago, so obviously I'm pretty adept now.
  20. Avant is shit*. It requires IE6 (at least) installed, so therefore only works on Windows. And what's more, it uses the Trident rendering engine (which IE also uses) so all the websites that IE fucks up also appeared fucked up in Avant. *In my opinion. By the way, Flock is good. Does anyone here use it? It's a customized Firefox, basically enhanced for heavy users of social networking sites, be it flickr, facebook last.fm, myspace, photobucket... whatever, integrates well apparently. I don't use enough of those sites frequently enough to warrant changing though.
  21. PHP is a web programming language. HTML is markup language which browsers interpret and format a page based on the tags used. All websites are written in HTML regardless of any programming languages used for the backend. You need to learn the difference before coding stuff by yourself. Otherwise you'll get yourself confused. And you need to know HTML before you can start with any programming language, not just PHP. You can't make a browser perform any functions using HTML by itself
  22. No, just the first few paragraphs and the 'Business Highlights'. Then I just CTRL+F for 'Grand Theft Auto' to see if there's any further mentions of specific details. The conference call you can just listen to and it's usually boring because it's all just corporate stuff mainly, but sometimes they get asked questions like about the release date and the Wii version for example so we sometimes get more info from it. Sometimes nothing. I'm not bothered about all the financial stuff itself.
  23. Hang on a sec you guys are suggesting even more awards, which is great, but we have quite a large number already. We should probably cut down a bit.
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