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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Nice idea but I'm not sure a newsletter is something that would bring more returning traffic to the forums. This is a videogame with a ton of fansites out there, and not enough major news stories break each month to warrant a need for a newsletter. Most people who are interested in keeping up to date will simply subscribe to RSS feeds. Which is why you don't see other sites doing it. If you actually find people to help out with it then fair enough, good luck.
  2. Anyone else here play Left 4 Dead 2 (PC version) and fancy doing some co-op campaigns some time? I'm currently busying myself with Killzone 2 but once I'm done with it I'll be back to PC gaming on MW2 and L4D2 so it would be cool to get some games going. My Steam ID is chrisjp88 if you wanna add me.
  3. Someone mentioned a problem like this last month. Is it only happening on Chrome? I've really no idea why things like this only happen to certain people :/
  4. I'm taking a long break from MW2 and have gone back to my PS3 for gaming at the moment, Killzone 2 to be specific. @steveplayer: try chopper gunner instead of pavelow, you'll probably find it easier to get a 25 killstreak with that I prestiged, yeah you lose your weapons and challenges, but that's part of what I enjoy in the game, completeing all the challenges gives me some sense of achievement. You KEEP your main stats, i.e. your kills, deaths, ratio, time played etc. that all stays, you don't lose it. I'm only doing it this once though, no point doing it 10 times.
  5. Rockstar have released the second array of cheats for the Apple versions of Chinatown Wars, see the previous news post for details on how to enter these in game (using the mission replay board). Source: Rockstar Newswire
  6. Yeah that seems to be such a popular opinion now that I will be very surprised if Labour manage to stay in. Is there seriously no one here who supports UKIP? While I don't personally agree with their policies, they're a lot more understandable than the BNP's, so I can see why people feel they should vote for them. It would be nice if we could have a good debate here, at the moment we're all agreeing on the same thing.
  7. Do you like Dead by Sunrise? I thought it was a pretty lame album they put out, compared to all the Linkin Park stuff anyway. Seemed like a massive waste of time, I would rather Chester have concentrated on a new LP album, because the last one wasn't particularly great.
  8. Yeah my last.fm is more reliable because my iTunes most played songs are ones I listened to shitloads over the last year, but I now hardly listen to. http://www.last.fm/user/ChrisJP Pretty random, mixture of rock/gothic/electronic/dubstep
  9. Probably the Tories, but to be honest it's only because it will be a change. I'm not actively taking an interest at the moment, perhaps I will nearer the time. Either way it seems like it's, as usual, between Labour and the Conservatives again - voting for anyone else won't do much good, yes it will help them, but you know it won't give you your Prime Minister. In the area where I live Labour aren't actually that popular and in the past it's always been roughly a 50/50 split between the Tories and Lib Dems, so I'll probably end up voting for one of them. I may vote for one of the really small parties though if I consider everyone else's policies to be shit. All I can say is fuck the BNP, and also UKIP to some degree, that latter opinion of mine get me some criticism here but oh well. Anyone here actually considering voting for UKIP just out of interest? Seems like they're gaining some ground, I know people who will be voting for them.
  10. Rockstar have released the first part in what they promise will be a series of cheat reveals for the iPhone / iPod touch version of Chinatown Wars. The cheats revealed today are all for weapons. Source: Rockstar Newswire
  11. Rockstar have released the official debut trailer for GTA Chinatown Wars on the iPhone / iPod touch. Check it out below. <embed src='http://media.rockstargames.com/products/rockstar/media player/RockstarMediaPlayer.swf?skin=chinatownwars/EN/embed&vidID=3461&cacheAG=true&legacy=no' quality='high' bgcolor='#000000' menu='false' width='480' height='300' name='RockstarMediaPlayer' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='always' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />
  12. Here are some amazing pictures six days on, from The Boston Globe. When I say amazing, I don't mean in a good way, some of them a pretty horrific, others just heartbreaking. But you won't see this shit on news channels or big corporate websites. http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/01/haiti_six_days_later.html
  13. Tabs open won't affect it. It's just as Gerard said - TGTAP's server has been slightly problematic the last week or so, but downtime has been so minimal most people never notice it.
  14. Well yeah if what you're saying is true. You're only allowed breaks to piss/shit though. I presume you eat while playing etc. BTW, why the hell were you staying inside playing videogames when on holiday in a nice hot country?
  15. Rockstar will be hosting yet another Ballad of Gay Tony multiplayer session this Thursday, 21st January from 4:00 to 7:00 PM EST (9:00 - 12:00 GMT). Full details of the event can of course be found on the Rockstar Newswire posting, and once again the event will be streamed live on the Social Club so those of you who can't join in the fun will be able to watch it all unfold. A recap plus screenshots of the last event can be found here.
  16. Seriously? I thought they look awesome for an iPhone game, they look pretty identical to the DS and PSP versions.
  17. No I mean the whole idea of this particular game... as in... the really short missions, things like that.
  18. GTA Chinatown Wars was originally announced for the iPhone and iPod Touch back in August 2009, and since then, there have been absolutely no reviews, screenshots, hype, or any sign of progress from Rockstar Games. Some thought it might have been cancelled, or at the very least delayed. While there is still no official announcement from Rockstar, it was released just over an hour ago at midnight tonight (GMT) and is now available to download from the iTunes Store, the 188MB download costing £5.99. Psy over at iGTA appears to be one of the first to get the game, and you can check out some random screenshots he's taken on iGrandTheftAuto. Link: GTACW on the iTunes Store UPDATE: The game is now available in the US store priced at $9.99.
  19. Yeah in general it's not a problem to anyone, same as youths wearing hoodies isn't. It's just in the event of a crime it makes it incredibly difficult to identify them (you don't see hair colour, distinctive facial features or scarring etc.). It's against the law (or something) to wear your hood up in a store for this reason, yet it's not against the law to wear a Burka, despite it covering even more than a hood does. It's basically allowed most places because politicians have no balls and are afraid to do anything that could be construed as "against Muslims" and thus be branded as racist and become the target of abuse and such. But what in fact results is double standards... so you get an increased amount of people showing disrespect for Muslims because they're able to get away with all this shit and they aren't even in their own country. It's lots of little things like this that make small questionable parties such as the BNP grow because more people side with them when stuff like this is topical.
  20. Yes definitely. For the reasons outlined by people in this topic already. Double standards fucking suck so either none of us can cover our faces or all of us can. No one cares what religion you practice, it's irrelevant. And you know what, if it really means that much to them, why live in another country? Why not choose a Muslim country in the first place where you can get away with these sorts of shenanigans.
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