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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I've been using my PS2 controller for years, works in GTA3, VC and SA. You just need a USB adapter with a PS2 controller socket in it. They used to sell them at lik-sang but they're not in business anymore, but I'd assume most good retailers would sell them. And you guys saying PS2 has better graphics than Xbox and PC. Shut up. Seriously get your facts straight before blurting out ignorant comments. Chris82 perfectly summed up the reasons to get the PC versions. The one other benefit if you want it is multiplayer mods.
  2. No, the site was down due to a problem on the server which randomly occurred, and unfortunately prevented the web server from running. And yes you can use tables in signatures.
  3. Table BBCode The ability to create tables to set out your content is something we've introduced through the use of custom BBCode's. Table are an effective way of laying out content, and can make a topic easier to read and separates the information well. For example, you could use them to create a vehicle database topic, with an image to left, and details of it to the right. They can also be used in your signature to help organise links and things, such as like I'm currently doing, except I'm using it as a background to my sig images. The BBCode is exactly like standard HTML, but with square brackets, so if you know anything about that then you'll find this easy to do, for those who don't there are some examples below. The tags: [ table ] - starts off a table [ tr ] - starts a new row [ td ] - inserts a cell [ th ] - inserts a cell with darker background (used for headings) [table][tr][th]This is a table[/th][th]with 2 columns[/th][/tr][tr][td]I could add more, but I don't really need to in this example[/td][td]Also, having too many will probably break the pages[/td][/tr][tr][td]You could have a really long list of links here one two three maybe even four or more but don't make the list too long that would be stupid[/td][td]OK I think you get the idea now, if you're not sure if your tables to work, PM someone who knows how to do them to help you. Also, it helps if you preview your post before actually posting, then you can just check that everything looks how you want it to;)[/td][/tr][/table] The code above would produce the following table: This is a table with 2 columns I could add more, but I don't really need to in this example Also, having too many will probably break the pages You could have a really long list of links hereone two three maybe even four or more but dont make the list too long that would be stupid OK I think you get the idea now, if you're not sure you can get your tables to work, PM someone who knows how to do them to help you. Also, it helps if you preview your post before actually posting, then you can just check that everything looks how you want it to It might look complicated at first, but once you're used to using them it's easy Other Changes A couple of other little changes have been made which you may have noticed already. One of them is that Pinned topics are now bold, this was needed to make them stand out more, as it appears many people are subconsciously scrolling past them. This means they weren't read too often. Hopefully now they will be, so please, when you're in a forum, check the pinned topics, there might just be something new there that you should read. And that's about it for now, a couple of font sizes and letter spacing were tweaked on the main page to make things look more normal, and so that tables would work properly. Hope you all like the changes. But one thing, don't go using tables everywhere now, use them when they're needed Make some helpful, useful topics or something, with a lot of information.
  4. Before reading this, please be aware this topic contains multiple announcements, the following couple of posts detail changes we have made. New Warning/Reputation System Over the last few months, the staff, as well as some of the elite members have been discussing the possibility of introducing an improved warning system to the one IPB comes with - all you can do is add warnings and remove warnings, it's that standard. We wanted more features and to be able to give admins and mods more choice on how they deal with problem members. The result is a heavily customised warning and reputation system coded entirely by myself, it's been in place for quite a while but had too many bugs to make it public. The remaining bugs have finally been worked out, and this topic is here to explain everything to you. First of all is a the renaming. You can call it a warn system or rep system or whatever you want. The warn logs are now shown as "rep logs", as this better describes the nature of them (i.e. showing warnings - bad reputation, and positives - good reputation). Changes in topic view You'll have probably noticed that when viewing a topic, you have at the bottom of the bit where your avatar is, a link which reads "View Rep Log". Only admins and mods, as well as yourself can read this. Other members do not have access to it. If you see a red number next to it, for example, (2), this means you have 2 formal warnings against you. You should check your rep log and see why you have got these, if the moderator warning you did not contact you via PM or email. Good Reputation, and how to earn it While it's good to have a positive reputation around any forum in the first place, it's even nicer when it is shown to the whole community in some way, and to know you're appreciated. By helping out a great deal on the forums, you can be awarded with reputation points. Obviously the more points you've got, the more useful you've been to the community, and the more respect you have. If a member has been given reputation, you'll see it underneath their avatar, for example... Rep: 5 An example of how one might earn reputation points: Member decides that there isn't a detailed guide on the vehicles of San Andreas. Member decides to start a topic which gives loads of details on each of the vehicles that can be found in the game. He categorises them all into cars, bikes, planes, etc. and he presents the topic well, with effective use of images, tables and colour where needed. Many other members find the topic highly useful, and thank him for his efforts. Moderator sees the topic, and awards member with a reputation point (or more if the topic is insanely good). NOTE: Only Admins and Super Mods can award reputation points, individual forum moderators do not have this ability. Rep points are hard to earn, you don't just get given them for being a nice member, you also need to provide some highly useful, and helpful topics in addition to that. Good luck, and I hope to see many people attempting to help everyone out! More Detailed Rep Logs - Explanations of the warnings Rather than just increasing and decreasing warn level, I've added more relevant options. You may notice things such as "verbal warning" and "formal warning" in your rep logs, below is an explanation of what each one means, and why you may have been given it. They are listed in order of seriousness. Verbal Warning This is just a friendly note of warning from a moderator. It does not affect your warning level in any way. It will usually be given out when a moderator thinks you might start getting out of hand, for example, if you've posted off topic a few times, or have shown a slight tendency to spam in places. Please take these into consideration so you don't end up with a more serious warning. Formal Warning This is the same as warnings were previous to all the changes. A formal warning increases your warn level (i.e. you'll see it in topic view mentioned above). If you're given one of these it means you're beginning to become a bit of an annoyance to people. You may have been posting off topic a lot, or spamming. You may have have started flaming other members or staff outside of the warzone. The reason given by the moderator should explain why you got it. Posting Rights Revoked This is more serious than a formal warning. Like a formal warning it will increase your warn level. Getting one of these means you've ignored previous warnings, or have persistently broken the rules, i.e. you've made a lot of spammy posts and have been annoying other members. Underneath the reasoning, will be a time period - this is length of time that your posting rights were revoked for. During the time, you will still have access to the forums, but you just won't be able to make any news posts. This allows you to calm down, as well as prevents you from causing more disruption. Temporary Suspension Also known as a temp ban. Whatever you want to call it, getting one of these means you're becoming a big problem here, and the mods aren't very happy with your behaviour and attitude. It will increase your warn level obviously. A period of time will be shown beneath the reason, this is the time you're suspended for,. During this time you will have no access to the forums, a message will displayed telling you the date/time you'll be granted access again. It could be hours, it could be days, even weeks, depending on how serious the rule breaking has been. Permanent Ban Also known as perma banned, bannage, b&... amongst other things. This basically means we've had enough of your incessant rule breaking and disruptive behaviour. We did our best to fix you, but you just didn't listen. We've now evicted you from the forums, and you're account now lives shamefully in the "Banned" group. This doesn't really require much more explaining, and hopefully you'll never come close to be on the receiving end of a moderators ban stick. NOTE: Only Admins and Super Mods can permanently ban a member, individual forum moderators do not have this ability. In all cases of a warning, if you were warned for a particular post, a link ("View Related Post") will show up beneath the reason given by the moderator. Clicking this will take you to the post you were warned for. You should look at it and see why you were warned.
  5. There are other factors to consider though. There are a couple of points which are massively in favour of the 360 version. Personally, I still haven't decided which version I'll go for, knowing me, I'll end up buying both! But yes, wait until I've written my article which will cover a lot more factors than just graphics. I think it may show the main character, however, when I was thinking about previous games, I remembered the first Vice City trailer, which showed a bit of gameplay, some scenes with Tommy in. Mix this up with how little was revealed in the first LA Noire trailer, (this was a very small teaser). The full trailer for LA Noire obviously had what looked to be a whole action sequence, I'm not sure if this countdown is counting to a small teaser or a full trailer, we'll have to wait and see. Oh and yes I actually laughed at the news stats, in under 24 hours this topic became the most commented on news topic in the history of TGTAP. Now after 2 days it is nearing 100 comments. http://www.thegtaplace.com/news/stats.php?order=comments
  6. Guys this isn't a fucking quiz, it's to congratulate award winners which happened 2 months ago, kinda late now. Topic Closed.
  7. I am surpirsed no on ehas mentioned graphics on here. Will it be a trailer for the 360 or PS3. So many questions.................... I would imagine the PS3, they've always favoured the PlayStation in the past. Well of course they won't be the same, they never have been. Previously it's been like this in order of graphical goodness: 1. PC 2. Xbox 3. PS2 I think you need to a little research, PS3 is more powerful mate. Yes well, depends on what sort of stuff you're looking at to say it's "twice as powerful" Anyway after reading all your comments I thought I better explain something that was on my mind, regarding graphics comparisons between the 2 consoles and also the PC. First of all, if for the PC, that will of course have far far superior graphics, and will be the best platform to play the game on. Now, here are the considerations for the console formats. You may want to read this. Before you do, for those of us who have a PS3 AND a 360, I should tell you that later in the year I will be writing an article comparing the two, and that should help you make a choice. Here's a tidbit from it concerning graphics. If you don't wanna read it all then the answer is PS3 is better... here's why. One of the limitations game developers have is the amount of physical space available to them. The PS3 uses Blu-Ray discs, these have a huge 25GB available (50GB if dual layer). This is a LOT of storage. It is likely that Rockstar are developing GTA IV primarily on the PS3, and then optimising for the 360.... The Xbox 360 uses DVD's, and a DVD gives developers 4.7GB of storage to fill with game files and textures and what-not, or 8.5GB if dual layer (you may get different capacities from different sites but the point is this isn't much space). With this in mind, say if R* filled up a 50GB Blu-Ray disc... what about the 360? How will they fit all this data on? Compress the textures and have worse graphics? Yeah, that is one way. It's likely this is going to be the case if the game is going to be as big as we think it is. Additionally, the 360 doesn't have HDMI output, and instead the "HD" comes from component cables, the PS3 does have HDMI output, so from that you get true high definition. Having said all that, unless you own an HD ready TV, you aren't really going to notice much difference in graphics, as they won't look as good in the first place. But does what I just said make sense? And can you understand why the PS3 is probably going to have slightly better graphics?
  8. With the current discussion of the upcoming GTAIV trailer overshadowing all other news at the moment, some of you may have forgotten that in the next week Vice City Stories will be released on PlayStation 2. Rockstar have recently released the official trailer for the game, and SPOnG seem to have an exclusive on it at the moment, hit the link below to check it out. SPOnG.com - Official VCS PS2 Trailer
  9. There will definitely be thousands of people trying to view it soon after its up. Not an exaggeration. But yeah hopefully it'll give us some clues to what we need to know, mainly location, time period etc.
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if Rockstar's servers went down. They went down for San Andreas stuff a couple of times I remember, and I think possibly once or twice with LCS/VCS. The amount of sites linking to it though is going to be immense.
  11. All right, post the list here, we'll go through it. BTW the case and power supply look fine to me.
  12. My Documents/GTA San Andreas User Files/ If you meant for San Andreas that is, the other games folders are also in your "My Documents" folder so you'll find them there. Which game were you asking about? This should have been posted in in whatever GTA game forum this is for, this forum is for feedback about the site.
  13. Haha yeah I meant to add at the end of my post that it doesn't really matter if it's Pricedown or not, I see your point anyway. But meh... who cares at the end of the day. The most important thing is that we're getting a trailer for a game we've been waiting nearly 3 years for
  14. I can also help you out here, I built the PC I'm using now, and have been for quite some time. 500 Watt power supply is fine, I think mine is 450. Anyway, what have you bought so far? And what's still on your list to buy?
  15. You mean the 29th, but yes it is a Tuesday. Pricedown it is NOT (I use it all the time ). Looks like something from the Helvetica family, personally. It makes sense that it would be different, since the "III/3" series of games (III/VC/SA) was always intended to be trilogy. So I agree the the IV is significant somehow, if only to mean it's the start of a new series. Yes, it is Pricedown, always has been. The 'I' and 'V' do have slight modifications, the I's in GTAIII were also modified... There's a few different versions of Pricedown I believe, the one we all have is the free one. "I use it all the time" as well
  16. That was beta 2, and that is a pretty old version, there's been RC1, RC2 and the current RTM since then, plus numerous builds in between. I have most of them but funnily enough I never actually noticed that XP stuff myself. I didn't play around with it long enough. My current desktop: Oh and I merged the other topic with this one now.
  17. Just to clarify I wasn't talking about the logo in my post. I agree that you can't ascertain anything from it. It's just two letters in Pricedown font with a gradient and some embossing. This has no ties with any particular time period or location. My point was to do with R*'s emphasis on the IV. Arguing on the Internet is like.... yeah we all know the ending but seriously guys, this is exciting news, discuss it. No need to argue about it. You're the ones looking like noobs now. Calm down children. Stop arguing and going off topic, instead, post your thoughts.
  18. Delaying a trailer is something I've never heard of. I would imagine the trailer has already been made, and the countdown is there just to build hype. Which it is doing fantastically well, just look at this topic. Also, it does look a lot like the way they went with L.A. Noire, so I don't think we'll be getting any screens or other info this month. You can bet your house on the fact that we, or more specifically myself, will analyse the hell out of the trailer on the 29th March when I post about it, trying to get as much info from it as possible. Which may be difficult if the trailer is just showing the city or something. We'll have to wait a couple of months for a proper trailer I think. Like a few of us have pointed out, it's kinda strange how strongly R* are emphasising this IV part of the game. From 1999 onwards we always knew it as GTA4. Then last year when it was officially announced, it was printed as GTA IV, using the roman numeral as opposed to the number. At this time we were still accessing the official site at rockstargames.com/gta4... Recently, R* acquired the domain gtaiv.com off it's previous owner who was trying to earn money off it. Now, they have even changed the URL we access the official site to be rockstargames.com/IV - it seems weird that this would just be to emphasise the fact it's the 4th game. I think there might be something more to it. Anyone else care to think what it could mean? Will there be 4 cities? 4 countries? Does IV stand for something? Might be looking too far into it, but you never know with Rockstar. I'm loving the hype though. It's great to see the community so excited and full of life again.
  19. I received the email at exactly 23:20 from the mailing list. I was busy with something at the time so couldn't post until just before midnight, looks like most other GTA sites got it around the same time anyway. But as I always say, it's not that we're having some sort of race against each other, it's about getting news to the fans as soon as we can. Regarding when you get the email: Remember there are tens of thousands of people subscribed to updates, they can't possibly send all at once, so they're sent a batch at a time at I would imagine 5 or 10 minute intervals, until all are sent. I was also going to say that it looks like R* are taking the same stance as they did with LA Noire. That is to release a 30 second trailer just showing some views of a city, and possibly a few characters. Then some weeks later, a full 2+ minute trailer will be released. Then a couple of other sites noted this point and it looks like I'm copying, so there, we have it in the comments instead...
  20. Some exciting news for you here folks, Rockstar have updated the official site with a countdown to the first trailer! The URL has changed to end in "IV", and an improved logo is now in place with the time underneath counting down to the 29th March at 11pm GMT (you can work out from this what time it will be for you). Could "IV" be something more significant than just '4'? Check it out at http://www.rockstargames.com/IV and discuss this exciting news in our forums.
  21. morpheme? It's on their site and mentioned in the quote from the FAQ I posted above. But that's completely different from the two other products, so let's stay away from that before everyone gets confused.
  22. Well I'm not sure if you can which is "best", but I should have linked to the FAQ, there's an explanation of their products' differences: If I'm understanding it correctly, endorphin creates animation data which characters can use during a game. While euphoria generates animations just when needed, the character movements aren't scripted as such, they are unique and not created before hand, like with endorphin. I'm not an animations expert though so I may be misinterpreting this myself, so don't take my word for it. Does it really matter that you all know the specific differences though?
  23. Yes their posts have been moved into your topic Gycu, mods and admins can move not only topics but individual posts too Also, back on topic yet again, here are direct links to the endorphin and euphoria pages. Yes they are similar, and you may be confused as to what the actual differences are, but unless you're working in the 3D model or animation industry you don't need to know The point is that the press release specifically states euphoria, rather than all or any other of the products made by NaturalMotion. Just to clear up any confusion. Another point to make clear is that nowhere does it specifically state GTA4 will use it, but it is heavily implied, so that's what we're expecting.
  24. No not really. They've had financial difficulties in the last year yes, for a number of factors all of which are detailed in the report. You need to have a good understanding of finance through either Business or Economics to get your head round it all. But it doesn't really have much affect on the main games they're pushing out this year, GTA4 being one of them. Take Two haven't gone bankrupt or anything, it's not as if they haven't got any money, because they have. They just had some losses last year as opposed to profit. As it states in the report they had to make a number of cost saving changes, including the closure of several studios, remember the Rockstar Vienna closure we posted about last year? I'm sure GTA4 will change all that, and to move swiftly back on topic, I think the episodic content, albeit content which the fans legitimately want, will actually act as another reason to get the game, thus boosting sales.
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