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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris

    Free rings

    Hayden sure is hot Oh yeah, so, yeah... what he said ^... wtf? You ordered free ringtones from a website targeted towards girls and are surprised they make the assumption you are a girl?
  2. Chris


    Gosh, folks, this is a brilliant example of a shit topic. Shit topics always get closed.
  3. Yeah well depending on how busy I get at uni we may have a new layout soon, or maybe not, I'm not sure, so I won't get everyone's hopes up Anyway this appears to have been a huge success, the number of registrations per day has shot up and of course we've now broken the 10,000 member barrier! So thanks to everyone who's signing up to submit mods! I assume that's why we've been getting a influx of new members anyway. Just goes to show how effective pimping stuff from the homepage is
  4. Happy Birthday Sky, have a good one!
  5. If you've been searching for mods today you will have noticed our brand new downloads database. I've been coding it on and off for the past few months, and it's now finally complete. All our old mods are still there so don't worry about it being empty, nothing has been lost, and all old links will redirect to the new URLs. Below is a summary of what's new and what's been improved from the old system. New Features and Improvements Integration with the forums - members can submit their own mods, manage their files Advanced searching options Quick download Author pages Quicker rating system More detailed file pages Support for multiple screenshots for each file Report file form (for broken links, inaccurate details etc.) More intuitive design If you're interested you can read about all these features in detail in the downloads database overhaul topic on our forums. Remember if you want to submit your own modifications for inclusion in our database, you'll need to be a member. If you aren't already, head on over to our forums and Register now - it only takes a moment. So if you're bored waiting for GTA IV to be released, find yourself some nice mods in our downloads database for your current GTA games. Feedback and comments are appreciated, also let us know if you find any bugs/problems while using the new system. Hopefully everything should be faster than the old one. Also, keep in mind we have even more new features planned, including the ability to add your own comments to mods, different viewing options when browsing categories, and instant file ratings. As well as this we'll also be adding links to tutorials on how to install mods for your games, however, until these are up, please make good use of our forums.
  6. Just a heads up guys. I have finished all necessary coding to allow me to fully moderate file submissions and add/edit/delete files and such that I can now launch the new system. I shall probably do this some time tonight, you'll see a news post about it. I first have to setup the pafiledb page to redirect.
  7. Those files aren't from our site, they're actually from a French site, www.grandtheftauto.fr. So go on their forums and tell them about the errors as it's nothing to do with us and nothing we can help you with.
  8. Yeah the trouble is with EVERY 11/9 theory there's 'evidence' against it. Even the hugely popular Loose Change documentary has a ton of criticism against it and people pointing out inaccuracies. I have a pdf file from somewhere entitled "Why Indeed Did The Twin Towers Collapse?" (or something like that), it's quite a few pages long and really detailed. I think I saved it, meaning to read through it all at one time. But I never did and to be honest I've lost interest now. I don't care enough really. The only hard facts are that the USA has a corrupt government (like many other countries except they also have a lot of power in terms of the whole world, so it's worse). The BBC's 9/11 Conspiracy Files program was really good because unlike in the USA where every single media corp. takes a side, the BBC look at everything from a neutral and non-biased perspective. So for each claim there was a counter-claim, and such. 11/9 isn't really talked about anymore, well, not in England anyway, unless something happens related to it. EDIT: Also, http://www.freedomunderground.org/memoryhole/pentagon.php this IIRC was one of the first videos to hit the web when people knew something wasn't quite right. Pretty interesting. But it raises questions rather than anything else. SOme of which have probably been answered by now, but as I said earlier, lost interest... it's highly unlikely we'll ever learn the truth.
  9. Well you could put your myspace URL in the Website field when you edit your profile. Thing is if we put one social networking site on there we really should put all of them on, and that would be stupid. If you search you'll find there is a myspace topic probably in the lounge where you can post your profile url.
  10. Chris

    Chris is 19

    Oh thanks everyone including all you late well wishers. Yeah I love sausage fests and such, thanks for all your sex. I got the last laugh since you all have AIDS now lol Thanks Urban for that cake though I preferred the NSFW one you showed me earlier, looked delicious, definitely something I wouldn't mind 'eating out' But yeah fairly decent bday, didn't get totally wasted but oh well, tbh didn't really feel like doing that, I'll save that for nights out during Freshers' Week
  11. The latest issue of GamePro has brought up a few new minor details about GTA IV, they saw the same missions we heard about during the last lot of previews so there's nothing really exciting here, just a few interesting snippets of information. Billboards can be seen advertsing "Shark Credit Cards," "Pirate Music" and "The Whiz" (The Whiz being the type of phone Niko uses.) The HUD is described as "minimalist to its core." There is a mini-map, a "low-key" cash counter, and they say that the HUD in general looks more clean than in previous GTA games. Ammu-Nation no longer exists. We've heard about the new ways of acquiring weapons, namely from Little Jacob. GamePro is the first magazine to confirm that Ammu-Nation has been dropped. The rocket launcher will return (obviously, this has also been mentioned in other magazines but not explicitly confirmed) One of the female pedestrians screams "this shit is bananas!" from her vehicle. (Another quote we heard a while back) A fare meter appears on-screen as soon as Niko enters a cab, and the camera pans around it as it drives. The little green guy on crosswalks is crisp and clear. Clothing in GTA IV is described as "customizable, and also realistic." On shooting, the magazine states that: "the cover system borrows elements of Gears of War, and Rainbow Six: Las Vegas." It also says that "the aiming is a Resident Evil 4, over the shoulder style." In other news, Gamesindustry.biz is reporting that an Australian band called "Airbourne" will have some of their music in GTA IV. Link: GTAF topic
  12. Chris

    Chris is 19

    Ha thanks everyone! I'm not actually going out to get pissed tonight, doing that on Saturday Also drinking age in the UK is 18 so I've already been legal for a year. But yeah, thanks everyone. Also I think all/most the active staff all have their birthday topics made as an announcement unless one of you noobs goes and makes one in the lounge or something
  13. Hi, Yeah I'm 19 today, 6th September! Everyone give me sex and presents and money or you get b& Also happy birthday to the four other people I know with a birthday today, popular day huh. That includes YoungFools of this forum even though he's not that well known but meh.
  14. Since there's no news at the moment I thought I'd update you all on the progress of San Andreas Multiplayer which saw 2 bugfix releases last week. Below is a summary of what's changed and following that are download links. I've updated the download page, and you can download SA-MP 0.2.2 from our new downloads database, we haven't quite finished coding it though so I'm giving you a little sneak peek here. If you're looking for server releases then head over to the SA-MP website.
  15. Nice. I love parkour vids. You guys definitely seem to have improved since the last vid you posted here, I think... can't remember it too well But yeah some good stuff! Good song too.
  16. No problem, did it work?
  17. <param name="movie" value="sources/flash/kokane.swf" /> should be <param name="movie" value="http://kokanestyle.com/flashcontentswfs/kokane.swf" /> To put it in the center, first get rid of all this shit: <p> </p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0;"> </p> <p style="margin-top: 0;"> lol ok and now after the <body> tag put this: <div align="center" style="margin: 30px auto;"> and before the end body tag, </body>, replace this </p> with </div>
  18. Not sure if it's working for you again now or not, but it should be. However at the moment it's not working for me and if still not by the morning I'll get Holme to sort it out. Not really a big problem anyway
  19. Please check out my latest sets on flickr. Pics of Malta, Sicily, and Reading Festival are all there. Tell me what you think and which pics are good.
  20. Chris

    Mafia 2 ?

    Press release: http://ir.take2games.com/ReleaseDetail.cfm?ReleaseID=260590 Official site: http://www.2kgames.com/mafia2/ Easier than translating German articles?
  21. New hair? kinda new style anyway? Take that cap off and show us
  22. Since when did you wear glasses? I don't remember seeing pics of you wearing them anyway.
  23. What the hell, we've know about the mission for months. What on earth are they making false boasts for :/ Thanks but I'm sure all of this is very old. Are they sure it's the August issue?
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