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Everything posted by Chris

  1. In this video we see it says Claude Speed on the computer that that guy is looking through various criminal records on, when he brings up Claude's. Quality is crap though so it's harder to make out. It might also say in the GTA2 manual but I can't remember, I'll have a look tomorrow or something.
  2. LOL @ OGTAM for spotting a dwarf, can't believe I didn't notice that myself actually! The auction ends in 16 hours it looks like. Did anyone email the guy by any chance to find out more about it in English?
  3. Wow that's nice. I actually use the same settings as you in San Andreas. Frame rate is still pretty good too even though all your specs own mine... well except I have more and better ram.
  4. I've increased ImageLodge's bandwidth for regular users. Your sig is displaying again now
  5. Chris


    Oooh shit I already had the map ripped from the txd files, and had the links to those trailers.. thanks anyway EDIT: I replied before reading your PM... I'll read now
  6. Thanks jarjar. Completely forgot to do this... fixed now
  7. [offtopic] Clearly we all have an Xbox here, so if you haven't already, get your ass in the Xbox Live topic and post your gamertags [/offtopic]
  8. Good, good to see people making an effort to learn about the history of GTA, the games that started the whole thing off BTW it sucks that what seems to be the original file you found and uploaded here at filefront is a RealMedia file. Is it a higher res... what are the dimensions of it? Before I bother to download it. Any chance you have a .avi .mpg or .wmv of this? Or am I gonna have to find a converter.
  9. GT is an awesome series. Though I'm not a pro, I still enjoy racing occasionally, and of course last year I launched GranTurismo-HD.com... I also own GranTurismo5.com though so I'll get that all set up soon
  10. I don't have a favourite gun. It depends entirely on what situation I'm in as to what gun I prefer to use. If it's all close quarters then a Thompson, if long range then either M1 Garand or a Kar (obviously taking a Sniper for extremely long range).
  11. Ok enough of the PC talk, it's still not confirmed for it yet, wait til it is before we all start complaining. If you've filled up your hard drive, Windows won't be able to allocate any of the space as Virtual RAM, hence you will actually have less memory for the game and will experience slow downs, FYI. At the moment I'm planning on getting GTA4 for the 360 since I can't really justify buying a PS3 when it comes out here in March. I'll have to wait at least a few months until the first price drop... hopefully in summer sales or something.
  12. It's set in the near future, and a suggested date is 2013, so we've taken that to be the year that it's in simply because there's nothing else to suggest otherwise well not really, the vocal cords are in the neck, not the back, but I see your point. Alas, it doesn't matter since GTA2 is set after GTA3.
  13. You're right TEC 9, GTA2's intro does indeed show part of this short. But this was just a promotional short made for GTA2, it's not actually part of a movie so to speak - it basically gives you an insight in to what you can expect to see in GTA2. GTA2's main character IS called Claude Speed. That's who he clearly is in the short too, there's no "name given to him" about it, it's fact. Good find anyway, where did you get it from?
  14. Not sure about his forum, but Skullraider was permanently banned from here for plotting and attempting to crash our server using a ping DoS attack with MGilb and another friend Their IP's were automatically added to the blacklist by anti-DoS software on the server after they were found flooding the server with multiple requests per second
  15. Chris


    Story sounds slightly exaggerated but it proves your point. I've heard about girls' (and guys') ignorance to precum and how it actually can get a girl pregnant. Good job posting that. You know I never thought I'd see the day where sexual advice was given to members of The GTA Place... it's pretty funny tbh. I was thinking someone should probably create a "Relationship Advice" topic here, slightly cleaner than this topic and more relative to most of the members. Not everyone of the average age is here is wanting sex so... Or perhaps just the "Relationships Thread" as I guess some people may just like to talk about their relationships rather than give and receive advice. So yeah feel free to create one like that if you guys want. If it gets popular we can always pin it.
  16. What Gerard said. Such a pointless question too. I mean does anyone actually care 'how' the world came to be? I certainly don't. It doesn't have any impact on my life. Yes it's a pretty interesting subject - doesn't mean it matters. Christianity says that God made the world in 6 days - impressive eh? But did anyone stop and think about the order he did it in. It's seriously messed up. Let me show you: So, he made light, AFTER creating heaven AND the Earth. Which means he did those things in the DARK. I'm sorry but the Bible makes God sound like a fucking superhero. Something he evidently isn't. The Bible is way too far-fetched to even be believable if you really think about it logically. If you don't follow it logically chances are you're Christian, or belong to another religion. So, asking how the Earth was created is like asking how all the planets were created, how the sun was created, how big is the solar system, how many galaxies are there beyond this one, and is there anything else beyond there, where are boundaries? Simply cannot be answered. End of. There's no point trying to create a story about it. People will believe what they want to believe. I'm not one who believes in what's said in the Bible, you can tell from my posts in this topic by now. Sorry if you disapprove of my slightly satirical views btw, it's just how I find it easier expressing my thoughts, not meant to offend.
  17. You should overwrite the old files in whatever directory they're in. I can't remember off the top of my head.
  18. You've illegally obtained a Russian pirated version of the game. Read this topic posted recently and you'll find files to replace to get the game back to English. This post and this post by Jace are the ones you need to get the files from.
  19. Yeah that's such a great little addition they made, so much quicker and easier to get from Sunshine Autos to the airport.
  20. I don't agree with the whole "never judge a book by it's cover" - I mean wtf is that all about. If someone has put little to no effort into making an attractive cover, then why should I feel any different about it's contents. I'm sorry but if you're gonna write a book then make an awesome cover to attract more people to it. It's just common sense. No offence mvi but that sort of takes the piss a bit if he sends a free copy to small sites like yours, I mean presumably he was hoping you'd write positively about it on your site. Why not send one to me then? Not to boast or anything but to be fair I could have reached far more people than you could. C Blood that's good you actually enjoyed reading the book after everything we said about it. I'm still not convinced enough to buy it though. I rarely read books anyway. I also don't need advice on how to live my life. I find him a bit of an egotist thinking he can make loads of people live their life like GTA. You should live your life how you want to, not base it off a videogame. If you can find way to incorporate parts of videogames then that's fine but I'm sure you don't need Ty Liquido (that seriously cannot be his real name) to tell you.
  21. I guess one of us could email him and see if he speaks English, and if so he could tell us about it...
  22. Up for auction on a Polish site similar to eBay is this GTA PC Case. I found it when checking some of my affiliates sites out. There's loads of pictures on that page so scroll down to see them all. I have no idea what any of the stuff says. I don't know any Polish people who can translate either. But from what I can work out, the current bid is at 300zl which is about £50, or $100. I think they guy has actually done a really good job with it, even incorporating things from the classic GTA's. There's even a floppy disk which he's stuck a GTASA sticker on it, it looks just like the save game icon in San Andreas. He's obviously gone though quite a lot of effort to built it. I wonder if he ships to the UK! What do you guys think of it? (BTW if any of you are Polish... please translate)
  23. Yeah it's just http://www.grandtheftendo.com - but it's been down for ages for some reason.
  24. Due to society I still celebrate Christmas with my family, (used to celebrate Easter when I was young but not anymore). But then again, it's more of a Pagan celebration than Christian... weird isn't it? That link btw goes to a very interesting article on the BBC, describing the influence of Fly Agaric Mushrooms on the Iconography of Father Christmas. I suggest you read it because it's very informative. Like Gerard I take pride in the fact that I now have control over my life as I've been able to formulate my own opinions and beliefs. What I can't stand is when parents force their religion on their kids. It's so unfair IMO. They are in no way ready to experience such a dedication in part of their lives. Children are naive and believe anytihng when they're young. I feel they should be left until they become teenages are start having their own opinions. What they choose to believe then is their own choice and it doesn't matter what they choose. It has no affect on anyone but theirselves.
  25. The reason why I don't know much about ANY religions is because I don't see a reason to. Christianity is what I know most about - only because England is a supposedly Christian country (why? small minority in this country are relgious) and Religous Studies is still compulsary in school up to age 16. My thoughts on The Bible: I think that some stuff in here is most likely true. A lot of it is massively exaggerated, however. There are a few viable explanations for some of the stuff that happened. But what I really feel like is that it's almost basically a novel. For one point, Adam and Eve appearing out of nowhere(?) and then commiting incestuous acts repeatedly to, over time, create the human race. That is very far-fetched and naive to think that would have happened in my opinion. The mods are FYI moderating this thread STRICTLY to prevent any racial abuse and such.
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