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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Sure, I'm not really on it much though, but feel free to add me anyway.

  2. Have another computer available? Remote desktop to it and take a screenshot from that. ¯\(°_o)/¯
  3. They should stick to Nissans or whatever it was they used to tune all the time.
  4. Fun fact: In Japan it is common to discuss blood types. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_types_in_Japanese_culture
  5. Not really. They get worse every year. I went a few years ago for them and wasn't that impressed. The first few years they did them they were awesome though.
  6. Indeed it did. Happy new year everyone. Here's to a great 2010 for TGTAP members
  7. Impossible to choose. Just looking at all the films I've rated 10 that are from this decade. Here's a list: 300 A Beautiful Mind Batman Begins The Dark Knight Black Hawk Down District 9 Pan's Labryinth Gladiator Gran Torino Memento Oldboy Shaun of the Dead Sin City The Assassination of Jesse James The Bourne Identity (and Supremacy and Ultimatum) The Departed The Prestige V for Vendetta
  8. God damn you kids make me feel so old, and I'm only 21 :/ Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) back in 1992, only had Super Mario Bros 1, 2 and 3 and rarely played it (I was only 4 years old lol). Wasn't until I got given a SNES a few years later that I actually got into gaming.
  9. All 69 stars in Spec Ops. Me and a mate did them all on veteran. Good times
  10. LOL Matt you laggy little shit. You blatantly only won that since no one could kill you because you were lagging. Everyone else has a mint connection in that screenshot
  11. So is Rappo typing in Armenian, and you in Macedonian... and you know what each other is saying? Are all the languages with cyrillic alphabets really similar or.... what's going on here?
  12. I would but that would literally take me decades. Might shave this off on New Years Day.
  13. What's this ring of lights you're referring to? The PS3 has no ring of lights. There's just the power light and the activity light AFAIR. If the activity light gets stuck on yellow that's when you're fucked, and you need to send it off to Sony to get it fixed, hopefully it's still under warranty.
  14. Dunno. Just all manly and shit?
  15. By request, a pic of me with my beard. Anyone else not bothered to shave over Christmas? I started growing that from like the 4th or something... that's nearly 4 weeks growth... quite shameful tbh, should be way more epic and majestic than that
  16. Here I am, by popular demand! I took one earlier tonight sat in the lounge because I didn't have one of myself with a beard... and people wanted to see it. I hope this turned out to be worth it
  17. I have a custom MSN, so no. I don't use the email facilities for any IM I use (MSN, YIM, AIM) actually. Gmail for my main email, plus POP3 accounts for various domains such as TGTAP and my web design business. I didn't answer the poll because you asked two questions in the question... What part am I answering no to?
  18. Hope everyone's had a good Christmas. While we're getting a lot more traffic than usual I thought I'd take this opportunity to ask a you all a few questions. I'm currently debating whether or not to develop a mobile/lite/portable version of The GTA Place. However, I don't know if it's worth it or not. To find out if it is or not, I'd appreciate it if all of you could take a minute or so to answer the poll attached to this topic. Please answer honestly, it's no help to us if you vote dishonestly. Even if you don't give a shit about a mobile version of this website, please vote that way so we are aware of your opinion. If you have any additional comments to make you may post them here. Thanks!
  19. ChrisJP88 but I won't be online for another few days.
  20. Strange no one thought to make this topic... Oh well, hope everyone had a good day. I managed to get sick last night and was sick this morning too, meant I couldn't really eat anything for Christmas dinner which sucked Hope you guys had a better day than me.
  21. Strange, seems to work for the UK, US and most western European countries... seems it's only available in these regions.
  22. LOL @ shitty parents. What a fucking moron wasting police time. Learn to discipline your kids like a good parent.
  23. Oh yeah everyone get an Oyster card so we can use the tube easily etc.
  24. Obviously, as soon as we knew a female would be there that was it... we started seriously organising this shit. We know what's gonna happen. She knows what's gonna happen. It's all good. In all seriousness I dunno. Someone suggest something they'd like to do... we'll do it. I mean I doubt we'll actually be drinking and just bumming around for the entire day... I could do that here if I wanted
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