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Everything posted by Chris

  1. OMG, A Russian Dwarf Hamster by any chance? My sister has two just like that, except they are in seperate cages now because they fought all the time lol. I guess I could take a pic tomorrow, i don't have any pets myself.
  2. He lives in Holland. Play.com, Gameplay.co.uk, Game.co.uk and GameStation.co.uk. and also Amazon.co.uk sometimes.
  3. Sony's PS3 is still pretty powerful, and so is the Xbox 360. They can all receive firmware updates and such which improve/add/fix features, prolonging their lifespan. It is definitely going to be at least 5 years, probably more, before we see any signs of a new console from ANY company IMO. I could be wrong, but who knows. If anything though, Sony really do need to get their act together, the PS3 launch and it's lacklustre performance (especially in the US) has really hurt the company, still a great console, but it's doing poorly in terms of sales compared to 360 and Wii. I hope with the PS4 they can get their selves back to the glory days enjoyed with the success of the PS2. While we are on the topic of PS4, I would just like to ask everyone if in your next reply to this topic, say which of the following PS4 related domains you like (based on how good they sound and how memorable you think they are etc., so which one do you think would be best to make a site with and/or forums) PS4area.com PS4discussion.com PS4center.com PS4boards.com PS4talk.net PS4chat.net PS4gamer.net PS4gamers.net PS4hacks.net PS4planet.net PS4portal.net Personally, I like ps4center.com, ps4boards.com, maybe ps4planet.net (.com's are better though aren't they). Which ones do you like the best?
  4. Because companies set up 1 preview to give to all the magazines that want it, saving themselves time and money. Anything 'new' we get from any mags with the same previews are simply details which other mags failed to mention. That's how it works. Yes it's kinda lame, to get any real new info we have to wait until the next round of previews begin which will be some time next month I'd imagine.
  5. Neither am I. I've never even played the first 2. I played one deathmatch on Halo 3 last night and then I had to go... wasn't enough time for me to decide if I like though.
  6. So who here has played this now that it's out?
  7. Seems like it yeah and they are so late with the preview. Some of the stuff we have heard before but I don't think I specifically mentioned it in my previous news posts, if I did then this just reiterates it.
  8. Yeah I know we knew about the peds... needed filler really because it's such a short news post I think I'm gonna take it out now again since I just realised I've contradicted myself somewhere...
  9. Issue #153 of PLAY, the UK publication we reported on last month because of a printing error with the IV logo is now out. The 5 page preview provides a couple of interesting tidbits, in what is otherwise full of information we already know about. Niko's cousin Roman is thousands of dollars in debt Niko's mobile phone has the ability to receive text messages and also has a camera which you can take pictures with. In next month's issue (available on 14th June 2007) PLAY will feature an exclusive preview of the game which they are hyping up quite a bit Thanks to MattyBlog for the scans.
  10. It's the Alt+Tab replacement, instead of just seeing a programs icon, you now see an actual live screen of the program running so it's easier to know which window to switch to. @Jared: Last month. And tbh I haven't really used it much yet, sure I will do though, the new features are excellent.
  11. I don`t wanna be a n00b, I haven`t played LCS & VCS, but how was the wardrobe in LCS and VCS ? Was it like in Vice City ( 2002) ? Kind of, it was better than Vice City though. In LCS and VCS, you basically had a clothes icon in each safehouse, you walk into it, and you press left or right to scroll through available outfits, then just press X to select the one you want. It wasn't as big as SA where you were able to select individual items of clothing etc. So that means there will be lots of fake street names... I hope R* didn`t ran out of ideas....Ah, what the heck? they never do... Well if they just do it typical American lazy style like 5th street, 6th street, 7th street etc. (the most unimaginitive names for streets in the world... any other countries do this) And let me guess, there will be a 69th street...
  12. German magazine GamePro recently published their preview of GTA4. It looks to be the same as all the other magazines we've reported on so far, simply reiterating what we already know. A couple of minor new details have popped up though: Niko will have access to a wardrobe in his flat - it is not clear whether this will be on the scale of what we had in San Andreas, or more like what we saw in Liberty and Vice City Stories. There are several different animation sets for breaking into a car Rockstar are thinking about doing something that the True Crime games, by giving every street it's own name which will fade in/out of the screen when entered, rather like each area did in previous GTA games. This has not yet been finalised though. Rockstar are aiming to have no differences between the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions (aside from possibly downloadable content) Rockstar are also trying to remove some of the less realistic things from GTA, such as arrow and markers showing the player where to go. Instead we will possibly make use of gadgets in Niko's possession such as his mobile phone. Thanks to GTA-Xtreme.de for the news.
  13. Oh ok then. I did say I wasn't sure about magazines though EDIT: Gerard just gave me this link: http://www.grandtheftwiki.com/wiki/Image:View.jpg Seems it was in GI too!
  14. First to post doesn't always mean first to find. Haven't we seen that shot before, though? No we haven't, the reason why I'm so late posting is because: I'm a dumbass. I'll explain... I subscribe to an RSS feed of Google News search for "grand theft auto" (link) And I did in fact read the NYTimes article when it was posted, (at the time of posting this the link to the NYTimes article is on page 3 of that google news link above.) I thought from the thumbnail it was just another trailer screen cap, only today when I saw other sites like GTA4.net had posted it that I realised it was indeed a new screen (I actually watched the trailer again to make sure, and we don't see the train from the angle shown in the screenshot, so it's definitely new. And I'm not sure, but I don't think it's been in any magazines yet either, I maybe wrong though. @ganich: I appreciate you posting in the GTAIV forum to inform our users about this, but as you now know, I had already seen the article, just wasn't aware the screen was new at the time (Plus, I was hardly expecting NYT to even have a digital screenshot, sites like IGN are usually the first with them assuming there's no "fansite exclusives" this time round). As you can see from many of the news posts you read on thegtaplace.com. I do give credit where credit is due - whether it be members of GTAF posting magazine scans, another website with an exclusive article, or whatever... hope that explains everything And it's a pretty menial thing anyway, not like it's an awesome high definition screen showing something we've never seen before. We all need to lighten up and sit tight for the next batch of info/screens!
  15. Well it shouldn't do because GTA IV doesn't have those two cities, specifically
  16. Now posted here in the news forum.
  17. Um, there is no GTA6. Also, I'm the admin and I post news here, not sure if you noticed that or not.
  18. Apart from a number of magazine scans and screen captures from the first official trailer, we haven't seen any proper screenshots of Grand Theft Auto IV yet. However, an article published recently by the NYTimes which discusses the exclusion of the Staten Island borough appears to have included with it the first digital screenshot we've seen of the game. The image (below), which has been printed in a couple of magazines already, seems to have been resized from it's (presumably) original HD version, nevertheless, it's still nice to see something nice and shiny. Let's hope we get some nice high definition screens soon.
  19. Save as .jpg not as .bmp, fool. I has a new desktop. It are nice.
  20. Sad about there possibly not being a SAS? To be perfectly honest, I don't think San Andreas Stories is what the vast majority of fans want now. Next gen is the way forward for GTA. If they're going to be making more GTA games I'd much rather they concentrate on 360/PS3 and indeed PC if anything comes of that.
  21. Official PlayStation Magazine Australia is yet another magazine with a GTAIV preview this month. As with the Italian one yesterday, there isn't much new to report on other than the few details below. During the demo that OPM saw, Niko walked past an ATM machine and a message appeared on the screen waiting for a button press in order to access funds. While nothing more is said about this, it does imply that we'll be able to deposit and withdraw money, and that itself suggests that we'll be needing to use money more wisely than in previous GTA games. Driving physics have been "tirelessly tweaked and enhanced". When a car drives past with loud music you'll be able to hear and feel the bass. You won't be able to play through a 'single player' game with a friend (co-operative), however, there will be a co-op mode implemented, along with other multiplayer modes which we still have no info on. Rockstar are focusing their attention on this game for now, and there are currently no plans for San Andreas Stories (or another GTA game) for the PSP. Further, it is not known whether GTAIV will pave the way for more sequels. Although Dan Houser has said he "would have a certain confidence" setting GTA outside of the USA, which certainly opens up the possibilities for future GTA games. Thanks to Wehmer for the info.
  22. Italy's version of Official PlayStation magazine have a preview of GTA IV this month, they also seem to have received the same demo as the other mags we've reported on so far. There isn't much new to say on this one if you read the new tidbits from OXM we posted about today. However, there are a few additional details to mention which clarify some of the things in said OXM article. Further to the new targeting system, it appears Niko is able to strafe left and right when locked on to a target after pulling out a weapon to avoid being shot. Emphasising the detailing gone into the city, you can see what's under grates on the sidewalk providing there's enough light shining into it. While hi-jacking cars driving along the road is a familiar task for GTA players, hi-jacking a parked vehicle seems like it has more to it now. No longer can you simply open the door and drive off. Now you'll have to be stealthy about it, break the window to get in, and then hot wire it. These details may be a little sketchy due to mistranslation, as obviously the magazine is in Italian so keep checking back for any further clarification we get on the aforementioned details. Also in the magazine is some new artwork, depicting a man laying on a sofa smoking an unknown substance. Thanks to GTA-Series for the scans and translation.
  23. I think it is Area 51 not 52... Think be4 posting :) Joke... Oh lol, yeah it is 51, that was actually a genuine typo, didn't notice I put that. Thanks for pointing that out.
  24. Jace: Yeah pretty much what Spaz just said. Innuendo is where a phrase is taken to imitate something or have a double meaning. Example: Cherry Poppers Ice Cream in Vice City.... Ice creams with cherries in, nice.... but also, popping the cherry is a term used when a girl loses her virginity. Another: Area 69 - a pun of America's infamous Area 52, 69 is also a position for sex. You probably already knew what this was, just not that is was what's known as 'innuendo', but you do now
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