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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Ok that's cool, all of you seem to like the idea so far. The gang forums have now been re-arranged. I've also added the Sports and Vehicles forums. I also just spent ages going through the lounge and entertainment forum moving all sorts of topics around, I found quite a few relating to sports, only a small amount for vehicles though, so get posting about some nice cars! Entertainment will be split shortly into Movies & Tv, and Music.
  2. Remember when we last re-arranged the forums some of you started to complain that having virtually all of the forums shown on the forum index means a LOT of scrolling? Well I've decided to re-think the layout of the forums, and have been considering adding a few more subforums to allow us to expand, and to split up some crowded forums. Some of these changes I will definitely be going ahead and doing with immediate affect, some I'll wait for comments from you, and the new subforums will be trialled to see how much discussion we actually get out of you. i.e. if no one uses them we'll get rid of them and go back to how we originally were. The news and announcements forums and all the forums on the GTA games are all staying the same, there aren't any changes to be made to them, the changes concern the rest of the forum, and I've outlined what I plan to do below. First of all, changes I am making right now: The gang forums aren't used by everyone, and secondly, they aren't the main focal point of the forum, though they are of some importance to the community. The gangs category will be organised as such Public Gang Chat - this will house Gang System Announcements, Trading Stalls, Gang Recruitment and Gang Chat Private Gang Chat - no changes here, it simply holds discussion forums for the big official gangs RP and WarZone - again no changes, used for flamewars and for gangs to RP, and well as normal members to RP Changes to the General Discussion forums. I've had a few thoughts about these, and I'm sort of reaching a compromise between two thoughts I had. Splitting these forums up into two or three main areas. Making it appear like so... General Discussion The Lounge - for general chat about anything that doesn't belong in any of the other forums Serious Chat - For more important topics regarding politics, current events, environment, the world and what have you. Fun and Games - forum games and other random spammy stuff [*]Creativity Graphics - for showing off your works of art, things you've made in photoshop, or paint... Writer's Lounge - for those of you who write fanfic's and such, show them off here. [*]Lifestyle Gaming - games other than GTA Music - for discussing your interests in all things music TV and Movies - for discussing TV programs and what's on at the movies, the films you've seen etc. Sport - so most of you are lazy gamers, but you have interest in some sports right? I'm sure you watch them on TV, you can talk about them here Vehicles - here we are all fans of Grand Theft Auto, most of us have an interest in vehicles in real life too, just take the amount of cars in our download database, people love getting real life cars in the game, so I'm sure this forum will be of great interest to many of you. The forum will contain discussion about real life vehicles and motoring. PC Chat - for everything hardware and software, programming etc. it all goes here NOTES Writer's Lounge - this new forum will be made to split up the creativity forum which currently has both writing and graphics, two great forms of expression, but very different. The split would make it easier for members to find what they are actually there for. Splitting the Entertainment forum - this forum has a lot of topics in it. A lot of interests flying around for all different mediums. We think it would be better to have dedicated forums for Music, and TV & Movies. This would make it much easier for members to find topics on specific things Sports forum - not many topics in the entertainment forum revolve around sporting events, or sports in general. But it's a pretty large thing that is in nearly all of our lives whether we take part or just watch. This is a trial forum. We will see how much people use it and decide in a couple of weeks or so whether it is needed. However, with the split up of other forums, The Lounge would seem the only appropriate place to keep the topics that are posted in... so it would actually be easier to keep it anyway... then again if it really isn't used, this won't be too much of a problem. Vehicles forum - This is another forum I am creating just to trial it and see how it goes, I expect it to be more popular than the sports one above, and the reasons for it I like I said in the descriptions. We are all fans of Grand Theft Auto, most of us have an interest in vehicles in real life too, just take the amount of cars in our download database, people love getting real life cars in the game, so I'm sure this forum will be of great interest to many of you. The forum will contain discussion about real life vehicles and motoring. And that's about it. So what we have is a splitting up of the General Discussion area into 3 separate areas, each with a few subforums in, so the discussion is more channelled. Please give us your comments, I want to know whether you like or dislike the changes, and hear any other thoughts you've got on the matter. Please don't leave it until after we've made the changes to voice your opinion... that would be stupid wouldn't it.
  3. In the UK, "bum fluff" is slang for when kids in their teens hit puberty, or later or whenever, and start getting facial hair which is often just colourless and soft, and also for when you start getting sideburns and such.
  4. LOL that is rubbish, none of it is even synced. What game is it anyway?
  5. I should get a pic of myself after not shaving for a while actually.
  6. Your attachment upload failed... try again? EDIT: Woops I was too quick to reply, it's there now Yeah, looks a pretty good place. I'm not much of a stunter, and haven't played SA for a while, but I may give it a go soon.
  7. Guys, when looking into names, first names RARELY matter when it's common. There's a version of "Nick" in loads of countries. Nick Nicholas Niko Nik Niki Nikos Nikolai Nicola Nicole And I could go on... but see? We don't get anywhere by looking at first name. Bellic is all we're interested in here. Keep in mind that after all these possibilities, surname comes from the father. So while his father may have been Croatian, Niko himself could have been born in Canada for all we know (of course not at all likely and nonsensical, but possible) Anyway, like I said in my original post about the GI magazine, and right from the start I should add, was that the name is likely of Slavic origin, I edited it out because of all the uncertainty, and just left it as Eastern European. Yeah it's vague but at least it's factually accurate right now... I personally believe him to be Croatian, if not then perhaps Serbian or Montenegrin, or another former Yugoslav country. With the immigrant issue, I didn't even think they went to America, what's shown on UK news is the amount of Eastern Europeans coming into England. And usually, they are Albanian or Polish. You very rarely hear of Croatians being a problem, at least not here in the UK anyway. Below is a map of Europe, and for those of you who fail at Geography, I've outlined the general area where he is probably from.
  8. Oh so it was just the site itself, forums were fine, that's weird. @wheelman101: Perhaps your computer is still infected with the virus, have you done a virus scan and all that?
  9. I live in the UK so obviously have my store set to UK. When I clicked the links from the R* website it opened up iTunes and said the songs weren't available on the UK store, so would I like to change to the US store. I clicked yes, and from there I was able to buy songs - I didn't actually buy any though, but I assume you are able to. It's the credit card companies that handle currency conversions, not Apple, so there's no problem there.
  10. WHat browser are you using? I wasn't able to get this error myself using any browser I tried...
  11. Strange, that error shouldn't even appear under those circumstances. Let me know if this still keeps happening.
  12. Probably just a shorter way to say it...like calling me Chris rather than Christopher...
  13. Nice vid, again. Shame about the wave artefacts though, kinda ruined the editing a bit, but good stuff anyway
  14. The virus/malware problem should be gone now. Please let me know if you are still getting warnings/alerts.
  15. Sorry to disappoint you, but Rockstar have confirmed the content is exclusive to Xbox 360. At the moment, it sounds like the PS3 version will be getting nothing extra. Head over to our GTA4 Info and scroll down to the bit about downloadable content, I included the confirming quote from GameInformer magazine... if you can't be bothered to check it out then here it is:
  16. At the end of the R* Broadcast was a link to a video put together by Rockstar with clips from a number of their most famous titles. The video is to celebrate a "proper era of digital entertainment" with the message "on to the next". Before I even watched the trailer I noticed a few inconsistencies in the Roman numerals used by Rockstar, and a few other sites seem to have also picked up on this. This image is what was shown in the broadcast email, the Roman numerals here translate to 1918 - 2007. Odd, seeing as the R* Games label was formed in 1998 (the Roman numerals in the footer of R*'s site confirm this). Further, the features page on Rockstar's website in addition to the trailer itself display the Roman numerals MCXVIII - MMVII, translating to 1118 - 2007. Now 1118 as a year doesn't really make any sense here, but as a date, November 18th? We're not sure why different dates are being used, or whether it's a genuine error. UPDATE: It was just a typo Above, the video itself, a great compilation of many clips from many great titles. The titles shown include nearly all of the Grand Theft Auto series, May Payne, Manhunt, Bully, Midnight Club, Table Tennis, and Red Dead Revolver. The song in the video by the way, you will probably all recognise from San Andreas as it was featured on the K-DST radio station. It is called Eminence Front, by The Who Link: RockstarGames.com Features
  17. After a long spell of exclusivity on Urge.com, Rockstar have finally released the soundtrack to Vice City Stories on iTunes. The announcement came in the R* Broadcast last night. If you don't live in the US, iTunes will prompt you to change your store to the US version when you click on one of the links to the iMixes. Songs are priced at the usual $0.99, while the 'albums' seem to be between $12 and $14 each depending on number of songs. Link: Official Vice City Stories Website
  18. IE7 Is bolloxed. And he is using FF2. Is the error still happening? And does it only happen in Firefox? If so then we know it's just a browser problem and nothing to do with the site...
  19. Chris


    Jared, I just had a very brief look at GameFAQs for some good walkthroughs. For GTA3, I suggest either Minesweeper, JPaterson, GheddonLN, Adrenaline SL, or RARusk - I've personally used some of these guides when I played through GTA3 for the very first time. For GTAVC, I suggest either Minesweeper, AggroSk8er, RARusk, or glenster - I personally used these guides too. In fact, I actually have glenster on MSN. I helped him with his guide and also, when San Andreas first came out on PS2, I played it and he watched as I had the TV hooked up to my PC as a webcam I'm credited in his walkthrough: thanks to the ardent quests of Chris Phillips for finding an invisible plate in the roof of the Schuman Health Care Center, a way to get a two-wheeler Stat with a helicopter, and some tips on English slang (and giving me a preview of "San Andreas" with MSN Messenger; the man tears a mean rampage, even at the mil- itary base): http://www.thegtaplace.com/vicecity/glitches.php For GTASA, I suggest either AggroSk8er, glenster, or RARusk And do we need one for GTALCS, try RARusk again. EDIT: woops just realised you already got one... oh well, but I thought RARusk's was better, IMO... See, notice quite a few of the same names cropped up for each one, they're the good ones IMO
  20. Yeah I guess so. Hopefully the topic doesn't get purged from GF (I hate that, they should just keep all topics forever like a normal forum), because I want to see if he posts anything else about multiplayer like he said he would.
  21. He got banned for what they thought was 'trolling' at the time? I'm not sure. What also struck me was his use of certain terminology. Where he said "[bellic] is being used as a Mcguffin device" - unless you have a working knowledge of certain media/film concepts, MacGuffin is not a word you'd often use, it's certainly not common. Could be relaying information, or perhaps it's just coincidence that he knows the correct term for these things. A MacGuffin is generally used to drive the plot along while having little relevance to the story, not necessarily to keep a character out of the spotlight. Bellic not being the main character seems a little odd to me. Then again, if we find out Roman's surname is what he says it is (Petronov) then we'll know he's telling the truth. Petronov, Bellic - if they're cousins, you'd think they'd at least be from the same country? The surnames suggest otherwise - see, some of this stuff he is saying doesn't really add up. I'm still sceptical.
  22. Ok, just read through all 8 pages of the GF topic. He seems pretty legit too. Also, they're all saying they remember him from when he tried to tell everyone there was a jetpack and hovercraft in San Andreas. Of course everyone thought he was bullshitting - the we find out they are indeed in the game. Everyone reacts with a "holy shit he was telling the truth!". Good predictions? or genuine knowledge?
  23. Too bad he can't spell, would have been more credible. Rockstar employing uneducated retards isn't something you would think they do, and they don't. If it is true, I don't see what he's getting out of it. Some of it seems common sense, some of it seems logical, perhaps wishful thinking. Obviously he knows a bit about GTA. We'll see what comes of this. Remember, until you hear it from Rockstar directly or indirectly, it's not official.
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