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Everything posted by Chris

  1. But there we talk about normal things happening in our lives. Here we just post random stuff which doesn't have to do with anything and might be construed as spam elsewhere on the forums. Technically yes, but who cares about technicalities eh? I'm about to go to bed soon.
  2. This topic is for those of you who use the bluetooth feature on your mobile/cell phones. Bluetooth as you know is a wireless technology, enabling you to use handsfree devices and such, as well as allowing you to transfer files to other bluetooth enabled phones/devices, as I'm sure many of you do at school/college whatever. This topic is basically so we can have a laugh at your amusing stories regarding bluetooth that have happened to you. Here's mine: ------------------------------------------ Last week, during Business Studies, I wanted to send a friend of mine a picture I had taken. There was another class right next door to us, and my phone found about 5 phone names we didn't recognise, a couple of unknowns, some girls with names like xX steph baby Xx etc. etc... Anyway... on your phone you probably have a feature called 'Notes' or something similar, so you can write little text notes for yourself, well you may not have known you can actually send notes via bluetooth, so it's like a free text message. My bluetooth name is "The Pope". I named it unusually so that people would be curious and send me stuff This actually seemed to work, I sent a note saying "Hello from the Pope". I then got a reply saying "Ur hot!x". Then a couple of minutes later my friend received a picture of a girl who was in that class, she had ginger hair and wasn't really that attractive tbh... couple of seconds later I myself received a picture... Now, I never even saw anyone who looked like her in their class at the end of lesson, I don't even recall seeing her around school, so it must have been some dude's girlfriend or something! (ok so she's not amazingly hot but... I wouldn't say no ) Call me sad and whatnot, but I thought it was pretty funny, especially as my mate got such a crappy picture in comparison to my significantly better one. We've been trying to do the same sort of thing the past few days, sadly to no avail Unfortunately I seem to have bricked my bluetooth mode now after I installed some bluejacking app on my phone, now I can only receive stuff and not send anything, which sucks. So yeah that was a fun day in terms of randomness. Anyone else had some amusing experiences?
  3. Damn right Sky Does anyone else here wonder if the amount of quizzes posted here everyday from blogthings will ever slow down? I looked at the first page of this forum just now and was all "liek omg holy shit look at all those quizzes lolz" and then decided to post here
  4. I could actually do with some better suggestions now. I think it's definitely time to change the poll, maybe once it hits 15,000 votes.
  5. Does anybody here go on any of the 'chan' sites much? 4chan.org mainly.
  6. Hehe, my dad's been to Oman for business reasons. He goes to quite a few countries for business reasons actually... guess I can't say anymore.
  7. Then go into profiles and set it to General or Outdoor or Silent or whatever. - Chris' Helpful Daily Hint #1
  8. K. Well this should be a useful campaign to rapidly boost our post count right up to 500,000 so we can get on the legendary www.big-boards.com I wonder if this will become the most posted in topic on TGTAP. It's got potential. I think I need a new iPod. Oh yeah and post counts don't increase in this forum, so it doesn't really matter if you need to double post to bump this topic or anything, or have useless posts. But keep them in here though, otherwise you will be b& And you'll receive beatings from the mods, the only way out of that is by giving sexual favours
  9. The ESRB's listing of Vice City Stories for the PS2 may just have been a huge blunder after all. Earlier today the Entertainment Software Rating Board removed the PlayStation 2 version of Vice City Stories from their website. The search we linked to yesterday now returns just 1 result - the PSP version of Vice City Stories. I can't think of any reason for the ESRB to remove a rating, unless of course that decision was made by TakeTwo or Rockstar, but in any case the game wasn't ever 100% confirmed. As of yet we still haven't seen an official press release from Take Two announcing the title for PS2, hopefully we will do soon, as you are no doubt just as confused as we are.
  10. Sorry this has been fixed now, made an error when I cleaned up the code yesterday.
  11. I've yet to pass my driving test so I can get my full licence and a car.
  12. Chris


    Thanks Jared but no coding needs to be done, just content really. Added today: GTA3 maps page is up but still needs to have hidden package, rampage and unique jump maps made from them. - http://www.thegtaplace.com/gta3/maps.php Vice City maps page is up but still needs to have hidden package, rampage and unique jump maps made from them. - http://www.thegtaplace.com/vicecity/maps.php
  13. Yeah and usually they're absolutely shit and it looks just like a 5 year old has been playing around in Paint or whatever. Factsheet is very useful though and deserves its pinnage. And the link to my recent article is useful too
  14. Well no wonder if you're running it in debug mode, of course nothings going to show up since it's designed so you can find problems. You need to run the actual SA-MP program not the debug mode. If the short cut to it is crashing your PC then you must have modded something in SA for it not to work or something. Or you have v2 of San Andreas, I'm not sure if SA-MP works with v2 does it?
  15. MTA does list servers yes, basically the same as SA-MP really.
  16. Yeah that's what I've pointed out in my post, it isn't 100% confirmed yet, but the thing is, for the ESRB to have that listed surely Rockstar must have submitted it? Oh well, I'm sure we'll hear from Rockstar soon once this news gets posted around the interweb.
  17. It's been all but confirmed by Rockstar themselves now, the question many people have been wondering about has finally been answered. Vice City Stories does indeed look like it's coming to the PS2 after all. Many people speculated that Rockstar would not bother porting the game to the PS2, seeing as we will see the release of Grand Theft Auto IV this October dwarfing all other GTA games, but a search on the official ESRB website for "Vice City Stories" now lists a PlayStation 2 version of the game too, with the same 'M' rating and descriptors as the PSP version. This means Rockstar must have submitted the game to them. See for yourselves on the ESRB Search page for "Vice City Stories". We'll hopefully have a press release from Take Two soon, confirming that this is correct. Stay tuned for more VCS and GTA4 updates. UPDATE: After reading some of the comments here I checked other countries rating sites and was unable to find any other mention of a PS2 version. The BBFC (UK) only has the trailers rated for the UK, PEGI (Europe) only has the PSP version, and while the OFLC (Australia) does have a PS2 version rated, it doesn't have a PSP version there, suggesting the listing is a slight mistake by the webmasters when it was submitted back in September. Thanks to Neil for the heads up.
  18. Chris


    Suppose I should get doing some more stuff now. The POTD gallery had over 32 pages and caused the page links to go on to 2 lines because it was so long. I've now rewritten the script and it is now sorted by year and month - http://www.thegtaplace.com/potd/gallery.php I am currently working on the same thing for the news archive. UPDATE: News archive is done as well - http://www.thegtaplace.com/news/archive.php
  19. Yeah I still have to write up the new proposal which is basically an amalgamation of the two which were discusses by the staff and elites. The warning and karma system will all be integrated though, it won't be seperate. The first link you posted (IPSBeyond) is much more like I envisioned it really. And I've been a member there since it opened btw. Jared summed up the rating feature of IPB2.2. Basically this is just your opinion of another member. It's got nothing to do with how the staff feel about your behaviour on the forums. I mean while many of IPB2.2's new features are incredibly useful to us, a number of them are a little gimmicky, rating is one of them. All it gives really is a general view on how much the member is liked. I will write up the new proposal later on and post it in the elite forum so we can discuss what would be best for the forum. We'll then try to reach an agreement before posting an announcement to everyone. UPDATE: Elite's and staff please now refer to this topic
  20. I heard about that bug. Not sure how long it's been like that... I'm not sure how to fix that at the moment though.
  21. A car tipping over? WTF? I heard about quite a few lorries overturning on motorways though. I only just realised through this topic how many UK'ers we have here. Unless I happen to look at your location in your profile I assume you are American, because as we all know, America is the only country in the world that has Internet and they own the world
  22. Since when was talking about the bad weather in the UK a reason for talking about politics. Go make a topic in serious chat if you want to voice your concerns. Some links: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6278483.stm - Best of your storm pictures - Disruption caused by the UK's strongest storm in 17 years is continuing to affect travel across the country. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6278139.stm - List of deaths that occurred yesterday We had pretty bad weather here but I haven't seen any fallen trees. A fence panel and some shitty thorny bush thingy that was growing all over it is now lying in our garden though.
  23. Never really knew the original reason. I think we banned him when he first joined and then after that he just went crazy, literally as well, actually did seem like he was... not mentally retarded... but mentally ill in some form.
  24. Didn't realise that got overwritten. It's back to normal now. I was editing the gang skin but it automatically re-caches all the other skins too, and it just so happens that the store skin hasn't been upgraded to 2.2 compatibility yet.
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