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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Let's all post our own versions of those motivational posters. In case this is your first time using the internets, here's some examples of like, real life ones. And to make your own, find a picture of something, then head to the generator either HERE or HERE. Give it a FUNNY title and caption and post your creations here! ImageLodge.net as you know is a really awesome place to host your images. Using the Transload feature you can paste in the URL of the image and it will be automatically uploaded to your account Here's my first one, pic from someone on 4chan...
  2. We should organise UK/Euro and US/Canada meet-ups. I have a feeling they'd fail, but it's worth a try. GTAF manage to pull them off, though they do have hundreds of thousands more members to choose from, so we're at a slight disadvantage
  3. No that is the entire point of this poll. We want to know what people want to play as. The answer to your alternative is always going to be yes, the way you've worded it, people would vote the same anyway since they would interpret it the same mostly.
  4. LOL @ The Internet. People's reactions to comments are quite amusing sometimes There's probably quite a few people to add to the list since I last posted here which must have been years ago...
  5. The first in what will be a long series of GTA4 polls is now up - http://www.thegtaplace.com/poll.php I'm hoping to change them after a few thousand votes each, that way we can get peoples opinions on a massive variety of things before the game is actually released.
  6. I'm aware of this error. It will be fixed when I have time, probably the weekend.
  7. Thumbs.db is a file generated by Windows. It's a cache of the thumbnail previews for all the files in that folder. Very useful for folders containing lots of porn images as when viewing in the thumbnail view it loads the images straight from Thumbs.db, and reduces the amount of time spent processing all the files to generate thumbnails. You can delete the file if you wish, it doesn't matter, but it won't do any harm leaving it there either. Moved to PC Chat.
  8. Awesome. Just streaming it on YouTube for now. I'll download high quality later. EDIT: Very nice. Also good to see some stunts in Liberty City too. The song by Hurt was a nice choice. Downloading high res now
  9. I would imagine the big problem was finding a company to "localize, publish and distribute" the game. Capcom have clearly done an excellent job here if those first day sales stats are accurate. The second problem would have been accurately translating the entire game script into Japanese, I'm not sure if there are any difficulties with the symbols and whatnot, but you can imagine what a laborious process this must be, of course this wouldn't take 2 years though... I guess there was also some strategic planning to be done, to make sure the release doesn't coincide with any other huge games being released in close proximity - which of course could hurt San Andreas' sales out there.
  10. We reported on San Andreas coming to Japan back in November, now we're a few days late here, but you can blame that on the fact we don't know anyone who speaks Japanese, and the fact there was no press release in the Western world. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was released in stores across Japan last week, on Thursday, 25th January to be precise, that's according to the official Japanese GTASA site itself. Rather surprisingly it seems to be doing quite well considering how previous iterations didn't prove to be particularly popular among the Japanese - German gaming site GameFront.de reported last Friday that first day sales figures show around 200,000 copies were shifted. The official Japanese GTASA site has been carrying a few news updates in the past month, mainly to announce Capcom's promotional events and parties for the game, in addition to wallpapers and the official trailer release. There's no need to start digging around the Japanese site looking for new content though - the wallpapers and trailer are the exact same ones we were presented with 2 and a half years ago, albeit with Japanese subtitles. The game is rated Z by CERO, the Japanese equivalent to the ESRB. This is the highest rating a game can achieve in Japan and is equal to the AO rating seen on American games, and basically means the game should only be played by persons aged 18 and older. Link to official 'announcement': GTASA.jp (On the News page - in Japanese)
  11. This forum's abbreviation if no one ever noticed is FaG. Therefore this is the FAG forum. People who post in here are FAGs. I was about to say something else but I've forgotten what it is now...
  12. Did you try what Spaz just said? I was going to suggest exactly what he just said, as I imagine you may have accidentally hidden it by dragging it down or something.
  13. ^How the hell do you manage to fail at Word Association. :/ never mind. I'll carry on. Sausage
  14. Chris


    Glad I am able to be helpful. Love the POTD fix, I was thinking more like this however (using your code and my originally design with some added code): http://www.thegtaplace.com/potd/viewpotdte...1137921436.jpeg Ah yeah. I made it like your layout now, cheers.
  15. Sex, fuck, and fluorescent lighting
  16. Chris


    Thanks for all the content you're doing Jared. It's a great help. I'ved fixed the viewpotd script, it now includes links to the previous and next POTD if there is one, e.g. http://www.thegtaplace.com/potd/viewpotd.p...=1152182293.jpg
  17. Nope. I guess it would be a possibilty in the future though.
  18. Dunno maybe you could stop telling us what you're drinking? That way it wouldn't matter if you ran out of pepsi.
  19. ITT we have funny forum related images.
  20. Why are you all drinking so much after typing a post in this topic? It's not the law you know
  21. Your picture depicts you as being blue, like a smurf. Yet you're all red now... hmm.. red+blue = purple...
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