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Everything posted by Chris

  1. LOL. Do you think this is the real Neil Christie, or possibly an imposter?
  2. I just cleared out two pages of spam here. Everyone who posted flames towards the spammer is a fucking idiot I'm sorry to say. Only ONE person reported ANY of his posts. This is getting ridiculous now, and next time this happens EVERYONE involved will be getting warnings. Learn to follow the rules. Sorry for all the legitimate new members here, enjoy the site!
  3. Someone needs to find a link to download the 3.00 firmware, US and EU versions Post it here if you do.
  4. Yeah even most kids have bigger rooms than me, it's ridiculous, but hey my family is poor, thank God for TGTAP ads eh? Anyone got pics of their stuff?
  5. Short answer is no you can't. It's way too insecure for us to allow members to do that. Someone could easily post some javascript in the html that steals passwords etc. I as an admin can, but I restricted it so only the news forums can have it posted, like if I need to display some specific stuff on the site in a news post, that is it.
  6. Sorry for the massive topic title, I just need a few ideas from the community. For those of you who don't know I live in a very small house with my mum since my parents split up 3 years ago, and obviously have a stupidly small room, so it's hard to fit all my shit in. I was wondering if you guys could take pics of your setups of where your TV is, and where your consoles and games are kept near it. Obviously if you have a dedicated room for gaming/PC etc. you're lucky, but post those too just so I can see, if your stuff is in some other family room then probably not much point posting as it's not gonna be something I can mirror. For example here's my current setup, you see I've got a bookcase (actually full of DVD's) up against the corner of the wall, on top I have my games (SNES, PSP, PS1, PS2). To the right of that I have a chest of drawers, with my TV on top (I bought from Neil @ gtapsp.com), with my Freeview box (poor man's Sky/Cable TV) and vertically standing PS2 console. So... I'm gonna be buying an Xbox 360 soon, and of course games for that, where am I gonna put it? No idea. I mean to the right of that pic is my desk with all my PC shit in it, and on top of it is my SNES, rarely used nowadays, but I can't exactly put my 360 up there, it just won't be feasible. The other option is I get my games shelf sorted and have the 360 on top of the book case... hmm... anyway, show me your setups.
  7. Chris


    Umm... yes I do think everyone here knows this is just a gimmicky site... lol. Also not everyone here believes in God. This thing just goes by the average human lifespan for someone of that particular BMI, or at least that's what I can work out, seems kinda pointless, mine said Sunday, August 12, 2085.
  8. Any idea what version you were using? The 8.1 beta has been out for a while so if you're not using that, download it here - http://g.live.com/1rebeta/Mess80_EN I changed your topic title too, so people don't think this topic is 5 years old
  9. But we can do that in a separate topic, this one is over 10,000 posts old now
  10. There are too few choices in the poll IMO.
  11. Yeah it's not bad, I've got it on PS2. I also have NFSU and NFSU2 on the PS2, and will probably get Carbon when I get an Xbox 360. I don't like racing games on the PC really, even though they'd probably pwn with my awesome system but oh well. Meh I still have NFS3 Hot Pursuit and NFS4 on PS1 Those were the good old days of racing games.
  12. Thanks for the suggestion. Though I'd like to point out you're one of the most impatient people I've ever met. You submitted (and I think it was you but let me know if it wasn't) a picture of the day about 10 times today, presumably the same one with the same caption, and obviously it there was something wrong because the image never showed up, this is clearly just a random bug and doesn't mean you should keep on submitting hoping for the best, just try another time. Also you have submitted your mod 4 times now. I did respond to one of your 9 PM's that I had received so you already knew I had got your mod, no need to keep submitting. Ok I've finished complaining about you and will think about giving a timespan on the submittal form, thing is I never have the time to go and check through, download each one and make sure its not got shit inside, then there's the problem that half the people don't upload a damn screenshot so nobody has got any idea what the hell the mod looks like. So damn stressful.
  13. The arcade is so lame. In my opinion anyway. I'm genuinely surprised people are still playing games in it, maybe the younger ones find it fun still. You know when we upgrade the forums to 2.2 I doubt we'll even have the arcade mod. It's useless when you can just go to a dedicated games site, and the fact it doesn't even integrate with IBStore anymore is stupid because you guys don't even earn points for getting highscores. Not really a lot of fun is it. It's just a little novelty.
  14. Give credit to Karoi who obviously took all those pics judging by the watermark on them. BTW the map looks like it's been edited in paint. Once I've finished all the other maps I'll make a nicer looking one for these as well Also it says "contrived" not contrivved - that's not a word.
  15. If you're serious about gaming you really should build your own. Getting all the parts separately will save you a lot of money, though if you don't know how to you're forced to buy one. That graphics card in the specs you posted is crap and you're probably right about it only being able to medium settings, which sucks, as presumably you'll want to play all your games at max settings, no?
  16. Awesome guides FTW. This deserves some pinnage actually. I'm on 2.82 myself but never use homebrew stuff like cheatdevice so I don't mind so much, but yeah nice guide.
  17. Nice. Shame about the processor though seriously it's kinda slow today. Also how much MB memory does the gfx card have?
  18. LOL Chrisman, don't go around pretending to be tondi, he was a twat. That pic isn't of Chrisman, he is actually sexier than that
  19. For now this can stay in creativity as it's up to the members to portray their own ideas. If it gets loads more topics then we could debate whether a subforum would be a more viable option. Having said that it needs to be proven that it will remain popular, not just be popular for a month then nobody makes any more posts about it.
  20. Right I doubt anyone's going to give anymore sensible suggestions, so in addition to my first post listing, I chose these to add: Best Graphics Most Original Username Most Active Member Biggest Userbar Whore Ugliest Member (but give this a different name, such as worst appearance or biggest fashion disaster or something, we don't want to completely demoralise people) Most Likely To Be Lying About Their Age If there are any awards you'd seriously like to see then you'll have to PM me as I'm now closing this topic. Thank you everyone for your suggestions and good ideas.
  21. Yes they could do that if they wanted to and could afford to.
  22. Veterans may remember back in the olden days ( nearly 3 years ago), we had a forum called Trading Stalls. This forum was used by members who could then sell off their items to other members - useful as the store didn't always have everything in stock. Some members chose to give slightly discounted prices, others put them up a little bit when stuff went out of stock to make a little profit. It's up to you what you do, but please, before you do anything, read the old rules topic which is in that forum. Obviously it's been updated since 2004, with new rules, so make sure you read them all. The forum is with the rest of the gang forums since that's who it will be used by for the majority. If there's some confusion over what to do I may set up a sample store myself and sell off my stuff at discounted prices because I am awesome. But I'll see first those of you who decide to set up stores. Any questions can be asked here in this announcement.
  23. I didn't name anyone in particular. Just stop talking about it and you won't get into trouble. This topic is for suggesting categories for the forum awards.
  24. Wow, look at how many warnings we'll be dishing out to people once this topic is finished, probably at least 3 people will be getting one I should think, maybe more, who knows. Off-topic and spammy and flaming shittiness FTL. Keep on topic guys, no more shit posts, off topic posts, or flaming. Or I'll set the mods on you.
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