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Everything posted by Chris

  1. It's actually amazing how well (relatively speaking) Sony are doing if they really are making huge losses like that on every console sold.
  2. Chris


    Pink is a pretty awesome colour though, don't be complaining or Gerard will spank you. I'm serious too. Really. Look at my face ->
  3. Chris


    Oh they'll just love to have you over there! Have fun!
  4. Chris


    Wow that sucks. I'm glad I don't act like a dickhead on the forums, I'd be well upset if I had all those privileges taken away!
  5. Well yeah I guess it depends. YJ, Little Chestnut, GBA are all sadly relatively inactive now, and going back even further, so are kokane and Mrs. Vercetti... so yeah... it's just you now Bear!
  6. Chris


    It's one of Gerard's fun ideas. Basically for people who go around the forums being a massive dickhead, but don't need to be banned. Nothing to do with rep.
  7. It's still completely unnecessary.
  8. Why the hell would you WANT horizontal scroll? It's one of the most annoying things you can do for a web user. Avoid it at all costs. You must have a pretty decent reason to justify the use of it, and I'd like to hear it.
  9. We performed a minor upgrade on the forums last night to patch some bugs and improve some other things, none of which are particularly interesting to anyone. If any new bugs have appeared then do let us know. At the same time, I added a 100% width version of our forum skin. This is for the people that don't like browsing our fixed width site. We might improve the look of it soon but for now this should be satisfactory. You'll notice the font size is slightly reduced from the fixed width skin. This is intentional... we're just experimenting with different sizes at the moment. Do let us know if you want it to stay like that or would like it bigger/smaller and we'll see what the most popular opinion is. Remember you can easily change the skin by using the drop down box at the bottom left of the forums. And don't forget that nominations for the 2009 forum awards will be running soon. In other recent news we also now have an international forum, where you can speak in your own languages other than English. More information on these things can be found in this fabulous thread.
  10. Ok well if there are no objections or suggestions then it looks like we'll go ahead with nominations fairly soon. Perhaps this weekend or next. Nominations will run through the rest of December at least, with voting commencing soon after that.
  11. Most Missed Member is already there, learn to read Mr. Admin
  12. Yeah I had mine back within 2 weeks I think, back when they were trying to improve their turnaround times for being slow... all they do is replace the motherboard though. You'll find out exactly because they tell you what they did.
  13. On February 14th we were hacked and had no recent backups to restore.
  14. That's not you. But welcome to the forums anyway
  15. I don't think we need to specify which languages. We'll let the members post what they want and see what happens from there.
  16. Happy Birthday to The GTA Place! It's hard to believe it was 7 years ago today I created this website. Our website history has had a small part added to bring it up to date with the most recent major change. If you don't know much about us, it might be interesting to you, or bore you to death! Now we don't really have any big announcements for you this year, but that doesn't mean we're not looking to update or change things around here. We're currently talking about adding non-English subforums - good news for our foreign visitors (there are a lot of you). It's something we'd like to trial, and depending on its success this may spread to other parts of the website, the downloads database is extremely popular so that is one likely area we may make multi-lingual. If you're not already a member of our forums, why not take a moment to register? It's completely free and will give you many benefits such as being able to being able to post and reply to topics, interact with like-minded fans, and (soon) chat with other fans in your own language! On a sidenote, feel free to use our suggestion forum if there is something you'd like to see on TGTAP, be it a small change to something, or a big new feature, we're all ears. Enjoy the delicious cake!
  17. We can but that only applies to default text stuff. i.e. "New Topic" "Post Reply" and things like that are only what's translated. There's no way to make it translate actual topics and posts. Ha. Yeah I was using FireShot extension to capture and crop part of the webpage. It fails at rendering flash graphics for proper capture and cuts off the end of text. You can also see this with "United Kingdon" Yes this is a great idea, but at the moment we have nowhere near enough members to warrant a whole sub-forum for each language. This is why I suggested, to start off with, simply have one forum for non-English topics. Any languages that we find are getting used a lot, only THEN will we create a dedicated sub-forum for them. Yeah. I suppose we could add an extra profile field for "Languages Spoken" - and make it so members CANNOT edit this themselves (this stops idiots adding loads of languages that they only know a couple of words in), instead, staff can edit it and only include languages we know they actually speak fluently. Yeah I was thinking we I could put a page up on the main website explaining what we're doing. We'll have our members translate the page into their own language and include that too. Yes I can just use Google Translate, but I'd rather not rely on that because in some cases it's not going to get the message across accurately, and they'll either be confused or it simply won't make sense to them. I'll put a link on the homepage to this page in the social network box we currently have to draw foreign users' attention to it. I think probably a lot of foreign members don't bother signing up here because they don't want to speak English all the time, either because they can't speak it well enough or would simply prefer talking to users in their own language.
  18. Well here are the top 25 countries based on visitors from the last 30 days:
  19. Actually Thomas, the multi-lingual idea may not be such a pointless thing now. I'm half surprised bigger forums like GTAF don't do it already since they obviously have a much larger membership than us. It's something I'd be happy trialling to see how it goes. Obviously we're no way near big enough to warrant a forum for each language our users would want, but a single "Non-English" forum I think would suffice. With perhaps a "general chat" thread and an all encompassing "GTA help/chat" thread per language, or maybe no limits would be better. Any language growing disproportionately would perhaps get it's own sub-forum should we deem it necessary. Ironically I think we would see less common languages getting used more. French, German, Dutch speakers etc. tend to only visit GTA sites in their own languages. Here we have a lot of Romanians, why? Because there are no large Romanian sites for them to visit. Same with Filipinos and Indians and a number of other countries. One main rule would be to have an English translation of the topic title as the topic description. And the use of a tag to specify the language to aid with using online translators for anyone interested. e.g. "[FR] Je suis drole" would tell us the topic was in French. Anyone else got any thoughts on this overall idea? Something we should trial, or is it unnecessary?
  20. Preparation for some weird sex act. I think.
  21. I never camp. Ever. I think it's why I die so much haha. Seriously I'm always running around looking for someone to kill. Sure I'll stay in a certain area for a while for example if I'm defending a point in domination, or defending the bomb site in demolition. Otherwise I'm running around somewhere.
  22. I pretty much only use assault rifles in MW2.
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