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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Do you have a bigger image? My e-penis cannot grow those extra few inches without my actually reading my website URL in print. That's actually quite cool if we made it though, the other sites you mentioned have all been in print before, and were around before us.
  2. These are already in our gallery at low res, I'll update them.
  3. Yet more screenshots are appearing online!
  4. We haven't been told his full first name, there's so many variations and spelling of Nikolai (Nicholas) that I'm not sure it would actually help us. But yeah there's a good chance he's Russian, I'm going with Serb for now though.
  5. Yeah but anyone can have a friend who is Russian. That's basically like me asking you "Where's your French friend now?". I see how you're interpreting that, but it's not definite if you see what I'm saying. Also if he was talking to Roman you'd guess he'd know they were relatives and said "Where's your cousin now?" Thinking about it, the sort of person he is, illegally immigrating and all that, he clearly has connections in a few European countries I would have thought.
  6. Thanks for the insight. I understand the languages are similar which is why I asked in the first place, but basically Niko is most likely a Serb (which was my guess once we found he wasn't Russian ) based on the fact that we believe 'Zdravo bracaru' is a Serbian phrase... hmm... still, it doesn't make any difference whatsoever, it's just nice to know a little more about the protagonist. So maybe he is Serb, well he's probably Serb... but there's still a chance he's not... maybe mixed heritage like yourself and knows a couple of languages and decided to use that one... I digress...
  7. Cool. Your Slovenian. Is that phrase Slovenian or is it another Slavic language? Is it definitely Slovenian or could it be something else as well. If not then we could be fairly certain which country Niko is from. You're right actually. But the one used in the trailer appears to be some kind of remix because the album version I've acquired lacks the guitar. EDIT: Yeah, the trailer one is 2 Kaiser but it's titled King Ring someplaces, guess it's technically, and probably Seryoga - 2 Kaiser (King Ring Remix).. the backing vocals in places sound like they're singing 'King Ring' to me. Differences are: remix is 21 seconds longer, has guitars and backing vocals in places and I think has slightly more rapping. The album version features another rapper called Azad, the remix doesn't.
  8. Rockstar are certainly making up for the months fans waited without any news on GTA IV by giving us a lot of stuff to enjoy over the past week or so. Today, Yahoo have posted a developer diary which details part of how Rockstar Games and Rockstar North have created Liberty City. The article includes some screenshots side-by-side with their real life counterpart, along with 4 new screenshots.
  9. Added a link to the first post for the HD version now
  10. It's out! http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14277
  11. Rockstar Games have just released the third official trailer for Grand Theft Auto IV. Check out the 2 minute long trailer over at the official site or GameTrailers, or in standard definition embedded below. If you want to download the HD version then click here for the 124mb .zip file. Two screenshots were also added by Rockstar to the official site, see those beneath the trailer. You may also be interested in an article IGN have just posted up - an informative Q&A about the new trailer. For example it mentions the artist and song used in the trailer which the vast majority of us will never have even heard of. The song is called King Ring 2 Kaiser (King Ring Remix) by Russian rap artist Serjoga Seryoga. Leave your comments in the topic to let everyone know what you thought of the trailer and how excited you now are.
  12. I didn't vote because for me it's combination of the first two. I obviously want to enjoy it as much as I can, but I also need to do it pretty quickly, being a webmaster and everything. I kind of need to know about as much as possible of what goes on.
  13. We're not sure how many more of these are coming but here are 3 new screenshots from IGN.
  14. Yeah more like a Land Rover than a Jeep, according to someone on another forum it's most like a Land Rover Range Rover
  15. Rockstar Games have released 2 more screenshots today, this time both are brand new. People's first reactions seem to be about Niko's slightly updated haircut, as well as speculation on Vlad's bar.
  16. Rockstar Games were kind enough to send us eight digital screenshots tonight. They have been featured in various magazines a while back, some may be new to you, others old. Here they are in their glorious unwatermarked digitalness... View more GTA IV screenshots.
  17. I just added the links in and realised I haven't got the proper edited skin file for the store, and I also don't have all the template bits for the gang system for any other skin apart from our custom one. I need to get that sorted and read up on how to actually export/import them properly.
  18. There's a number of countries appearing popular on there that really surprise me. But thinking about all the Indians in the UK though, it could be that they prefer to put India as their country rather than the UK. Like if I lived in America I'd still put England as my country on here. Other people might prefer to use the country as the place where they live.
  19. Well yeah there's a lot of Americans here, more than any other individual country. However if you add up all the Europeans there's a hell of a lot more of them than Americans, and if you count the rest of the world too, we have a lot of South Americans, Australasians, Asians and even a few Africans. You can use the location field in your profile to display a more accurate location if you wish, which others can see by viewing your profile. This list doesn't include EVERY member, just ones who have set their country: http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.ph...sortby=memcount You can see USA is first, but begin to add up # of members from other countries and it soon overtakes the USA before you get evry far down the list.
  20. ^ Exactly. Besides, we're not actually US based anyway. Nice idea but not something we want or need to do.
  21. Well, TGTAP actually turned 5 years old a few days ago, on November 29th, but I never got round to posting this. Would probably look silly as news now, so it's going here. I can't believe it's been 5 years since I started this website. We've come a long way since then and have blossomed into one of the most visited GTA websites on the net, with a quarter of a million visitors every month, serving up many millions of pages. Things picked up heavily over the last year with a lot of GTA IV information and media getting released, but in the past few months the GTA community has become less active due to the lack of anything new. Thankfully, just yesterday we received the best bit of news we've had for a long time, the announcement of a third trailer, and the unveiling of the official box art. Exciting stuff, it certainly woke a lot of people up and the post received many comments. A nice little activity increaser. However long you've been with us, we hope you'll be here for our sixth year, when [hopefully] we'll all be enjoying Grand Theft Auto IV!
  22. Wow, I met a guy EXACTLY as you described at the airport when I went to (and came back from) Malta in the summer... wonder if you are him? As for myself, 100% English... how boring
  23. Finally some long awaited news on Grand Theft Auto IV. We had an email from the R* Webmaster today letting us know the official box art for GTA IV has now been revealed (see that below), and that we now have a date for the third trailer titled "Move up, ladies". Hitting your screens on 6th December at 3PM EST. Also below is a short clip of the box art being painted. Link: Official GTA IV website
  24. Chris

    Assassin's creed

    One of my flatmates has this, he's been playing loads since he got it so I guess he likes it a lot. I watched him play for a little bit and it does look pretty sweet. I'll borrow it from him once he's done with it and see what it's like for myself.
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