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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Lol, their almost the same as mine, but Mines is Nike Air Force 1's, here's a pic of it: http://i19.tinypic.com/4tawyg5.jpg WTF they are completely different :/ ps3 player: Are your trainers bright white and do you tuck your trousers into your socks?
  2. Got half of the admin panel done today. Just got file management left then I can pretty much bring it out of beta and make it live.
  3. You may remember a month ago today we posted about a fan made trailer created by Brotha. He took the time to recreate the entire second GTAIV trailer using just San Andreas and a couple of mod tools. Over the past weekend, other GTA sites began seemingly randomly posting it, and it appears to have given Brotha the inspiration to create another video. This time he has recreated the first GTA IV trailer - yes, a step backwards in time, but nevertheless another great effort from him. Check it out below or here at GameTrailers.com. Let's hope he recreates the next trailer too! Related link: official GTAIV trailers
  4. Wow I never realised just how many of us can't be put into one single group. That's a good thing though IMO. Random pic I found of my vans:
  5. Heh, ^ we seem to wear similar clothes actually. It's funny that us three so far all like 'nerdy' stuff like gaming for example is probably classed as nerdy yet none of us hung out with nerds at school. I was never interested in the stuff they talk about, and like you guys said would much rather play football (soccer) with friends. So there's no emo's or gangstas yet? There must be some I'm sure. Don't be scared, we aren't gonna diss you for having a certain lifestyle
  6. This doesn't interest me but I just wanted to drop in and remind everyone, China = communist country. They censor the Internet from their citizens. That's a well known fact. Hell, in China, you can't even get on Wikipedia due to other points of view the government doesn't want people to read. UFO's are obviously widely debated about - still strange their gov. would censor that but still. Not sure what his big fuss is all about. That's just the way things are, then again, no offence to him I'm sure he's a very knowledgeable man but he clearly doesn't have much web knowledge, you can tell from the MS Frontpage layout and poorly used colours etc. So yeah, it's simply that he's trying to contact people in China that he believes everyone's getting the forbidden message. Perhaps you could point him towards an article on internet censorship in China. I'm sure he'll understand then. Sucks to be trying to contact people there though, for him I mean.
  7. So TGTAP, I was just wondering what kinds of people we have on here, like what's the most popular kind of group e.g. emo, skater, punk, scene, geek, goth... whatever. Basically describe your music tastes, clothing style, hobbies and anything that classifies you. This is just for fun btw, I'm not like plotting graphs of like all the demographics and shit So... My music - well it's pretty varied actually, I mainly listen to rock, but also metal, punk, indie, industrial, some emo, and occasionally some techno / dance which is slightly random. My hobbies - well at the moment nothing much in particular besides that standard and boring 'hanging out with friends' etc. But obviously web design/development is something I'm interested in, also gaming... that kinda classifies me as a geek somewhat My clothes - well, I'm usually always wearing Jeans unless it's hot, and the Tshirts, hoodies, shoes I wear are probably what you'd call 'skater' or 'board' fashion. Brands like Quicksilver, Billabong, Rip Curl. Some tees I wear is of bands I like though. VANS shoes, even though I don't skate, they're comfy as hell though The clothes look baggy on me as I'm skinny, but I'm not trying to be a rapper honest! Sometimes I'll wear a shirt though and some smarter shoes for a smarter look, but most of the time there's no need. None of that is to fit in with a particular crowd of people either. As I said, I don't even skate. There's some similarities with my friends but all of us have different tastes and stuff. Anyway what group does that put me in? I've no idea really (great start to the topic huh? ). Possibly a bit of geek, and also skater/punk I guess due to clothing/music... How about you?
  8. Major progress has now been made. See the first post for the full check list on what's been done. Basically today I've finished the whole User CP for the downloads system. See http://www.thegtaplace.com/downloads/ You of course need to be logged in to your forum account to use it. From there you can manage your files and upload new files. There may be a couple of small bugs but I fixed all the major ones I came across. You CAN start uploading your mods, however I won't necessarily approve them any time soon, as I still have the admin panel to code.
  9. Good good. Well that guys is the increase in performance you see in going from a dual core to a quad core processor, in a server. We still have the same amount of RAM
  10. OMG over-exposure!!! lol Also, is it just me or is your hair now black? I see like, a hint of red... maybe the photo is even more over exposed than I think! :/
  11. If they do then this delay is good. Means the PC release will be even later.. meaning more people by then will have powerful enough PCs to play the game.
  12. GT4 is win. But I got bored of that eventually, though after a long time playing it I have to admit. Did last me quite a while. Never played the original Forza but I'm loving Forza 2 at the moment, if the original was a great success which I hear it is, I guess go for that. LOL NFS... NFS sucks now, series is ruined for me. But yeah I'm gonna say Forza...
  13. Banned for thinking that man is hot. Lol at how everyone has asked if it's a dude though.
  14. That's still really slow :/ Oh well, glad you're mostly all seeing a speed increase. Tbh I myself rarely had problems with the site being slow.
  15. It's here: http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/e0408bc4c2.jpg
  16. What are you doing back here btw?

    I thought you hated us?

  17. If you're reading this topic that means you're seeing TGTAP on it's new server Matt, a.k.a bronco92 who owns the server we live on decided it was time to move us on to a faster one. Hopefully this should mean better performance during peak times, especially at times when such things as a trailer release occur! As well as this the stupid virus alert things should be gone now. probably some exploit that happened on the old server :/ Of course there were a few problems just after the move but they should be all sorted now. If you're experiencing errors which you weren't getting before anywhere on the site then please let me know and I'll see to it ASAP. Enjoy your faster TGTAP browsing speeds (hopefully)!
  18. It's to stop people searching for things like "the" and "gta"... if you searched those it would return nearly every single post anyone has ever posted! Like Sky said, words that short are generally very broad terms.
  19. Yes I've since posted about that too. The point is we don't know that March 4th is fact. Whereas gtagaming are claiming that. TGTAP and PlanetGTA are both saying March but with no specific date. That way we aren't spreading any misinformation if it turns out to not be March 4th. This is what you learn after running a site for a number of years. GTAGaming is a good site but their new news posters are newbies to the job, which isn't their fault really, but they need to be a bit more cautious in their posts.
  20. Take-Two have apparently been telling retailers the new release date for GTA IV is "March 2008" - nothing more specific than that. The traditional Tuesday (in the US) release dates in March will fall on the 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th, which one it will be we have no idea. Several retailers have been putting March 4th, others are putting dates as late as June. Take-Two have themselves said in the press release "Q2-2008" of their fiscal year, meaning any time between February and April. Other GTA sites are claiming March 4th is the "confirmed" date, though of course, no sources are cited. However, retailers are never a reliable source (EBGames anyone?), until we hear directly from Rockstar or Take-Two we cannot really confirm any particular day. So for now, March 2008 is a safe estimate for the release month.
  21. ^ Enjoy your warn, idiot. Amazon have gone with the latest possible release, while GameStop have gone with the earliest. So basically we have no idea. You may see unprofessional GTA sites such as GTAgaming.com post as fact that the March date is true. They say their "sources" clarified the date, yet they fail to cite them - lol. That's a telltale sign they have absolutely no fucking clue either. As soon as we have an official date from Rockstar we will post it.
  22. Well of course it's old, it came out very soon after the trailer was released. Pretty much everyone will have seen the trailer by now, and an analysis of some sort probably. Never mind, I''ll leave it open anyway.
  23. Oh yes, I should, thanks. Will remove it right now.
  24. ... I wasn't that harsh the first time it happened but thanks for posting proof anyway. I was aware of this which seemed to occur today for some visitors. Server techs have been notified. However, we are actually moving to a faster, better server on the weekend, so I'm not sure what will actually be done about it - if anything can be done.
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