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Everything posted by Chris

  1. After the reading over all the information obtained from GameInformer, I have updated a few of the GTA4 pages here at The GTA Place. A few changes have been made to the general information page simply to extend on what we already know, as well as add a few points about multiplayer, the setting, and the characters, with links to the next two pages I have added. The first of those a (currently) small page about the main characters in the game. At the moment, we only know a few things about Niko and Roman, however I'll be adding to the page with each new character we find out about. The second page I added was an overview on GTA4's new rendition of Liberty City, now confirmed to be set in the current year, 2007. We found out quite a bit about the city from GameInformer, and I have collated the most interesting points from the magazine, as well as a few quotes directly from Dan Houser. It details the similarities to real life New York City, as well as what you can expect to see there with regards to the non-playable characters, and some of the more iconic things about the city. I also added an artwork page to house all of the different styles of logo which have been cropping up, this page will be more organised shortly with descriptions of each one. Enjoy!
  2. Excellent, thanks for those. Better late than never eh? Too bad we have all the info now.
  3. Looks like a browser problem. Are you using an alpha or beta build of Firefox? I noticed there's a build number in the title bar.
  4. I would imagine so yeah, it would be kinda weird if the entire city was open to us right from the start.
  5. Hehe, sorry for this really old screenshot. I took it back in October 2005 when the easter egg was introduced I believe... Google win. Practically every one of their apps has some kind of easter egg somewhere.
  6. There's always downloadable content which may or may not add these features. We need more info on this downloadable stuff though, hopefully the next mag preview will have it. Also, I hope OPM don't have the same preview that GI got, otherwise we'll barely get any new info which would be a shame.
  7. No it couldn't. "We don't like the idea of having children or fuzzy animals in Grand Theft Auto"
  8. The photos aren't hosted here anyway, we aren't breaking any rules by linking to them.
  9. I've updated the first post with more details! That's it now.
  10. If we get asked to take them down we will, for now they can stay
  11. They have been posted here. I think there's more than what he's posted though.
  12. That and the fact nothing much happened there, and it took ages to traverse unless you had a Hydra.
  13. Countryside was possibly the worst part of San Andreas. Why do you want it?
  14. UPDATES now coming in as I type. Keep refreshing the first post!
  15. But also, nothing has been mentioned of helicopters. He only said planes there, not all aircraft. Hmm...
  16. Gerard has been transcribing parts of the magazine which we've heard from this guys soundbite uploaded earlier, haven't heard it myself, but check the Grand Theft Wiki article if you're interested.
  17. Dan Houser has apparently said: "Players won't be able to fly their aeroplanes. There are no planes because it's just a city"
  18. I wonder if it's the entire New York State. Either way, if it is, the size of it probably won't warrant the need for planes. Also, imagine the uproar from politicians after they learn that GTAIV trains terrorists to fly planes into tall buildings...
  19. I believe Dmac has posted some of the stuff in our GTA IV forum. There's these two topics: here and here
  20. That's what I just said though. You even quoted it. my last line, I said Serbian.
  21. That's when the girl gets home from work... How the hell did she manage to get a copy of the magazine... bizarre. @Gycu: you have to get permission to post magazine scans - publishers get especially annoyed when people put them online while the magazine is on sale because it is foten detrimental to their sales - people read the info and don't bother going out to buy the mag. People are posting them already on this forum and others, I'm sure if GI browse any of our sites they'll find them and we'll be asked to take them down. At the moment, the pics we're getting are barely readable, so they don't matter really, IMO. Regarding the name Bellic: The reason why we all think it's Croatian is because in Croatia, a lot of names tend to end with 'ic'. I don't know of another country that. And I think with the accented c, only makes a difference to people who actually live in Croatia and speak the language, such as yourself. We may all be wrong though, maybe we won't find out just yet... EDIT: Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia - Three places where surnames commonly end with -ic - pronounced 'itch'
  22. Hmm... anyway, still illegal for us to actually post scans...
  23. Thanks for letting me know Besides, the guy doesn't even have a scanner, or even a decent camera, so we're not getting anything yet. Not like it matters we've posted this early.
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