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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Ah shit I should have searched Comet first, they have much more detailed specs on the TV's, turns out those 2 Philips' sets don't have an HDMI connection, so you won't be able to play your PS3 in true HD quality... Let me do some more searching. OK. If you can go slightly over your budget, I've found an awesome Samsung with an HDMI connection and a much higher contrast ratio than all the other TV's I linked to before (higher the contrast ratio the better the quality). SAMSUNG LE23R71BX 23" - £434.99 - Link (Damn I'd like this one myself) Or it is on Amazon.co.uk for a LOT cheaper, except it says 4-6 weeks for delivery... maybe if you order it today it'll arrive in time? - But seriously though, this would be an excellent buy - it is very well priced considering how amazing it actually is. I'd definitely go for it if I were you, and you won't find it cheaper elsewhere either
  2. HD stands for High Definition. Basically, awesome picture quality. I guess you could look at Wikipedia for more info on it
  3. Hehe yeah. Sony's are great if you can afford them, but with a £400 budget you can't really get a nice sized one. Here's a pic of mine: I'm having a look on Currys and Comet since you're bound to have stores near you, they're the UK's leading electrical stores anyway. EDIT: Ok here we go. Here are some HD capable sets from Currys first of all, from Philips and Samsung (only 1 HD Samsung in your price range) And I'm quoting web prices here as well, in-store they say so themselves is a lot more expensive, so try to order online if you can. Philips 20PF5320 20" - £344.95 - Link Philips 23PF4321 23" - £339.99 - Link Samsung LE23R71BX 23" - £389.99 - Link Not sure why that 23" Philips is £5 cheaper than the 20", but the 20" has a better picture quality. I'll have a look on Comet now and see what they have. EDIT 2: Comet had the exact same models with more or less the same prices too... So... any of them what you're looking for?
  4. First of all what sort of size are you looking for? I have a tiny room. So my small 17" TV is fine, plus I can't really fit a bigger TV in tbh, not more than 21" anyway. I'll take some pics of my Xbox 360 playing on my TV to give you an idea or something. Anyway let us know what sort of size you're looking for. Though I suppose your £400 budget limits it to being not much more than 21" anyway I guess, hmm... I'll try and find something for you. Oh and yes, LG are also a decent TV maker, whoever said they aren't really into TV's needs to go to an electrical superstore
  5. Get a Samsung. They're one of the leading manufacturers of TV's. I have a Samsung TV, and my monitor is a Samsung. Both are awesome. I'll post some more tomorrow I need to sleep.
  6. That wasn't really my point. I don't really care what others think when it comes to something as small as adding a menu, it's the immaturity of members from other forums I'm concerned about. I've seen these things happen before and it's a pain in the arse dealing with the crap dealt by them to mess up a forum. So my question to everyone is, do we really need a navigation menu?
  7. If we put it on the left then we'll be subject to a raid by GTAF users. If we put it on the right then we'll be subject to a raid by GTAGaming users (when it used to be on edgenetwork forums) Meh... We can just experiment with it I guess.
  8. This was front page news last weekend. Topic Closed. Discussion can be carried on in the news post. http://www.thegtaplace.com/news/9657/Amazi...-GTA-IV-Box-Art
  9. Yeah you are. You could try late at night I guess. Do you live in the middle of nowhere? Or like, out of town/city...?
  10. Then you're in luck, the shops will have it for £19.99. That's a whole 1p under your budget! The rumours came from various European retailers having inaccurate descriptions on their product pages.
  11. Dunno really. It could be named after any shops/malls in the GTA series, I guess that was just the first thing I thought of. Nobody refers to it by that anyway. But feel free to post better suggestions here.
  12. I don't know. And I'm not sure how it is in other countries, but in the UK it's like this: Most people are asleep or aren't using the Internet after 11pm. Not until around 7-10pm are a few people on, checking their emails and stuff. Then not until about 6 o'clock, more or less EVERYONE is at home and browsing the Internet, thus resulting in slower speeds for all of us. When you've got a slower service, like 2mb or less, you're more or less guaranteed that at ALL times. However if you're on an ADSL service which is stated "up to 8mb" the ISP isn't under any obligation to provide you with the full 8mb (and some lines aren't capable of receiving that high a speed anyway. If you've got cable or satellite based Internet then that's a different matter, but my post is regarding ADSL We're supposed to get max speeds of at least 6mb. And so far the fastest I've got is 6.3mb. So I'm fairly happy with that. The full 8 would be great but I'm not sure if I'll ever get that to be honest. I downloaded 25mb heavily compressed database backup last night in 1 minute, used to take me several... think of all the porn I can download now!
  13. You may have read on various websites and forums on the interwebs over the last few days some juicy rumours regarding new content and multiplayer modes in the PlayStation 2 port of Vice City Stories. Thanks to Eurogamer, we can confirm that sadly, none of them are true - the only improvements you'll see will be to the graphics, and increased draw distance. Eurogamer were able to get word from Rockstar debunking these rumours, and while there were no comments specifically regarding what seems to be an error on Take2's Italian mirror, it sounds like there won't be any exclusive content in the game either. However, we'll have to wait for more confirmation on this though. Article: Eurogamer
  14. I don't think so tbh. As Jared said, gaming chat covers it all. And I don't particularly want to be adding more sub forums. This is after all a GTA forum not a gaming forum
  15. Chris


    Hmm... sounds great, and thanks for being so willing to do it, but it's going to take you a hell of a long time. No offence but it's probably easier if we get an experienced FAQ writer from GameFAQs and use theirs, with pictures from you added into it. What do you say?
  16. Chris


    A .doc would be useless to us though. Word embeds all the pictures in the file, so you end up with a massive file which has to be downloaded before it can be viewed on the persons computer. Are you actually writing a whole walkthrough or just taking pics? It's just I'm going to get permissions to use one from GameFAQs. Anyway for the pics we can probably set something up where you can put them all.
  17. NO. TURN YOUR CAPS LOCK OFF FIRST OF ALL, BECAUSE TYPING LIKE THIS IS FUCKING SHIT, DO YOU AGREE? THEN JUST GO TO http://www.thegtaplace.com/sanandreas/ps2cheats.php YOURSELF AND STOP BEING SO DAMN LAZY. CLOSED. Also, you posted this in the wrong forum.
  18. Mine completely varies depending on what time I do it now. I guess more people using the service so they throttle our speeds or something. Here's a few I've done over the last couple of days: 2.50pm: 4.30pm: 1.30am: 9.30pm: So yeah it varies between 2.5mb and 6.2mb it seems.
  19. It's not banned. Some stores voluntarily decided not to stock it anymore. I've preordered Manhunt 2 already, looking forward to it. The first Manhunt is ok, hopefully R* can do a lot better with the sequel though.
  20. Courtesy of PlayStation.com we now have the first few screenshots showing the PS2 version of Vice City Stories. Nothing special at the moment, hopefully we'll have some better ones soon to show the small graphical improvements. Link: Vice City Stories PS2 Screenshots
  21. Chris


    Jared I'll email a few GameFAQs people about THEIR guides and see if I can get permission as well I've updated first post too.
  22. Your computer hardware has nothing to do with the internet speed. Unless you have an absolutely crap wireless adapter and an absolutely crap wireless router - then it might suffer. But yeah, computer specs don't matter at all with a wired solution. Oh and jf6293... wow, nice connection you have there! I'm on my "up to 8mb" now. Still gotta wait a few days for it to reach max speed, only getting around 2.5mb at the moment, but that should improve
  23. Lovely. Two great members returning.
  24. This news story has now been updated with further information.
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